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Thread: The Emuparadise Forum Awards 2010 (HD REMIX EDITION) (Results Posted!)

  1. #1
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    Default The Emuparadise Forum Awards 2010 (HD REMIX EDITION) (Results Posted!)

    How We Got Here (AKA DAT BACKSTORY):

    Well, as you've (probably) noticed, we've had a minor mishap with the forums again, and so we've lost several threads of varying importance, like this one. Luckily, the Eldritch Abominations From The Outer Realms (or Tanthias, I've long since stopped trying to tell the difference) have asked me to re-make the yearly re-occurring thread of Emuparadises' long-standing popularity contest, to remind you all exactly where you stand and how much your peers like (or dislike) you. (Yes, the Internet is exactly like High-School, and anyone who tells you different is a dirty liar (and also possibly a whore))

    Now, in a perfect world, our Great God Elmdor (glory be his name) is the one who initiates this ceremony, but alas, he seems to still be in hibernation (or shaving his legs, and who knows how long that will take him) so this year, Gare (who I will now refer to as "The Lesser Hungarian God") was the one who announced it. Alas, his work has been undone, but not forgotten; I believe have most of your (relevant) posts from the thread, and will be reposting them in the next post, likely because the grand lot of you are too lazy to do the same work twice.

    But first...

    The Format (AKA DAT FORMAT)

    This is for those of you whom (who? I'm sure it's whom, but if I'm wrong, you'll correct me, you bastards) haven't voted yet and still wish to do so, or want to change your votes (because HAHA, DAT ROLLBACK). The format is as such, if it wasn't obvious, so you know what you're voting for, as well as because if we don't do it like this, whoever has the misfortune of counting the votes this year (likely me, I'm crazy like that) will sodomize any and everyone who makes it difficult to do this shit, possibly while singing the song that ends the world . Seriously, just copy and paste this into your post, and cut out or leave blank the sections you're not going to vote for. Make it easy for us. You don't do that enough. And we'll probably kill you.

    That being said, run wild and have fun with this. But not too much fun.

    Spoiler warning:
    Favourite Newcomer:

    Favourite Admin:

    Favourite Super-Moderator:

    Favourite Moderator:

    Favourite RetroD00d!:

    Favourite Regular Forumer:

    Least Favourite Forumer:

    Funniest Forumer:

    Smartest Forumer:

    Dumbest Forumer:

    Most Helpful Member:

    Most Respected Member:

    Nicest Forumer:

    Hottest Member:

    Most Spammy Forumer:

    Most Missed Forumer:

    Least Missed Forumer:

    Best Thread Starter:

    Worst Thread Starter:

    The Most Shocking EP Moment of 2010:

    The Favourite EP Moment of 2010:

    The Least Favourite Moment of 2010:

    Best Thread of The Year:

    Worst Thread of The Year:

    The member most deserving of a mention, without getting one:

    Best Drunko of The Year:

    Favourite Avatar:

    Favourite Signature:

    Favourite Skin:

    The guy who's never offline:

    Best Smilie:

    Worst Smilie (Yes, it gets removed! At least that's what Elmdor said!):

    Favourite Overall Forumer (MOTY):

    Favourite LP:

    When does it end (AKA DAT END-DATE)

    When does this contest end? No-one knows. Ever. You'll just log in one day and realize Elmdor came back one day in June or some shit, saw the thread and make his witty comments after tallying everything everyone posted, then when off to parts unknown, possibly to save children from a burning building or something, and this process will start all over again at some point again, like the end of October. Like holy crap, the last time we did one, it didn't end till like March. Way to drop the ball, Elmdor.

    But really, at some point, possibly/probably when Elmdor comes back, he'll tally the votes up, then tell us the results while reminding us how we dropped the ball and how far the forum has fallen in his eyes, like an extremely disappointed father. Or I guess if he's not back by like, January-
    February, either me or Gare will do the final tallies and add terribly scathing commentary so that the winners can't truly enjoy the fact that they won. Then again, you're the most popular member of a little known forum on the Internet for a niche hobby, you're clearly doing well in life. Tell your parents. (No I'm not bitter I haven't won anything since I joined the forum in '07, and no-one really remembers me. Do I sound bitter? Well, I'm not. Pricks.)

