Hello all, So ive used N64 emus before and everything works fine for me. pretty straight forward. Now ive been trying to play Fire emblem path of radiance for Gamecube but i seem to be havinbg problems. I will list the steps i have done.

1 ) downloaded Dolphin 4.0.2 (64 bit)

2) downloaded Fire emblem path of radiance ISO. (rar file)

3) i run winrar on the downloaded file, into my dowloads.

4) once i run the emulator it says it cannot fine any ISO's to run. When i manually try to goto the folder in my downloads(which i extracted it to) it simply shows an empty folder.

So basically i believe my emulator is running fine. And the game download itself is fine too, im just not sure if im not extracting it right? or am i suppsed to save it a certain way. Please help. Thank you!