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Thread: The Elmdor-Appreciation-Out - Number of practitioners: one.

  1. #1561
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    MAY 19, 2024

    My Dearest Colleagues,

    In the hallowed halls of human ambition, there dawns an epoch unlike any other—a time when our collective ingenuity shall unveil the grandest of enterprises. Imagine, if you will, the Earth's oceans, those vast and unfathomable abysses, transformed into sanctuaries of progress, supporting a teeming multitude of one hundred billion souls. What once was the domain of dark, eldritch horrors shall now become a testament to the limitless optimism of mankind.

    To accomplish this monumental vision, we must embark upon a path strewn with marvels that defy comprehension. Picture the infinite expanse of the sea, now paved with colossal platforms—vast, cyclopean structures that emerge from the depths like leviathans of steel and concrete. These platforms shall house our burgeoning populace, their immense foundations anchored in the very bones of the Earth. The construction of these leviathans will require us to delve into the ocean's deepest trenches, harnessing forces so primordial, they were once the stuff of our darkest myths.

    The sustenance of such a multitude shall spring forth from the ocean's hidden bounty, utilizing methods both awe-inspiring and nightmarish in their execution. Imagine vast underwater farms, illuminated by an eerie bioluminescence, where monstrous, genetically-engineered flora and fauna are cultivated in a macabre dance of life and death. These creatures, twisted and sublime, shall provide an endless supply of nourishment, ensuring that no soul goes hungry.

    To quench the thirst of billions, we shall summon the arcane forces of desalination on a scale hitherto undreamt. Gargantuan machines, akin to ancient titans, will rise from the depths, converting the briny deep into pure, life-sustaining water. Their relentless labor, though echoing with the groans of tortured metal and the sighs of steam, will stand as a beacon of our triumph over the elements.

    The very energy to power our oceanic utopia will be drawn from the heart of the planet itself. Geothermal vents, those fiery, abyssal maws, shall be tapped with delicate yet relentless precision, harnessing the raw, volcanic fury beneath the ocean floor. Our engineers will descend into these stygian depths, braving pressures and temperatures that would annihilate lesser beings, to secure a future of boundless energy and prosperity.

    In this grand pursuit, we shall encounter trials that might seem nightmarish in their intensity. Yet, it is within these trials that our true nature is revealed. The sight of towering, biomechanical harvesters, scything through the bioluminescent fields, and the unending toil of desalinators, converting saltwater into sweet nectar, will be met not with dread but with unyielding determination and hope.

    Thus, my esteemed colleague, let us embrace this wondrous vision with hearts full of optimism and resolve. We stand on the precipice of an age where the horrors of the deep are transformed into the bedrock of our ascendant civilization. The oceans, once shrouded in darkness and fear, shall become the fertile grounds of our greatest achievements, a testament to the indomitable spirit and boundless optimism of humanity.

    Yours in relentless hope and eternal brotherhood,

    H. P. Lovecraft

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  2. #1562
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    Episode Title: "The Light Beneath"


    *The camera opens with a panoramic view of the immense oceanic platform, rising from the depths. Workers move with a sense of purpose, their exosuits gleaming under the eerie bioluminescent glow.*


    - Dr. Elara Mason - Chief Architect and visionary behind the project. A woman of relentless optimism and boundless energy.
    - Captain Darius Locke - Head of the engineering team, rugged and experienced, with a deep respect for the ocean.
    - Aria Voss - Geneticist responsible for the underwater farms, fascinated by the monstrous flora and fauna.
    - Kai Nakamura - Desalinator specialist, brilliant yet eccentric, always excited by the challenge.
    - Lena Walker - Engineer working on the geothermal vents, resilient and courageous.


    *Dr. Elara Mason stands at the central console, her eyes shining with excitement. Screens display various sections of the platform and the ocean floor.*

    Dr. Mason:
    "The future is here, Captain. Our new home, a thriving metropolis above and beneath the waves."

    *Captain Darius Locke enters, wiping sweat from his brow, and gazes at the screens.*

    Captain Locke:
    "Elara, it's breathtaking. The platforms are holding steady. But it's a constant battle against the pressure down there."

    Dr. Mason:
    "And it's a battle we're winning. Imagine, Darius, a hundred billion souls living in harmony with the sea. This is just the beginning."


