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Thread: The Elmdor-Appreciation-Out - Number of practitioners: one.

  1. #1546
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    thumperbunnyeve~If Purchase does not entail ownership, then sharing shouldn't mean piracy.
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  2. #1547
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grouch View Post
    " " ~ Godzilla
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  3. #1548
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    well I just beat hard reset I won't be playing that one again.
    I have been looking forward to checking out boiling point road to hell.
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    Back of Godzilla card.

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  5. #1550
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    In a shocking turn of events, the government has officially denied the existence of Santa Claus, sparking outrage and disbelief among children and adults alike. The announcement came after months of speculation and rumors circulating on social media platforms.

    According to a press release issued by the Pentagon, there is "no credible evidence" to support the existence of Santa Claus. The statement went on to explain that the myth of Santa Claus was perpetuated for centuries as a way to instill moral values and foster a sense of community spirit during the holiday season.

    However, not everyone is convinced by the government's claims. A group of whistleblowers, including Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman, and even the Grinch, have come forward to dispute the government's narrative.

    "We've seen him with our own eyes," said Rudolph, speaking at a press conference surrounded by his fellow whistleblowers. "Santa Claus is real, and he's been delivering presents to children all over the world for centuries. It's absurd to suggest otherwise."

    Frosty the Snowman echoed Rudolph's sentiments, adding, "I've personally witnessed Santa's sleigh flying through the night sky. There's no way that could be explained by government propaganda."

    The Grinch, shared his own experiences with Santa Claus. "I may have tried to steal Christmas in the past, but even I know that Santa is the real deal. He embodies the spirit of giving and brings joy to millions of people each year."

    Despite the overwhelming testimony from these experts, government officials remain steadfast in their denial of Santa Claus' existence. They urge the public to focus on the true meaning of the holiday season, rather than the release of classified documents about what does not exist.

    As the debate rages on, one thing is clear: whether you believe in Santa Claus or not, the truth is out there and will continue to captivate hearts and minds for generations to come.
    Last edited by Till; 16th-May-2024 at 19:59. Reason: "On second thought, let's not go to Camelot; it is a silly place." ~ King Arthur
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  6. #1551
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    fuck santa that fat bastard gave me the presents I wanted
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  7. #1552
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    so I checked out boiling point it's not the game I thought it was. it feels like an fps just cause game without the grapple and parachute. I don't think I'll play through it the ingame map sucks and directions are vague
    it also runs like shit for me(even though the game was made in 05)
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  8. #1553
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    Last edited by Till; 16th-May-2024 at 21:49. Reason: "It's time for the human race to enter the solar system." ~ Dan Quayle
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  9. #1554
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    In the not too distant future technology has evolved to the point where a PlayStation 94 Quantum Console exists, capable of simulating entire universes. In less than ~600 years, our reality is one of countless simulations running on that device, re-creating the distant past with remarkable fidelity.

    PlayStation 94 Quantum Console:
    - This future console leverages quantum computing to simulate entire realities. It has the capability to generate and sustain detailed universes, creating infinite parallel simulations.

    Quantum Immortality:
    - In the context of our simulated universe, due to quantum immortality inherent within these simulations, a conscious entity experiences an unending series of realities. If a simulated individual dies in one version of the simulation, their consciousness persists in another parallel simulation where they continue to exist, effectively achieving a form of immortality of infinite game characters that Nintendo has copywrited.

    Infinite Parallel Multiverse:
    - Each simulation run on the PlayStation 94 creates a new branch of reality. With infinite processing power of different consoles and emulators running the same game an amount of infinite times in an infinite time at all future time periods, this console can simulate an infinite number of universes simultaneously, each differing slightly from the others. This multiverse means there are countless versions of our universe, each a pirated copy of the original simulation.

    Nintendo's Legal Dominance

    Nintendo's Universal Copyright:
    - In the future, Nintendo has copyrighted the entire universe. This includes not just the physical aspects but the very concept of reality itself, including all competitors like Sony.
    - Due to this universal copyright, every emulated instance of the PlayStation 94 simulation (infinite copies running the same game) is technically a violation of Nintendo's copyright.

