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Thread: Your favourite Nintendo System

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    Default Your favourite Nintendo System

    What's your favorite Nintendo home console ( NES - to - Wii U only)
    Let me know why its your favorite?? and what are your memories with such console ??

    Mine was the Nintendo 64, it was the first home console I personally owned and where I fell inlove with The Legend of Zelda series, plus i loved battling my friends on Smash Bros .....(I also owned a Sega genesis at the time)....


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    that would be the snes.
    grew up around much earlier systems, the 16/32 bit ones grew on me the most.
    super nintendo hands down.
    has a good sound driver ($ony) and wicked graphics when lining it up to a megadrive.
    more the clarity of image, and greater colour palette on screen.
    a handful of games exists for both consoles, the snes versions of multi-platform games beat it for me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by a500+ View Post
    that would be the snes.
    grew up around much earlier systems, the 16/32 bit ones grew on me the most.
    super nintendo hands down.
    has a good sound driver ($ony) and wicked graphics when lining it up to a megadrive.
    more the clarity of image, and greater colour palette on screen.
    a handful of games exists for both consoles, the snes versions of multi-platform games beat it for me.

    Oh yah the SNES was the bomb as well i loved playing Super Mario World, Super Metroid, all 3 Donkey Kong Countries, plus one of my personal favorite game Zelda: A Link to The Past, Chrono Trigger, and Mario RPG there's a ton of other great games.... in actuality the SNES has a ton more games then the N64 a lot funner and memorable ones too

    I like your chose of Nintendo Console and I would agree with you 100%


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    Have to go with the classic NES. I give props to SNES and Wii but NES started it all. Megaman, Metroid, Zelda... the list goes on and on!

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    GameCube it was my first console I remember and still play. I also remember playing n64 but very little memory of that system. The only Nintendo system that used memory cards and as far is I could see it was the best nintendo console that I see on the internet and I heard on YouTube on watchmojang it's the 2nd best console ever released just behind the ps2 unforunetly but whatever. The games on the GameCube that I love to play were sonic adventure both of them resident evil all of them but 4 because Wii version much better. Mario & Luigi games and my favorite SequIe super smash broe melee.

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    i enjoyed too many classics on the nes . a lot were hard asf , but as i grew up, i was finally to meet those challenges without being so impatient lol .

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    Has to be the SNES,it was the last console they released that felt like it had a really strong and varied line up,especially as an RPG fan. If you wanted an RPG on your N64 you were stuck with either Quest64 or Aiydin Chronicles,both of which were major trash. Want an RPG on your Gamecube? Sorry scrub,,while the rest of the world gets Final Fantasy X and the entire Shadow Hearts series on their Playstation 2s,you get Baten Kaitos,and only Baten Kaitos. Yet another game generally regarded as trash. Sure,you got the one Zelda and the one Mario,but outside of the big flagship franchises,there wasn't much of value as far as third-party titles went and the N64 marked the beginning of a series of shark jumps in terms of controller design. The Super Nintendo improved on everything the NES started,but the release of the N64 immediately began Nintendo's out-of-control spiral away from quality,mainstream videogames and back to toys.

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    Definitely the SNES. I almost completely sided with Sony through the PS1 and PS2 days, as did most of my friends, so I never really played a lot of either the N64 or the Gamecube during their respective eras. And though I've subsequently had fun with both through emulation and backwards compatibility, I don't have a particularly strong attachment to either, likely due to exploring both so long after the fact, and after my interest in gaming had waned somewhat. The SNES, by comparison, I played a lot of during its heyday, and I have lots of fond memories of playing things like Secret of Mana and Super Mario World with friends. I also discovered 16-bit emulation at the very height of my interest in gaming, and played absolutely loads of SNES games through emulation not too long after the console was retired. And I remember being so impressed at just how many good titles there were to choose from across so many different genres.

    Second favourite would probably be the Wii. Possibly an unpopular choice, but it was the first Nintendo console for a long while that a lot of my friends actually owned, and I have lots of fond memories of various multiplayer titles. It was also the first Nintendo home console I ever owned myself after I bought one second hand to play Xenoblade, and it was good fun exploring various Wii games as well as picking up Gamecube titles I had missed (Xenoblade also wound up being one of my favourite games ever, which didn't hurt~ ).

