I don't actually remember the song, but the final boss theme of Donkey Kong Country used to be my favourite song ever! (I was 7). I remember humming it all the time for weeks. But then I learned how to whistle, and now, every game I'm playing at the moment, I tend to whistle the main theme, like The Witcher main theme (so epic), The Elder Scrolls main theme (being the Skyrim version the best), and from one game that I don't play for ages but I still whistle its main theme: The Godfather theme. I never watched the movies or anything, but in the game, anytime you enter a car those songs start playing, and well, got stuck forever.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time got me whistling many of the Ocarina songs as well. I got this thing from my father, since all the time he whistles, I've learned with him, and got the same old men habit. But I still cannot reach the higher notes.