I think the problem is that I have a duo core computer, I tried the faq resolution to this problem, but unfortunatly there was no change, and as for the readme that said this is what I should see:

C:\Program Files\LucasArts\GRIM\Grim.exe contains no configuration information
C:\Program Files\LucasArts\GRIM\Grim.exe contains a Subsystem Version of 4.0
C:\Program Files\LucasArts\GRIM\Grim.exe updated with the following configuration information:
Process Affinity Mask: 00000001
I entered:

imagecfg -a 0x1 "C:\Emulators\ePSXe\ePSXe.exe"

and this is what I saw instead:

C:\Emulators\ePSXe contains no configuration information
C:\Emulators\ePSXe contains a Subsystem Version of 4.0
C:\Emulators\ePSXe updated with the following configuration information:
Process Affinity Mask: 00000001

I did it a second time after it didn't work to make sure I didn't type something in wrong, my os is windows xp and I have a duo core computer with hyperthreading enabled, so what should I do now? did I do something wrong? I'm still new to emulators but I'm trying to learn as quickly as I can, any help is very apreciated