Quote Originally Posted by Raype View Post
Star Ocean can best be summarized as "Star Trek if it were a JRPG". The analogy gets extremely blatant in some entries. Decent focus on item crafting and a real time battle system that's generally good. SO4 opts to retcon a decent amount of story, fuck around with other bits, and generally do a worse job of everything than the ones before it, without really adding anything aside from a cast I want to murder most violently. Oh, and the voice acting. Dear god, the voice acting.

It's going to get some love at some point, but it failed to really grab me the way other games had. As such, it was all too easy to shelf it and get absorbed in another game. I enjoyed the bits I played, but I wasn't quite so enthralled as to want to continue on right then and there. I'll likely pull it out on a slow afternoon in a couple months when I'm bored and looking for something different to play. It seems to be that kind of game.
I'm surprised you can say negative (or, at least, indifferent) comments about the plot after SO3. Seriously, "Oh, by the way, you're part of a simulation world. Yeah." Most people raged hard after that.