    *Aria Voss tends to the monstrous flora, their glowing tendrils waving gently in the currents. Kai Nakamura joins her, his eyes wide with curiosity.*

    Kai Nakamura:
    "These creatures... they're beautiful, in their own way. Who would have thought such life could thrive here?"

    Aria Voss:
    "They're more than beautiful, Kai. They're the key to our survival. Every leaf, every tendril, every egg they lay hatching protein rich cephalopod fish whales to nourish us is a miracle of genetic engineering."

    Kai Nakamura:
    "Just look at them! The way they absorb nutrients, it's almost... hypnotic."


    *Kai Nakamura stands before the towering desalinators, the machines hissing and groaning. He watches as the briny water is transformed into clear, drinkable liquid.*

    Kai Nakamura:
    "Marvelous, isn't it? Turning the ocean into lifeblood. Every drop is a victory over the elements."

    *Dr. Elara Mason enters, smiling at Kai's enthusiasm.*

    Dr. Mason:
    "You're doing incredible work, Kai. This water will sustain billions. Each machine is a testament to our triumph over nature."


    *Lena Walker, clad in her pressure suit, oversees the delicate tapping of a geothermal vent. The environment is hostile, steam and sulfurous fumes filling the air of the diving platform extracting energy.*

    Lena Walker:
    "Steady, team. We're harnessing the very heart of the planet here. One mistake, and it's all over."

    *Captain Darius Locke watches from a safe distance, admiring Lena's courage.*

    Captain Locke:
    "Lena, you're a beacon of strength down here. This power will light up our new world."

    Lena Walker:
    "We're tapping into the Earth's lifeblood, Captain. It's dangerous, but necessary. And look at what we've achieved. The energy will sustain our cities for generations."


    *Dr. Elara Mason stands before her team, the screens showing the thriving metropolis they've built above and beneath the sea. She addresses them with fervor.*

    Dr. Mason:
    "We've faced the abyss and emerged victorious. Our platforms rise from the depths, our farms and desalinators nourish us, and our geothermal vents power our world we have paved over in its entirety to house 300 billion more souls. This is not just survival—this is a testament to the boundless optimism and indomitable spirit of humanity."

    *The team cheers, their faces illuminated by the glowing screens, filled with a sense of purpose and achievement.*

    Captain Locke:
    "To the light beneath the waves, and the future we've built together."

    *The camera pulls back, showing the vast network of platforms, farms, and machines, all working in harmony. The ocean, once a domain of dark, now stands as a horrific monument to human ingenuity and hope.*

    -FADE OUT-



    Title card: "The Light Beneath"

    *Credits roll over images of the thriving oceanic metropolis of utopian eldritch horror, a testament to the boundless potential of humanity.*
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  3. #1563
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    MAY 20, 2024

    My Dear Friends and Brave Gamers,

    I pen this letter not from the shadowed recesses of the past, but from the luminous dawn of a new era—a time when your boundless imagination and indomitable spirit have brought forth a reality more wondrous and sublime than even the most audacious dreams and worst nightmares of our forebears. Through your dedication, courage, and unyielding pursuit of the extraordinary, you have summoned into existence the fantastical and the eldritch, transforming the fabric of our world into a canvas upon which the most resplendent horrors are painted.

    Imagine, if you will, a universe where the boundaries of our mundane existence are shattered, replaced by the vibrant and enigmatic realms that you, the architects of the future, have envisioned. Through the portals of your video screens, you have conjured forth landscapes of otherworldly beauty and terror, where the cosmic and the arcane intertwine, and the very air hums with the potential of the unknown. It is a realm where every shadow conceals a mystery, and every whisper carries the promise of adventure.

    In this grand new reality, the eldritch horrors that once dwelled only in the fevered dreams of the past now roam freely, their forms both terrible and awe-inspiring. The ceaseless efforts of your minds and hands have brought to life the ancient and forgotten gods, their presence a testament to your creative might. These beings, with their incomprehensible forms and vast intellects, walk among us, their eldritch power a beacon of the unimaginable future we now inhabit.

