I'm new to emulation and roms so pardon this question if it is basic and silly so here it goes. What are the different symbols after the game roms in the title line. Do they have a significance? see the below for an example of what Im talking about. After I extract the files from their compressed folder I would have expected to see a game rom, Aerial Assault, instead I see multiple rom files. I have seen on other games where there are nearly 25 different options of the rom. If I a looking for the original (unadulterated) rom I would think I would want the "Aerial Assault (JU) (V1.0).gg" file what does the "(JU)", "(v1.0)", and the [b1]/[!] mean? these are all new to me.

Files after extraction:
Aerial Assault (JU) (V1.0) [b1].gg
Aerial Assault (JU) (V1.0).gg
Aerial Assault (JU) (V1.1) [!].gg