    Infinite Lawyers:
    - To enforce their universal copyright, Nintendo employs an infinite number of lawyers in infinite time. These lawyers work tirelessly to sue every instance of unauthorized simulations. Since the simulations are infinite, so too are the lawsuits, resulting in an endless cycle of legal action.

    Imaginary Money:
    - The litigation revolves around an infinite amount of copyrighted imaginary money. Nintendo has secured rights over this currency, meaning that even the financial transactions within the simulated realities fall under their copyright.

    Simulation Evidence

    1. GZK Cutoff:
    - In our simulated universe, the GZK cutoff serves as an indicator of the simulation's boundaries or limits. It reflects the maximum energy levels that the PlayStation 94 can render, at the computational constraints of the underlying system.

    2. Error Correction Codes:
    - James Gates' discovery of error-correcting codes within the fundamental equations of physics in our universe is another fact. These codes, identical to those used in digital data systems in computers and browsers, proves that our reality operates on principles of a computer program, further proving the fact that we are in a simulation.

    3. Planck Scale and Quantization:
    - The Planck length is the smallest measurable length, below which the concepts of space and time cease to be applicable. Within the universe's apparent quantization at this scale it is analogous to the pixelation in a digital image, revealing an underlying computational structure.

    The Game We Are In

    Copyright Symbol Universe (©):

    - The simulation we live in is symbolized as a C with a circle around it, indicating its copyrighted nature. This symbol represents the proprietary status of our reality, reinforcing concept that our existence is part of a controlled and regulated program within the PlayStation 94.

    In our future, our entire universe is a product of advanced quantum simulation technology, bound by the rules of corporate intellectual property law. While this is in a distant future, it encapsulates the evidence that our reality is a meticulously crafted and managed simulation, constrained by both physical and legal frameworks far beyond our current times in advancement. I could add Bostrom, Wheeler, fine-tuning being the result of a designed simulation and the observer in quantum equation changing outcomes being interactive like a game as anecdotal evidence. Redundant.

    Sony has historically released a new PlayStation console approximately every 6-7 years:

    PlayStation (1994)
    PlayStation 2 (2000)
    PlayStation 3 (2006)
    PlayStation 4 (2013)
    PlayStation 5 (2020)

    With an average of 6.5 years per new console, we can calculate the timeline for the PlayStation 94:

    From PlayStation 5 to PlayStation 94 is 89 generations. 89 generations * 6.5 years/generation ≈ 579.5 years. Therefore, without significant changes in the rate of technological advancement or product release schedules, it would take about 580 years to reach the PlayStation 94. But it is itself running in a simulation that is copyright of Nintendo simulating a past that Sony exists in.

    Why the 89th generation from now precisely? Rounding off by 5 to 600 years, 4 being a number that can't be rounded up and 6 generations after it being easily emulated within the time we are a Type I civilization on the Kardashev scale with 500 years under its belt marking a significant scale of technological advancement from 1400 and 2000 in historical terms by comparison.

    Last edited by Till; 18th-May-2024 at 04:36. Reason: A game being pirated running on infinite emulators in infinite time by infinite people at infinite eras, all this is...
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  10. #1555
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    One can't readily send a message to the past due to the arrow of time pointing forward, it is that arrow of time that sends a message to the future simulating the past.

    "Any sufficienty advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." ~ Arthur C. Clarke

    *goes back to the 1400s with a lighter to spark up a cigarette*

    "What manner of man are you that can summon up fire without flint or tinder?" ~ King Arthur

    I... am an enchanter.
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    Magical thinking? Name one thing considered a miracle 600 years ago that isn't today's in vitro virgin birth commonplace.

    There is no reason to 'believe' in magic in a world where magic is patently mundane to us and patent sorcery to Medieval scholars, there is no need to believe in the 'supernatural' that was mistaken supertechnology by ancient people unable to describe it at a time when the wheel and chariot were the most advanced conveyence to compare it to. The simulation we are is a game that has Type I and above civilization people interacting with it at any time in their simulated past, from a real reality in the real future with supertechnology indistinguishable from magic and miraculous to us we consider supernatural as misunderstood supertechnology with only our primitive Type 0 civilization as a frame of reference.