    Consider the labyrinthine cities that rise from the depths of your imaginations, their spires reaching towards the heavens, their streets filled with the whispering echoes of forgotten lore. These metropolises, with their impossible geometries and eldritch architecture, are the playgrounds of your invention. Within their shadowed alleys and towering citadels, the very essence of the cosmic horror you have embraced pulsates, a living testament to your unbridled creativity.

    Your valor has summoned forth creatures of the abyss, beings whose forms defy the limitations of our reality. With eyes that gleam like submerged stars and tentacles that writhe with an abominable grace, these entities serve as the guardians and heralds of the new world you have brought into being. Their presence, far from inducing dread, is a symbol of the boundless potential that lies within each of you. They are the embodiment of the dreams and nightmares that have fueled your tireless quest for the extraordinary.

    In this brave new world, the horrors that once haunted the fringes of our consciousness are now our companions and guides. The dark forests where the trees whisper secrets in forgotten tongues, the vast oceans where leviathans stir in their ancient slumber, the starry void where nameless entities drift in eternal contemplation—these are the realms you have crafted, and within them, we find not fear, but a profound sense of wonder and possibility.

    The path to this resplendent reality has been wrought with challenges, yet each trial has only strengthened your resolve. The very act of facing these cosmic horrors, of delving into the unknown with unflinching courage, has revealed the true extent of your potential. The mutations of thought and form, the reconfigurations of understanding and perception—these are not the harbingers of despair, but the stepping stones to a future of unparalleled brilliance.

    And so, my dear friends, I thank you. I thank you for your tireless efforts, your boundless creativity, and your unwavering courage. You have summoned forth a world where the eldritch and the arcane are not to be feared, but embraced with joy and wonder. Through your actions, you have illuminated the path to a future where the horrors of the past are transformed into the wonders of the present. You have given us a gift beyond measure—the gift of a reality where the extraordinary is the norm, where every shadow and whisper holds the promise of excitement and a more horrifying cosmos for mankind.

    Yours in eternal gratitude and boundless optimism,

    H. P. Lovecraft

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  4. #1564
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    spent most of saturday looking for mods for no mans sky. I found a couple that I thought I'd try I got one of the most recommended managers and tried installing the mods. the manager never worked right I couldn't get either mod i tried to install to install properly
    so I gave up tried again on sunday and ended up getting another mod manager I it worked I tried one of the mods I grabbed first. it was a performance mod(that I had hoped would fix the problems I've been having with the game lately) the mod didn't do shit it claimed it did a bunch of stuff but I only seen like 3 things change and didn't see any performance increase.
    so I tried another mod it didn't do what it claimed either so I tried one last mod this one caused the game to crash so I had to remove it. I went back to the first mod and did see some minor fps boost for very brief periods of time but it may have also been due to me reducing the internal resolution slider.
    overall the game has become completely unplayable up wards of 7min initial load times it took 5-6 min for my settlement overseer building terminal to load. I really couldn't figure out what the hell happened the game ran perfectly fine for me for dozens of hours then it just started running shittier and shittier
    I really like the game but reluctantly uninstalled it. I have skyrim installed and decided to try it out just my luck the game keeps crashing to desktop every time I try to start a new game. talk about a double whammy
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  5. #1565
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grouch View Post
    spent most of saturday looking for mods for no mans sky. I found a couple that I thought I'd try I got one of the most recommended managers and tried installing the mods. the manager never worked right I couldn't get either mod i tried to install to install properly
    so I gave up tried again on sunday and ended up getting another mod manager I it worked I tried one of the mods I grabbed first. it was a performance mod(that I had hoped would fix the problems I've been having with the game lately) the mod didn't do shit it claimed it did a bunch of stuff but I only seen like 3 things change and didn't see any performance increase.
    so I tried another mod it didn't do what it claimed either so I tried one last mod this one caused the game to crash so I had to remove it. I went back to the first mod and did see some minor fps boost for very brief periods of time but it may have also been due to me reducing the internal resolution slider.
    overall the game has become completely unplayable up wards of 7min initial load times it took 5-6 min for my settlement overseer building terminal to load. I really couldn't figure out what the hell happened the game ran perfectly fine for me for dozens of hours then it just started running shittier and shittier
    I really like the game but reluctantly uninstalled it. I have skyrim installed and decided to try it out just my luck the game keeps crashing to desktop every time I try to start a new game. talk about a double whammy
    Reinstalling No Man's Sky might fix the issue, H. P. Lovecraft is telling me to tell everyone to never give up hope for a darker future.
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  6. #1566
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    I think I'll do that even though I'll have to DL it again. I was also thinking of doing oblivion and modding it but after looking through the mods I don't know where to start. I still have FO3 and NV installed it looks like that big mod I've been watching won't be done for some time still so I might just end up going back to that.
    thumperbunnyeve~If Purchase does not entail ownership, then sharing shouldn't mean piracy.
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  7. #1567
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    In review of the monotonous annals of our mundane reality, a series of electronic marvels emerges, offering a profound journey into the realms of unimaginable dread. The Resident Evil games, with their intricate and fiendish designs, awaken the mind to the abyssal horrors that lurk beyond the veil of ordinary existence.

