What GPU chip is best and why?

GeForce4 Ti 4200 w/ AGP 8X
Vertices per Second: 113 Million
Fill Rate: 4 Billion AA Samples/Sec.
Operations per Second: 1.03 Trillion
Memory Bandwidth: 8GB/Sec.
Maximum Memory: 128MB

Feature Details

nfiniteFX II Engine
The NVIDIA nfiniteFX II Engine incorporates dual programmable Vertex Shaders, faster Pixel Shaders and 3D textures. The nfiniteFX II Engine gives developers the freedom to program a virtually infinite number of custom special effects to create true-to-life characters and environments.

Accuview Antialiasing (AA)
The Accuview Antialiasing subsystem with advanced multisampling hardware delivers full-scene antialiased quality at performance levels never before seen.

nView Display Technology
The nView hardware and software technology combination delivers maximum flexibility for multi-display options, and provides unprecedented end-user control of the desktop experience. nView allows end-users to select any combination of multiple displays, including digital flat panels, analog CRTs, and TVs, and to modify the display properties using an intuitive software interface.


GeForce FX 5600 Ultra
Graphics Core: 256-bit
Memory Bandwidth: 12.8GB/sec.
Fill Rate: 1.6 billion texels/sec.
Vertices per Second: 100 million
Maximum Memory: 256MB

Feature Details

CineFX Engine
Powers cinematic effects beyond imagination. With advanced vertex and pixel shader capabilities, stunning and complex special effects are possible. In addition, increased horsepower delivers faster and smoother gameplay.

High-Precision Graphics
By combining the incredible dynamic range of today's state-of-the-art 3D motion pictures with 128-bit studio-precision color, the GeForce FX GPUs bring you the industry's best image quality for the most demanding applications.

Intellisample Technology
The industry's fastest and highest quality antialiasing delivers ultra-realistic visuals, with no jagged edges, at lightning-fast speeds.

Note there isn't a huge price difference on these and I find the stats of each a lil confusing when trying to figure out what is best out of them

Or if anyone knows of a chart to compare the 2 in performance that would be great