Modern humans date back 300,000 years, Caucasians date back 10,000 years to the Neolithic Age and Caucasians predominated in Europe 5000 years ago during the Bronze Age, I'm of Basque ancestry with Rh negative blood, monkey blood does not course through my veins and I find humans evolving from what I did not amusing. The Basque language has no roots in any other human language either unlike other languages that borrow in some way from other languages. My theory is that Basques are from a parallel Earth where Rhesus monkeys don't exist and some were trapped here by an unknown interdimensional phenomenon. To me Basques are exempt from the out of Africa theory so it's all very amusing to me when race is something people concern themselves with, I might not belong to the human race.

"And that's all I have to say about that." ~ Forrest Gump