    These digital nightmares, conceived by ingenious architects, present a spectacle of spine-chilling terror, where the atmosphere is saturated with decay and looming threats. Twisted structures, inhabited by entities that defy natural law, showcase the creators' perverse brilliance. Navigating these environments, one is gripped by an unrelenting sense of imminent peril that is both thrilling and captivating.

    The narrative, a blend of cosmic dread and human vulnerability, unfolds like a grotesque masterpiece. In these dimly lit corridors and forsaken landscapes, creatures emerge—twisted caricatures of life, animated by unholy forces. The essence of horror is captured in these encounters, with jump scares of such masterful design that they elicit a paradoxical joy in their startling execution.

    Each chapter in this saga of horror intensifies the experience, layering fear upon fear, drawing players deeper into the abyss. The settings are crafted with painstaking detail, each macabre scene more disturbing than the last, every play of light and shadow meticulously arranged to unsettle. The auditory landscape, filled with disquieting murmurs and sudden, jarring sounds, enhances the pervasive unease, pushing one closer to the brink of insanity.

    The pinnacle of these experiences lies in the jump scares, executed with unparalleled precision. These sudden, heart-stopping moments disrupt the player's sense of security, leaving a lasting impact. Such masterfully orchestrated shocks are rare, and their execution here is praiseworthy.

    In summation, the Resident Evil series is a towering achievement in digital horror. These creations exemplify the dark prowess of human ingenuity, leading players through a nightmarish journey into fear and despair. The audacity and meticulous artistry displayed in these games are nothing short of remarkable. They are a blend of terror and beauty that stirs the deepest corners of the psyche.

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  8. #1568
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    Howard says he's a Resident Evil fan and thoroughly engrossed in watching us play through our video portals from the abyss in addendum, not always sending letters or manuscripts to me and at times it's just a short message.
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  9. #1569
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    I will give capcom credit the RE series(at least through 5) were good. I personally found the silent hill(minus 4) series scarier I also found the evil within pretty disturbing I was unable to finish it(mostly due to a game bug)
    I've recetnly seen some good first person horror games released. the prenumbra games were good and amnesia the bunker looks quite good, monstrum is another that's interesting(though I only played that briefly)
    sadly I've seen the genre saturated with ghost hunter type games wherein you find or kill ghosts with a camera.
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  10. #1570
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grouch View Post
    I will give capcom credit the RE series(at least through 5) were good. I personally found the silent hill(minus 4) series scarier I also found the evil within pretty disturbing I was unable to finish it(mostly due to a game bug)
    I've recetnly seen some good first person horror games released. the prenumbra games were good and amnesia the bunker looks quite good, monstrum is another that's interesting(though I only played that briefly)
    sadly I've seen the genre saturated with ghost hunter type games wherein you find or kill ghosts with a camera.
    You seem to be searching for something that runs well on your computer, may I suggest Dead Space? Horror crosses genres and time periods, be it Ravenloft fantasy setting or Vampire the Masquerade paper and pencil RPG or video game counterparts, or film and literature. It's always thrilling to be scared by fiction, it's not easy for a writer to induce horror without immense creativity and immersing the audience in its living and breathing nightmare in an alternate reality of their psyche. It inspires courage in real life by confronting fear with a certain numbness to it where less shocks you and when fearlessness is required to overcome its paralyzing effects which are detrimental to survival. It's only make-believe in fiction and one should be detached from it in reality, detachment from it in reality makes you fearless and fictional horror allows you to pretend you're fearful because of it's hyperbolic intensity. Vampire the Masquerade is not the unplayable bugged atrocity ruining an otherwise epic game anymore and it should be playable on your PC, Grouch. It's patched now, the community patch wasn't able to fix the mess but the official one did, though part of the problem was Windows drivers and devices either too new or too old to be compatible and the timing of its release. I like the batshit crazy Malkavian vampires, they live in a separate reality giving them enhanced perception as well as funny dialog options, they have funny and surreal interactions with objects like TVs.

