Ignore what some people are saying online...


Planets are boring.

Yes some planets are pretty barren but I expected that. Not every planet will have vegetation and lifeforms all over the place, come on ffs.
You will see some cave types duplicated on other planets/moons. This isn't any worse than back playing Oblivion (same thing was done there). That doesn't bother me tbh.

There's plenty to do. Exploring a planet surface to find some locations can take a bit, but this kinda reminds me of Morrowind and I actually like that... Oblivion, Skyrim, FO3 and FONV many locations weren't far from each other so while exploring was cool in those games actually finding new locations wasn't as rewarding as in Morrowind, imo.

As I said I haven't even started doing outposts and resources collecting yet. I'm not bored