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Thread: Rival Schools on ZiNc emulator question

  1. #1
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    Question Rival Schools on ZiNc emulator question

    Hi guys and girls I have a question. Someone know if ZiNc emulator registers the amount of time of played games? I have been playing Rival Schools game. The game runs in the emulator like when the game is installed for the first time so some features aren't enabled like free select and secret characters. According to some information I found in a guide after 2 weeks of installation, free select will be enabled but I don't know if the emulator has been registering the amount of time what I have been playing in the first place.

  2. #2
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    14 days for free select and 28 for all characters. Unfortunately I have no idea how or even if Zinc keeps track of time played.

    I've seen cheat codes for unlocking with mame but dunno if it'll work with zinc. There must settings somewhere - maybe dip switch selections to flip everything on.

    Here are the mame codes:

    This might be worth a read too:

    Hopefully this will at least point you in the right direction.

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  4. #3
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    My question about not knowing the million plus times I played a Capcom fighter in general will never be resolved but Edge is 70% of it in Rival Schools.

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  5. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zaladane View Post
    14 days for free select and 28 for all characters. Unfortunately I have no idea how or even if Zinc keeps track of time played.

    I've seen cheat codes for unlocking with mame but dunno if it'll work with zinc. There must settings somewhere - maybe dip switch selections to flip everything on.

    Here are the mame codes:

    This might be worth a read too:

    Hopefully this will at least point you in the right direction.
    Hi I'm back... Sorry for the really late reply. It's been a while and now I can tell Zinc emulator working along with the front end I'm using saves the track of time played 'cause now I got access to "Free select" on Rival Schools game. I´m not sure what's the name of the front end I'm using but here's a snap of it
    Name:  Captura de pantalla 2023-11-08 164226.png
Views: 450
Size:  41.1 KB
    The trainer found in is working fine too so thank you so much!
    EDIT: By the way someone know what's about the options on the bottom of the windows "Run server" and "Connect to" Perhaps it is possible to play online but how it works?
    Last edited by LATER HERO; 8th-November-2023 at 22:52.

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