I'm wanting to play the HOD games as well as others that would be way more fulfilling using a "Light Gun" controller. I say "Light Gun" as the ones developed for LCD TV's do not use the light technology as used with older "tube" tvs or monitors, so I've read. It apparently (from what ive read) uses a laser pointer in conjuction with 1 or 2 sensor rails that you attach to the sides of the LCD TV. I see the LCD Top Gun light gun II is an option. Though it is no longer available on amazon, Play asia site, or anywhere else I've looked so far. Seems its from lawsuits against the manufacturer from sony it appears. The Dual Ultimarc AimTrak Arcade Light Gun also appears as an option from arcadeguns.com. It says it will work with LCD amd MAME as well. My question 2 everyone is: Is the LCD Gun Light Gun available anywhere. Has anyone had any experience with it and is it any good? Also any info on the Dual Ultimarc AimTrak Arcade gun as far as being a P.O.S or a decent gun. Any info on any other options is GREATLY appreciated!