Okay I never did this kind of thing and I'm just wondering if it's possible...Here's the deal:

I only have one working flashdrive and it's not compatible and I know that cause I can't use it on Action Replay Max Evo it just cannot read the thing! I don't want to buy a flashdrive just for a simple task like that so since my PS2 is modded with the original Matrix Infinity 1.93 and I want to install OPL to play games over network (SMB) I just thought the easier way is just make some kind of ISO with uLaunchelf and OPL inside burn it and then boot on my PS2 with uLaunchelf so I can copy the OPL ELF to my memory card. I know that matrix has some DEV1 thing that when I choose it the ELF in my memory card will boot automatically!

So can I do this? If I can anyone can please explain this to me how?