I am just curious as to how the controls for PSX game are managed on the PSVita

I know I did not like the way this is done on the PSP (though it is fine for some games)

The PSP has no Analog Support last I checked

L1 & R1 or L2 & R2 are mapped to either the D-Pad or Analog sticks, Left and Right and Up to press/hold both triggers

I know the Vita still only has 2 back triggers but it does have 2 analog sticks (much better sticks) and a touch screen and back touch pad

I am curious because I have considered buying a few olde PSX games via PSN to play on my PS3/Vita but if the controls are sucky on the Vita I might as well stick to my originals or use the xbox to play those games I no longer have the original CD for (or are too scratched to play now)