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Thread: Your Gaming Sins!

  1. #211
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    Gaming sins? What I would write here, I would not considered gaming "sins", but I'm willing to bet plenty of people will call me sinful:-

    - I've never played a Legend of Zelda game outside of Link to the Past and Minish Cap and I do not understand the reason why this game is so loved, especially since the title has nothing to do with the main character himself. In addition, I do not see the appeal of Ocarina of Time etc and have often asked myself, "Why do people keep worshipping Ocarina of Time as the best game ever? What I see is a weird game with a stroy that has been recycled over 9000 times and is still praised while games like Megaman gets insulted for being formulaic, eventhough the story changes alot most of the games".
    - lolAeris. I might've enjoyed FFVII when I was younger because it being a game I've never seen before (this was back in 98' - 99'), but like Ocarina of Time, I cannot see why people hypes this game to be "the bestest evar!1111". One-Winged Angel is a decent song, but I would hardly call it epic.
    - I cannot understand the appeal of Smash Bros. game, and in trying the game itself, I do not find myself impressed by it, but annoyed since it's a party game that's trying to be a fighting game but failing miserably. In addition, they're putting in characters like Mario who cannot legitimately fight other than being a hax(giant mushroom) and stomping on people's heads, and being that he's arguably one of the main characters of the game, being I'm guessing the most balanced on all playable charactera.
    - an actual sin, I went through Pokemon Red/Blue's Elite 4 with 6 Lvl 100 Pokemons using the Rare Candy cheat. I did. however legitimately beat most of the game without it.
    - I've not gotten any gaming console in over 10 years with my Saturn being my last official one until I got my PSP early this year.

    ....This post turned into a rant rather quick.
    Last edited by SilentStalker; 21st-June-2011 at 12:48. Reason: Need to add some extra clarity

  2. #212
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    It was the first 3D Zelda game. Much like FFVII was the first 3D Final Fantasy.

    Michael Ballack, he scores free-kicks.
    He's got black hair, and he's german.
    Michael Ballack, trains in paddocks.
    in his spare time, HE FARMS HADDOCKS!
    Watch me play Super C, guys!!

  3. #213
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilentStalker View Post
    Gaming sins? What I would write here, I would not considered gaming "sins", but I'm willing to bet plenty of people will call me sinful:-

    - I've never played an Legend of Zelda game outside of Link to the Past and Minish Cap and I do not understand the reason why this game is so loved, especially since the title has nothing to do with the main character himself. In addition, I do not see the appeal of Ocarina of Time etc and have often asked myself, "Why do people keep worshipping Ocarina of Time as the best game ever? What I see is a weird game with a stroy that has been recycled over 9000 times and is still praised while games like Megaman gets insulted for being formulaic, eventhough the story changes alot most of the games".
    Wholeheartedly agreed. Although some of the stories in Classic Megaman suck. It still is my favorite franchise ever, nonetheless.

    - lolAeris. I might've enjoyed FFVII when I was younger because it being a game I've never seen before, but like Ocarina of Time, I cannot see why people hypes this game to be "the bestest evar!1111". One-Winged Angel is a decent song, but I would hardly call it epic.
    Again, agreed, although I've never particularly enjoyed it, after finding out the number of people to call it "the best ever" has turned my indiference into hatred.

    - I've not gotten any gaming console in over 10 years with my Saturn being my last official one until I got my PSP early this year.
    Seven years here; parents refused to buy me any after the PS1 and given I live in one of the world's furthest corners and everything electronic is ridiculously overpriced here, I couldn't afford to buy anything else until last year when I bought my PSP 3000 for about $1600 (roughly 400 U$D).

    Yeah yeah I know, the post ain't related at all to gaming sins. My bad.

