Quote Originally Posted by Schalamagus View Post
I'm playing FF7 for the first time. I have it on the switch. Is there any advice/ tips you guys can give me?
Not really. It's fairly straight forward. But. There is something depending on what you know of a certain character but I'll leave that for now. I would run around and level Aeris up a couple levels either way in Midgar and try to get Clouds 2nd limit break before the end bosses of Midgar.

Get the Matra magic enemy skill just outside Midgar as well it'll be very helpful

Once leaving Midgar certain characters will have their own little parts - Keep Barret in your party until you're done the first Gold Saucer visit and either swap him out or add Red 13 next. And unless you want to grind for hours don't bother with fighting the Midgar Zolom although you'll get a great enemy skill from it. Don't be afraid to use the steal materia as you can build up much needed items and weapons you won't have access to for awhile here and there both in Midgar and afterwards but you can look up exactly which enemies give you what.

You can also get Yuffie before going to Fort Condor if you run around the forests (I think, might be the plains or both) plus the forests are a great place to level up a bit.

Umm there's alot of other little tips but this should cover the beginning stuff.