    Quote Originally Posted by Gadolf the Absolute View Post
    you get Baten Kaitos,and only Baten Kaitos. Yet another game generally regarded as trash.
    What? Baten Kaitos is a really good game that received largely positive reviews on release, and amassed a pretty solid fanbase that still speaks fondly of the series online today whenever it's brought up. I don't think it quite compares to the best of the PS2's RPG library either, but it's a well above average RPG by a very accomplished developer that would certainly not be out of place among the better offerings on the PS2, and to put it alongside games like Quest64 that were more or less universally panned even on release is pretty ridiculous. You might not like it personally, but the idea that it's generally reviled is objectively untrue. The sequel is even better, too, and as someone who only had a PS2 at the time and played both games much later on the Wii, I'd still argue that the sequel is easily one of the best RPGs of its generation. The story is great, the characters are great, the world is gorgeous (despite a disappointing amount of reused assets from the first game), the battle system is super-fun with a nice level of challenge, the soundtrack is one of Sakuraba's best, and though I played it in Japanese, I heard that the localisation work in the game is among the best of the generation (in contrast to the awful English voiceovers and stilted translation of the first game).

    Besides that, there's Tales of Symphonia, which was very well received, very popular, and almost certainly responsible for the biggest chunk of the series's popularity in the west these days (it was also the best version of the game at the time, as the PS2 port is a total hackjob that is only slightly redeemed by some fairly forgettable extra content). There was a very solid Fire Emblem game that together with the GBA games and a handful of Smash cameos helped push one of Nintendo's lesser known brands in the west into the public eye. And there's Skies of Arcadia, which has an extremely fervent cult following, a good chunk of which played the game on the Cube thanks to it initially launching at the end of the Dreamcast's life.

    Not that I don't agree that the Gamecube's RPG library was pretty sparse next to the PS2's (though that says as much about how great the PS2 was as anything - its library is among the best ever in pretty much any genre you care to name), and third party support, in particular, has definitely let Nintendo down for a number of generations now. But what was there RPG-wise on the Cube was generally pretty good, and the console's RPG library was nowhere near as desperately disappointing as the N64's.
    Last edited by Elin; 18th-November-2016 at 11:16.

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    For me it's probably the Wii. Last ninty console I have (besides 3DS but I'm a little ashamed of my handhelds so I won't talk about that) and it can run plenty of the older stuff too so there's a fair bit to choose from if you ignore the mountain of shovelware.

    Quote Originally Posted by Elin View Post
    Not that I don't agree that the Gamecube's RPG library was pretty sparse next to the PS2's (though that says as much about how great the PS2 was as anything - its library is among the best ever in pretty much any genre you care to name), and third party support, in particular, has definitely let Nintendo down for a number of generations now. But what was there RPG-wise on the Cube was generally pretty good, and the console's RPG library was nowhere near as desperately disappointing as the N64's.
    Shooters. PS2 just isn't as good as Xbox, look at anything cross platform like Black. Killzone could have looked much better if it was released on PC or even just Xbox, the HD port isn't much of an improvement because the source isn't a good starting point.
    Neither NGC nor PS2 could run TES III or KotOR without major changes to port the game over, and it never happened. Ok so you can argue that those last 2 titles are pointless mentions since they exist on PC.

    I never bothered getting a PS2 or NGC until years after I had an Xbox. Because by that point in my life I wasn't as keen about jrpgs.

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    I don't have an opinion one way or the other regarding Baten Kaitos,I've never even seen a copy for sale,but from the moment I first found out about it through X-Play's scathing review of it I haven't heard a single person defend it. I tried to go back and rewatch the X-Play review in case I'm trapped in some alternate Mandella timeline where it didn't suck,but I can only find the review for Origins. Got a 3/5 FYI. My point is that this isn't a case of 'I didn't like it so it's automatically garbage",that's what I have Kingdom Hearts for. My original statement is still true,if only from my perspective,considering I've heard only negative comments about it from day one. Having a cult fanbase doesn't necessarily make it good. Deadly Premonition has a cult following,myself included,but it's still a technical and mechanical tire fire.

    I admittedly forgot about Tales and Skies. PS2 still had it better with Tales of the Abyss,but Symphonia will definitely do in a pinch. I don't count Fire Emblem among the RPG library simply because Strategy is it's own genre separate from pure RPGs. Never did get to play that one even though I wanted to. More of a Sacred Stones fan myself.