    Last edited by Cookie Monster; 2nd-January-2011 at 20:05.

  2. #2
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    And I'm back. I see some of you have decided to post/repost your votes for the awards, meaning I don't have to put you up here. Of course, that makes these 4 place holders redundant (THANKS A LOT GUYS). But eh, I'll fill them with cats or something. Everyone likes Mittens, right?


    Quote Originally Posted by Andy Jerk
    Smartest forumer: Evans or Mistral

    Evans taught me something; he didn't actively tutor me, but I have observed in him an element of coolness: a subconscious method for becoming laid back in order to calmly deal with morons and other difficult people.

    Mistral is just so fascinating and mysterious. I am surprised that no one has yet suggested that such a profound individual may in fact be an artificial intelligence program that has become self-aware; much like Skynet in the Terminator movies.

    Quote Originally Posted by DevilandtheSea
    Favourite newcomer:
    Quiji - I didn't know he was new until now, but I've liked talking to him.

    Favourite admin:
    Tanthias and Cookie Monster - both extremely nice and helpful (which, thanks for the staff list earlier in this thread, Tan. I definitely needed it )

    Favourite Super-Moderator:
    Inferno. Though I haven't had the chance to talk to him much yet.

    Favourite moderator:
    Ray. Pretty interesting guy from what I've seen lol.

    Favourite RetroD00d!:
    Gare. Excellent taste in games. I've come to realize I can easily trust his recommendations

    The favourite Regular Forumer:
    I could just list most of the members I see on here. I'm still in that awkward what-do-I-say stage, but I really enjoy reading what everyone has to say.

    The least favourite forumer:
    I don't dislike him, but I've noticed I have difficulty...appreciating...posts by GarrenDesares.

    Funniest forumer:
    Even though he mostly just trolled, Bayer cracked me up. Much of that was due to his sentence structuring, though, and not because of his over-the-top analogies.

    Smartest forumer:
    Hard to pick just one or even a few. I really like that whole forum is pretty intelligent and coherent, save for some random new members who only post a handful of times and then disappear.

    The dumbest forumer:
    I'm not going to answer this

    Most helpful member:
    Cookie, Tan, Gare, Quiji, to name a few off the top of my head.

    Most respected member:
    Cookie and MasJ, although I've never spoken to the latter or even seen him online.

    Nicest forumer:
    Tanthias. Everyone's been pretty friendly, though.

    Hottest member:
    Milady. I don't have a reason for this

    Most spammy forumer:

    Most missed forumer:
    I would say Bayer, but I can imagine his antics would get old after a while, so I don't know how much I really miss him.

    Least missed forumer:
    ...Bayer? I haven't known anyone else on here to have left/been banned.

    Best thread starter:
    Hmmm, I don't know...

    Worst thread starter:
    GarrenDesares. Sorry, man.

    The most shocking EP moment of 2010:
    I haven't been here long enough to see anything particularly shocking yet, but Garren and Bayer getting into it pretty badly surprised me.

    The favourite moment of 2010:
    See one answer above.

    The least favourite moment of 2010:
    Haven't had one myself.

    Best thread of the year:
    Gare's Question Yourself: Gaming in 2010 thread is pretty great. I also like Milday's Plushies thread she started today (although I can't see any of the pictures here at work )

    Worst thread of the year:

    The member most deserving of a mention, without getting one:
    Drageuth. We haven't talked all that much, but he just seems like a good guy.

    Best Drunko of the year:
    I haven't seen anyone drunk yet

    Favourite Avatar:
    Quiji often has a nice one.

    Favourite Signature:
    I turn sigs off because I don't want them to draw my coworker's attention, so I have no clue what most members' look like, but again, Quiji seems to have nice ones when I do turn the feature on occasionally.

    Favourite Skin:
    Default. Least noticeable at work.

    The guy who's never offline:
    No idea.

    Best smilie:
    These two make me laugh when I see them

    Worst Smilie (Yes, it gets removed! At least that's what Elmdor said!):
    I'll go with the Bathroom one.