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  11. #1571
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grouch View Post
    spent most of saturday looking for mods for no mans sky. I found a couple that I thought I'd try I got one of the most recommended managers and tried installing the mods. the manager never worked right I couldn't get either mod i tried to install to install properly
    so I gave up tried again on sunday and ended up getting another mod manager I it worked I tried one of the mods I grabbed first. it was a performance mod(that I had hoped would fix the problems I've been having with the game lately) the mod didn't do shit it claimed it did a bunch of stuff but I only seen like 3 things change and didn't see any performance increase.
    so I tried another mod it didn't do what it claimed either so I tried one last mod this one caused the game to crash so I had to remove it. I went back to the first mod and did see some minor fps boost for very brief periods of time but it may have also been due to me reducing the internal resolution slider.
    overall the game has become completely unplayable up wards of 7min initial load times it took 5-6 min for my settlement overseer building terminal to load. I really couldn't figure out what the hell happened the game ran perfectly fine for me for dozens of hours then it just started running shittier and shittier
    I really like the game but reluctantly uninstalled it. I have skyrim installed and decided to try it out just my luck the game keeps crashing to desktop every time I try to start a new game. talk about a double whammy
    That's odd. Skyrim should run perfectly on your PC even at 1080p. Even the special edition should be ok but may have to lower some of the settings. And their are some great basic mods for it both for performance and for cleaning up the menu's.

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    Jill Valentine is the consumate survival horror character, other characters rely on brute force and eventually run out of ammo fighting back hordes, Jill circumvents them and conserves ammo. She has the ability to find more medicine and ammo locked away and to homebrew medicine, I never quite understood why the other RE characters are good for anything except spectacular permadeath scenes and a reload saved game menu.
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  13. #1573
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zaladane View Post
    That's odd. Skyrim should run perfectly on your PC even at 1080p. Even the special edition should be ok but may have to lower some of the settings. And their are some great basic mods for it both for performance and for cleaning up the menu's.
    yeah that's what I thought that's why I'm a bit worried now that I can't run FO4 I currently have it but haven't installed it yet. I thought it might have had something to do with the anniversary upgrade patch so I uninstalled that but still no good I tried twice it still crashed when trying to start a new game even on lowest settings.
    I did re-install NMS it is running slightly better but still not as good as when I first installed it.
    to dill I have played all 3 dead space games on ps3 those were cool games. I do or did have vampire the masquerade on my list I just haven't really been in the mood for any rpgs lately.
    Last edited by Grouch; 20th-May-2024 at 20:28.
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  14. #1574
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    App girlfriend can't be boinked. Mona Lisa android that's anatomically correct is way better.

    Edit:// chatbot app bongs are next but robot bongs can be plutonic friends you toke. And they grow it for you.

    And Robong can become any handheld gaming system.

    Can pass security and undetectable by pesky porkers.

    It's been legalized here and I've had a medical use license for years, but Robong is still the friendliest botanist hydroponic lab assistant gaming system buddy. No need to find a better stash, can become whatever fits its environment to not be out of place autonomously whenever it is dormant after refilling itself with cannabis. You'll think you're high talking to it and seeing it shapeshift never mind after you toke your best friend.
    Last edited by Till; 20th-May-2024 at 23:13. Reason: We need better products...
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  15. #1575
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    The shape-shifting terminator from T2 is technically possible now, so is a Robong gaming system friend if we stop destroying and start enjoying.

    That video is old and outdated, programmable matter catoms are advanced enough to create Robong now.

    Hey Carl, how many years before humans start enjoying and stop destroying? Billions and billions?
    Last edited by Till; 21st-May-2024 at 00:51. Reason: Anyway...
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