  4. #214
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilentStalker View Post
    - I've never played an Legend of Zelda game outside of Link to the Past and Minish Cap and I do not understand the reason why this game is so loved, especially since the title has nothing to do with the main character himself. In addition, I do not see the appeal of Ocarina of Time etc and have often asked myself, "Why do people keep worshipping Ocarina of Time as the best game ever? What I see is a weird game with a stroy that has been recycled over 9000 times and is still praised while games like Megaman gets insulted for being formulaic, eventhough the story changes alot most of the games".
    I would still say that Mega Man is more formulaic than Zelda. Or most games, actually. When you look at the original Mega Man series, the story is pretty much the same across the entire thing. When you look at the X series, the story does evolve a little bit more, but again is pretty much the same thing, up until the later games.

    Not saying that Zelda isn't formulaic as well, but it's not quite as formulaic as Mega Man. Also, I found the "puzzle" aspects of the Zelda series add to the game play a lot more than the overused Mega Man platforming did. Again, this is just me. If I had to choose a favourite series out of the two, I would definitely pick Zelda, just because you get more out of the game than you do out of Mega Man. It's also evolved more than Mega Man has, over the years. Whether or not Ocarina of Time is the "best game evar!@!@" is completely debatable. I personally consider it one of my favourites, but more for "nostalgia" reasons than anything else. I still think Wind Waker and Twilight Princess are superior games to Ocarina of Time, and chances are they will continue to improve upon the franchise over time.

    Quote Originally Posted by SilentStalker View Post
    - I cannot understand the appeal of Smash Bros. game, and in trying the game itself, I do not find myself impressed by it, but annoyed since it's a party game that's trying to be a fighting game but failing miserably. In addition, they're putting in characters like Mario who cannot legitimately fight other than being a hax(giant mushroom) and stomping on people's heads, and being that he's arguably one of the main characters of the game, being I'm guessing the most balanced on all playable charactera.
    I find the appeal of Smash Bros. lies in the multiplayer aspect. I rarely played the game outside of multiplayer, and had a blast every time that my buddies and I were playing it. Whether it's better than a typical fighting game is, again, debatable -- there are a lot of people that don't like traditional fighting games. Smash Bros. filled a niche for those people. It's the same kind of thing with the Mario Party games -- utterly boring games when played alone, but loads of fun when played with a group of people.

    Quote Originally Posted by SilentStalker View Post
    - an actual sin, I went through Pokemon Red/Blue's Elite 4 with 6 Lvl 100 Pokemons using the Rare Candy cheat. I did. however legitimately beat most of the game without it.
    I think everyone did at one point. That's the only way I could ever "catch" all 150 Pokemon. Other than going through the Elite Four repeatedly, there was really no good way to level up Pokemon otherwise. The wild ones were all either too weak to really justify leveling up with (pretty much every route other than Victory Road), or too strong (Victory Road). Again, this was just my experience... I really liked the introduction of the Vs. Seeker to the series -- it made leveling up and rebuilding teams a lot easier.

  5. #215
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    My gaming sins:
    -I've never played a mmorp
    -All my pikmin died on the first boss in pikmin 2

    Yeap that's all I can think of. Everything else I've done is completely legal. I'm surprised nobody put trying to look up Ashley's skirt in resident evil 4

  6. #216
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    I suppose that would be one of my "sins," as well. I've never played an MMORPG. Nor do I ever intend to.

    It's so informative to read these and realize just how much I haven't done.

  7. #217
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    I went through some GBA games with Gameshark codes, if that would count as a sin.

    Heck, gameshark codes are the only thing that makes the Megaman Battle Network series beatable in a day, and that's what I needed when I started looking into Gameshark codes.

  8. #218
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    Hello, I'm new to this forum.

    Regarding Gaming Sins, I've got a few really bad ones.

    I won't buy a system until it's security has been compromised in a way that serves the End User. Be it a flash cart, a firmware hack, or an emulator, I just wont pony up the cash for it unless it's hacked. This brings me to my second sin. I pirate way too much. I'm sure it's an unhealthy habit, but it's just so much fun. Having a copy of every game ever made for a system regardless of it's age is just made of awesome. That leads into my third sin, I don't play any of them. I don't know what it is, but I just can't seem to play any of them. For me the fun is getting them all (and hacking all the systems) and finishing out a collection.

