Quote Originally Posted by Jetsetlemming View Post
Yes but there was a news post on the frontpage of monkeypro.net.

Quote Originally Posted by Jase View Post
*knocks on door*
Me:Hello is richard home?
some person that get the door: "i'll just go get him, RICHARD SOMEONE AT THE DOOR"
*Nerd boy walks to the door with a Zelda hat on*
Me: Hello, you may not know me, but i am a forum member from EP, i was just here to ask about your Zelda game.
Richie Richie wanna be: Oh yes how can i help you
Me: im suck on this level, if you could just come take a closer look at my PSP
*grabs nerd boy in a head lock*
Me: thats for that prank
Me: Thats for Broly not being a real person
Me: Thats for DCK's fat GF
Me: thats for Sprung being old
Me: Thats for some swedish dude that liek Metal gear WAY to much.
Me: thats for global warming.
Me: Thats for my drug habbit i had to give up becuase im picking up a really cute girl MOTHER FUCKER!!!!
*throws in a few kicks and slowly walks off.*
Do it! You know you want to!

Oh and I don't like Metal Gear way too much...