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    Quote Originally Posted by deadlegion View Post
    Shooters. PS2 just isn't as good as Xbox, look at anything cross platform like Black. Killzone could have looked much better if it was released on PC or even just Xbox, the HD port isn't much of an improvement because the source isn't a good starting point.
    Neither NGC nor PS2 could run TES III or KotOR without major changes to port the game over, and it never happened. Ok so you can argue that those last 2 titles are pointless mentions since they exist on PC.

    I never bothered getting a PS2 or NGC until years after I had an Xbox. Because by that point in my life I wasn't as keen about jrpgs.
    Hence "pretty much". I didn't say all. As for TES III and KotOR, in Morrowind's case, in particular, I would indeed make the case that the PC version is so much better that it wasn't worth playing on the XBox unless it was your only option, despite an impressive port. While it was far from the worst PC to console transition control wise, I still think it's a game that plays much more naturally with a keyboard and mouse. And though it was an enormous technological achievement to get a game of that scope on a console at the time, the game looked and played far better on even my not at all top of the line PC at the time.

    Plus for me, Morrowind really came into its own thanks to its modability (totally a word, honest), and I didn't find the vanilla game as great as a lot of people did. It was huge and impressive in scope, but I personally thought it had similar issues to Daggerfall in that that scope wound up hurting it, and the world felt more than a little bland, empty and rough around the edges to me after the first few days of being wowed by the sheer size of the thing. KotOR is definitely leagues ahead for me, both as a game and in terms of its relevance on the XBox, and I think it's easily one of the best RPGs (games?) of the generation. I personally don't think that one fantastic game is enough to balance out the PS2's huge library of RPGs, but I guess like you say, that's down to how much you like JRPGs given that that's a lot of what the PS2's RPG library is.

    Wait, are we having a console war debate over consoles from two generations ago?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gadolf the Absolute View Post
    Having a cult fanbase doesn't necessarily make it good. Deadly Premonition has a cult following,myself included,but it's still a technical and mechanical tire fire.
    True enough, but it's not really a case of a cult following for a divisive niche title in this case. The game simply did pretty well. I'm sure there was the odd negative review (I never saw the X-Play one myself), but critical reception for the game was generally good (80 on Metacritic, for what it's worth), with little of the polarised spread of opinions that a hugely flawed yet strangely endearing title like Deadly Premonition typically attracts. The first game also sold well enough and was well liked enough that it spawned a sequel, and the series was enough of a success that Nintendo ended up buying the developer outright on the back of the games. And though gauging public reception is always difficult and highly anecdotal, I've never really met anyone who played it and thought it was out and out bad. I'm sure not everyone likes it, but there's certainly not the wave of negative sentiment towards it that you made out. You're right that your statement is still true based on what you had heard. But what you had heard, in this case, simply wasn't reflective of the reception the game generally received. And there's little evidence to say it was generally regarded as trash. It received about as warm a reception as most of the PS2's RPGs, all things considered.

    And agreed on Abyss vs Symphonia. I liked the former a lot better too. But Symphonia was still a quality game that was worth playing. Again, I wouldn't say that the Gamecube has it better than the PS2 when it comes to RPGs in any way. It's still reasonably slim pickings if that's your genre. That being said, there's some pretty good stuff there, and I don't think it's fair to say that it was the wasteland for RPGs that the N64 was.
    Last edited by Elin; 18th-November-2016 at 13:57.

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    Probably the snes for me too. Although I did have an nes beforehand (I remember me and my sister fighting over it playing Mario 3 and my mom hid it on us for like 6 months lol) and enjoyed some titles for it - I mainly at the time was more into playing outside and gaming was more of a pc adventure game thing for me like the old sierra stuff.

    But the snes really sucked me in. Even though I played the odd rpg on the nes like dragon warrior the snes is where I really started to enjoy jrpgs especially when ff3/6 came out. Also alot of great platformers for it too!

    Me and my little group of friends really got into a lot of the various Street Fighter 2 titles and would play that stuff for hours on end before the ps1 and the street fighter alpha games came along.

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    My personal favorite is the Super Nintendo, and not only because it was the first console I could call MINE.

    I have a lot of game on it, mainly platforms games, like the 3 Donkey Kong Country, Super Mario World, …

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    My favorite is SNES, was the video game that allow me to play many arcades games as Street Fighter II, Mortal Kombat, Final Fighter...
    And also has the Nintendo exclusive games that I loved Super Mario World and Donkey Kong Country.

    Great video game, brings to me great memories.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Elin View Post
    Wait, are we having a console war debate over consoles from two generations ago?
    Fite me...

    Just kidding

    Spoiler warning:

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