Hello there!

I got into emulation a few months back so I'm still learning new things every day. I downloaded the Alone in the Dark ISO in GDI format from this very site. As people who have played the game may know, it is a game split into two discs and they both happen to be inside the same zip file. I maintain my ISOs in zip files to help me save space in my computer but that brought up a question about the Alone in the Dark ISO. What happens after I finish all the content from disc 1? Does disc 2 automatically start up because they are in the same zip file? Or do I need to do something else to play the content in disc 2?

I apologize if the question is too amateurish but I'd rather know now so I can be ready to play disc 2 soon after I finish disc 1. I've also noticed that some other ISOs have both discs inside the same zip file, so this post could also help me in the future. Any knowledge you could share on this topic is greatly appreciated.