Quote Originally Posted by Harmony View Post
Yay, thank you both. Actually, I totally forgot about Golden Sun. Wanted to play that back when it was first released... And Fire Emblem. I've never really played any of that series. Actually, that's something I still need to take a look at SNES-wise too.

There's Tactics Ogre for the GBA, though? :O Never even realised. ^.^ Similar / different to the PSX one? Matsuno directed?
You do. There's only one SNES game that's somewhat properly translated though..

Yeah, and it's excellent. Hmm, I haven't played the SNES game in ages, and only in Japanese (I finally got around downloading the PSX game last week, I've had it for years, but that disc won't work properly) so I don't really remember that much about it. I'd say it's pretty similar, with a few nice additions (that's actually an assumption seeing as I don't really know how the class system worked in the old game.. because I don't know Japanese). Oh, and I have no idea who directed it.. =/ Still, brilliant game with plenty of story-determing choices and branches.