Hi everybody. Great source of roms and information around here. Thanks to all contributors.
I recently build an arcade cabinet and chose Hyperspin as the front-end. It may be lack of knowledge on my part or Google skills for that matter, but I can't seem to find a good source of roms for some systems that would match known rom databases. In particular, one close to my heart, is the Sinclair ZX Spectrum (I know... I'm old ). I have the XML database of games, but I can't find anywhere the games matching the ones in the database. Is there a way (tool maybe) to easily change the names of the zips to match the ones in the database? I downloaded many games from the roms section, but none of them matches the database names. I am not saying that they should since the database was porbably created by a different entity, but I need some help either finding a rom set with matching names as the database or an easy batch method of renaming the files.
The database I currently have is the one from http://hyperlist.hyperspin-fe.com/

Thank you for any advice.