    ~ I cut off the rest of the post since it's just a load of examples and a manifest of my collections ~

  9. #219
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    I get a kick out of one-shotting RPG bosses with 'tricks', such as using Life on undead, a mass instant-death spell (usually requires a bit of luck), or, much less frequently, the horror that is only whispered...


    In my defense, I have beaten all the bosses the 'legit' way, probably enough times to add up to a double-digit number. So I think I'm entitled to saving a few minutes here and there

    Aside from that, I can't really think of many other gaming sins. I'm usually pretty boring and follow all the general guidelines.

  10. #220
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    I guess many worship some the games I will mention so it is probably a sin for not playing them properly.
    Seems they didn't catch my attention for some reason, probably a good one.

    Anyways, I've never beaten Finaly Fantasy VIII. Why? Dunno. Started it couple of times, played for few hours, never went too far. It's just the silly graphics that turned me off.
    And I actually I like FF series since I've beaten most of the tittles or at least played most of them, except couple.
    If you consider that RPG is my favorite genre, it was expected of me, but it never really attracted me. My first attempt at playing FFVII was 2 - 3 yrs ago. Blame me.

    I actually never beaten epics like Zelda, Megaman, Sonic or such.
    Some of them I played, but never till the end. It was just the opportunity that I never had since first console I owned was PSX and emulators I got when I had the least amount of time for gaming.

    And don't get me wrong, I'm hardcore gamer (at least I was), and I cheer for the oldschool gameplay/2D/music against newschool gfx games (-.-'), but mostly financial situation kept from owning most games I ever wanted. Now that they're available online, I don't have time.

    Sincerely, was never appealed for the COMMERCIAL successful games. Suikoden FTW ˘˘

  11. #221
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    I never beat any megaman game or Xenogears without cheats

    but I do have Xenogears from PSN so I can fix that one

    Need New Sig

  12. #222
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    I haven't played any FF games except 1,2,3. don't know if i ever will, but RPG's are all getting repetitive for me, all the stories are starting to run together and Ialways know what to expect. for example, i'm just now playing Tales of Symphonia, (warning, spoiler in story)
    Spoiler warning:
    and knew Kratos was Loyd's father somewhere around the dessert town, and guarentied it after Loyd mentions his mother to Kratos, and Kratos says under his breath 'sorry' in a skit i'm yet to find again.

    another, and more like a real gaming sin, i tend to restart games periodically before i even beat it once. most particularly RPG's. if i realize i missed something that can only be obtained once, i have a strong urge to just start over, no matter how far i've gotten. so that leads to my other sinning habits, i tend to do 'slight' reading at gamefaqs.
    I'm OK, I swear. No, there are no voices, no I don't need medication, and no I don't believe I'm Jesus. The men in white are coming, gotta go.

  13. #223
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    I got a used ds game and it had a save file of the game already beat, so I claimed I beat it ^.^
    I have to keep reminding even myself that I never beat kingdom hearts for the ds(forgot whole title but has the *days*)

  14. #224
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    Default my two sins

    two spring to mind:
    playing xenogears, i got emotionally attached to a game for the first time, didn't save it, got to the point where you fight an unwinable fight, and of course, got killed, had played for like nine hours getting everyones stuff at the time maxed, only had up to four? caracters at the time, and hadn't saved. seen max damage flash on the screen twice, and promptly died. i threw the controller, cried, and went for a walk. came back an hour later, only to find out it was a scripted event and had to happen.

    Star ocean till the end of time. can beat all the uberbosses but freya for some reason. i just lose intrest for some reason. fighting lenneth made me feel the same way, maybe its because they're chibi? at lenneth i actually had to get better at playing the game, but freya... made an uber fayt setup on galaxy and still went through half of my health items, healing him from his battle skills... screw freya.
    Walk your own path, let no one tell you what is good for you, what is good or evil, these are decisions we all need to come to as individuals, finding and traveling our paths is our only reason to exist. be true to yourself, no other can interfere with this, but its as easy as walking.

  15. #225
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    I'm seriously thinking of just watching a playthrough of FF7 because I can't seem to push through the game.

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