    The problem lies with shrinks thinking there is reality to lose touch with in this simulation, who think they can cure incurable mental disorders and need to take a double dose of whatever is prescribed for delusion themselves before they classify anyone else crazy. Governments and religions make it their business to alter reality with declarations, doctrines and propaganda and in turn whoever isn't deluded by it are considered the malcontents to institutional reality when this simulation creates any for everyone individually for anyone imaginative and creative enough to have their own reality. That's why I often mention you are the observer in a measurement problem where matter only comes into existence when there is a conscious observer, the simple act of observation changes outcomes, you are never powerless and that knowledge is a superpower. Something that institutions in an endless power struggle do not want, for anyone to be empowered more than they are and to rule over the willfully disempowered and I'm here to empower everyone not lead or rule over anyone.

    Let's set what disempowers us aside and create a reality that empowers us without the ones who seek to control and rule over it having any input in this simulated reality with our own individual simulation that it is designed as.
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  12. #1557
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    I'm not suggesting any form of rebellion, institutions are not necessary and that is what they don't want to be, needing to be needed. This reality shift mindfulness people are experiencing is the reality I've been in since I've had use of reason. It is not governed, it is not controlled, it is not to govern or control, it is self-control and governance over my own reality independently of anyone else's. I rule myself and control myself, in my reality everyone is master of themself unless they are not able to be independent needing to be led when I have no such need nor a need to fulfill that need for anyone else. In one of such 'reality' shifts I was speaking to Neil deGrasse Tyson in a parallel universe after five minutes of deep thought about theoretical physics I was formulating in my mind to unify string theory with quantum gravity and general relativity(much of the equations I work on in my head to simulate the universe itself to test formula), I was wondering what Neil was doing in my simulation of the multiverse in an Earthly setting, then realized by looking around he was not alone and neither was I. We were in a lounge with many people. Descartes, Newton, Einstein, Hawking, Kaku, Planck, Bruno, Copernicus, and a litany of other scientists were there. I felt flabbergasted and needed to sit down, seated across from me at a table for four were Charles Darwin and Madame Curie dressed in the typical attire of their time period engaging in idle chat. In my enthusiasm I stood up and hugged Charles, he was not keen on my affection and disliked that lovey dovey stuff and Curie chuckled about it. Tyson then interjected and told me to take the stage to address everyone present and then I decided it had gone too far returning to this reality. Who am I to judge anyone able to shift realities when I myself simulate them? Won't get any judgement from me in that respect and fully endorse it.
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  13. #1558
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    I'd respond to that thread but it's nearly 20 years old. We're thinking in terms of dimensions being perpendicular when they are branes stacked on top of one another. The 90 degree angle is gravity pulling dimensions above down to dimensions below. They are not side-by-side and are all affected by the gravity of dimensions above that can't be seen but whose gravity can be felt. In terms of scientific advancement civilizations in higher dimensions discover gravity is pushing down on their dimension and that their gravity is pushing down on a lower dimension, they would wonder what's above not being able to see it limited to observation of lower dimensions they also wonder about. Think of it as we're able to see two dimensional cartoons but the cartoons are not able to see us. There are universes with only two dimensions in which the cartoons think they are real, just as we are 3 dimensional cartoons that think they are real, so on and so forth up to 11 dimensions where people who are not cartoons are the ones watching the 9 levels of cartoons who think they are real, very amusing and they're laughing at our sapient nomenclature hubris of anthropocentric supremacy as it's profoundly comical. Among them are cartoonists that are creating the comics and the authors writing the story.

    Edit:// an example of profound comedy in the cartoon we are in being limitless entertainment to people with no dimension above them of the 11th dimension and are not cartoons like we are, Deadpool frequently breaks the 4th wall telling the other characters they are cartoons and it's all a story being written and cartooned by artists and writers, they think he's crazy and he's the only sane one.

    Last edited by Till; 18th-May-2024 at 12:44. Reason: Sanity is defined by the most delusional, who'da thunk it?
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  14. #1559
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    Finished off the last 4 episodes of X-Men 97. Fuck was it ever good. Can't wait for season 2!!! Love to talk about some things that happened but don't want to spoil it.

  15. #1560
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zaladane View Post
    Finished off the last 4 episodes of X-Men 97. Fuck was it ever good. Can't wait for season 2!!! Love to talk about some things that happened but don't want to spoil it.
    Indeed, spoilers ruin it so my review is just play Marvel vs. Capcom until next season.

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