side by sides are done.
demon attackSpoiler warning:
atlantisSpoiler warning:
side by sides are done.
demon attackSpoiler warning:
atlantisSpoiler warning:
help the socially disabled Purchase does not entail ownership, then sharing shouldn't mean piracy.
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Russia joining NATO would allow us to give every North Korean a scanning electron microscope to view their national average penis size with nanotweezers peacefully.
Free beer for everyone! --> How to upload files as ROM patches.
Is this a music forum? I forget, only time will tell.
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Reading the news is why if there were no politics no catastrophies to report, but humans need the safety of maximum nuke danger. So they make out a list of animals not endangered by ICBMs pointed at everything and everyone on the planet and write dire warning stories of a severe manure shortage crisis on the news.
Free beer for everyone! --> How to upload files as ROM patches.
Is this a music forum? I forget, only time will tell.
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Reuploaded Nirvana 3500 chess engine, updated version with slightly improved time management. Now has a Dave Grohl opening book, plays to shut down opponents with refutations. Only caveat being that Kurt Cobain doesn't make plays that can be refuted by design when it's book versus book. Next is Krist Novoselic opening book, will be a classical chess player that's balanced and controls the center which in theory is best chess strategy. Will feature the London System when he plays queen pawn opening as a variation for a balanced attack on opposing king side so as to not be too classical, also to not be predictable.
Last edited by Till; 14th-August-2024 at 06:06. Reason: ...
Free beer for everyone! --> How to upload files as ROM patches.
Is this a music forum? I forget, only time will tell.
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Well of course the brain uses quantum entanglement, all matter is entangled. In my opinion consciousness as awareness of self and cognition is indeed a quantum entanglement illusion of distance, the universe is a donut with no center and the furthest distance you can travel is to where you are. Think of it as the longest possible flight you can depart from being landing exactly where it began around the world no matter where you are in the world. In simplest terms, you are most distant from yourself and without quantum entanglement you would not be able to eat donuts as far away as possible.
Last edited by Till; 14th-August-2024 at 07:20. Reason: Ummm... donuts...
Free beer for everyone! --> How to upload files as ROM patches.
Is this a music forum? I forget, only time will tell.
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nexus is irritating me I want to search for key terms within mod pages but can't all i can do is search mod titles. there's so many mods to check for what I'm looking for that going through them manually could take days or even weeks
also the site has been slow all week loading pics has been awful.
Last edited by Grouch; 14th-August-2024 at 08:55.
help the socially disabled Purchase does not entail ownership, then sharing shouldn't mean piracy.
my youtube channel
find me on nexus
Free beer for everyone! --> How to upload files as ROM patches.
Is this a music forum? I forget, only time will tell.
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help the socially disabled Purchase does not entail ownership, then sharing shouldn't mean piracy.
my youtube channel
find me on nexus
spell check is racist it suggests honkies for the word monkies(it's supposed to be monkeys) since when is honkies a real word?
help the socially disabled Purchase does not entail ownership, then sharing shouldn't mean piracy.
my youtube channel
find me on nexus
Free beer for everyone! --> How to upload files as ROM patches.
Is this a music forum? I forget, only time will tell.
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I was fishing from the seven mile bridge in the Florida Keys after the sun went down and in the middle of the night(around 4:30 AM) when I was a teenager, the weather and water were clear and it was high tide. I had a lantern and it was the only visible light anywhere in sight. I spotted a bright light on the horizon coming directly toward me very fast low on the horizon, before I make out what it was in went underwater without slowing down until it was about 300 feet away then it passed underneath the bridge below me at the speed of the current as if it wanted to be seen. It was ~70 feet long with the shape of an elongated egg and was so bright the night turned to day around me. After passing to the other side of the bridge it continued underwater and into the open ocean toward the other horizon, I've seen cars move at 200 MPH and it was moving nearly twice as fast underwater which no conventional submarine can do and it was definitely nothing from this planet. So, before this talk about USOs I had already been aware they exist for a very long time. I also know that we know more about space than what's in our ocean depths.
Last edited by Till; 14th-August-2024 at 11:26. Reason: ...
Free beer for everyone! --> How to upload files as ROM patches.
Is this a music forum? I forget, only time will tell.
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In the news, China is waging all-out cyberwar assault against Russia.
Free beer for everyone! --> How to upload files as ROM patches.
Is this a music forum? I forget, only time will tell.
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I can see why Type III civilization aliens advanced enough to visit Earth would travel here to observe our backward and primitive primordial goop Type 0 civilization not even rating on the Kardashev scale of cosmic advancement with no sign of intelligent life for another ~200 years when we are Type I, never a dull moment and endless surprises.
Free beer for everyone! --> How to upload files as ROM patches.
Is this a music forum? I forget, only time will tell.
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