    Favourite overall forumer (MOTY):
    I've talked most to Gare, Quiji, and Tan directly, so them.

    Favourite LP:
    I really enjoyed Gare's Missing LP.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ray
    Favourite newcomer: Prude (Hey, I'm biased! )
    Favourite admin: Either Tan or Cookie. They can fight over the title. I may have to give the advantage to cookie. But alas, jack gets no respect.
    Favourite Super-Moderator: None of them, because they're all lazy fucks who don't do shit. Except Fer, occasionally.
    Favourite moderator: Hard call between Synthetik and Milady. Milady manages to consistently do a lot (When we were assigned to staff we each had to pick a section or two. She hopped onto the PS2 lists and pretty much handled them alone up until school became an issue), Syn pops up occasionally and does a shitload of stuff all at once (every time I've checked any of the sections I've been supposed to keep an eye on the last week or two (2 more sections than usual since tan was out of town) I ended up awash in a sea of asterisks.)
    Favourite RetroD00d!: Ivolt. Because no one else is going to vote for him.
    The favourite Regular Forumer: Prude. Forever. Or until she gets retro at least.
    The least favourite forumer: deadlegion.
    Funniest forumer: I laughed pretty hard at cheezy getting banned. Does that count?
    Smartest forumer: Bayer. He knows a napkin when he sees it. Plus he sure managed to fool you lot for a while.
    The dumbest forumer: BlackCitadel*randomletterhere*. It's hilarious.
    Most helpful member: Synthetik. It counts because he's most helpful to me, dammit.
    Most respected member: Mistral? Yeah, I'll go with that.
    Nicest forumer: I'd say Ed, but I recently discovered that he secretly harbours an unbridled rage towards all living things.
    Hottest member: Prude. Enough said.
    Most spammy forumer: deadlegion. For repeatedly adding nothing of value to any conver-FaRt
    Most missed forumer: Maybe if some of you stayed gone for a while we'd have the chance to miss you.
    Least missed forumer: That guy that's gone. What's his name? He logged in like once and didn't post. Him. Whoever that was.
    Best thread starter: Ouji or Jazz. One of those. They both upload a lot, tend to properly label any threads, and their other non upload threads tend to not be complete messes either.
    Worst thread starter: BlackCitadel. Although that tends to fall so far into bad thread territory that it loops back around to hilariously awesome.
    The most shocking EP moment of 2010: discovering that cookie is actually a girl. Did not see that coming. Wait, am I not supposed to mention that here?
    The favourite moment of 2010: While it's hard to top Ivolt getting lemonpartied in a rather hilarious fashion, I'm going to have to go with getting a certain PM out of the blue from a certain member. One thing lead to another and you can currently find me hovering about 3 feet above ground level as I am currently WALKING ON AIR.
    The least favourite moment of 2010: It's been a terrible year marked by numerous terrible events, picking one is like trying to pick my favorite form of skin rash. As far as EP related goes, the appearance of the dreaded 504 comes to mind.
    Best thread of the year: Most likely one of the 3 or 4 retro ones we had this year. Surprisingly decent crop.
    Worst thread of the year: That thread that was all about how classic games are a billion times greater than the greatest thing in the world, meanwhile modern games are the shittiest shit that ever was shat. The stupid, it BURNS.
    The member most deserving of a mention, without getting one: Elmdor. Where art thou?
    Best Drunko of the year: No one stands out. Most of you just post to state you've been drinking then immediately leave before drunken behaviour. Although Drageuth apparently drinks constantly when playing videogames. Borman tends to drop by to state it whenever he can. And there was that one time prude was completely shitfaced.
    Favourite Avatar: Milady tends to have nice ones. Everyone else appears to rely on old favorites or something. Although Gare manages to pull some nice stuff.
    Favourite Signature: Gare. Because.
    Favourite Skin: Fat girl. It's easy to make into a suit.
    The guy who's never offline: None I can think of. Maybe it's because I tend to appear at random times of day and there's rarely someone who completely matches my unusual schedules.
    Best smilie: Anything related to Busey.
    Worst Smilie (Yes, it gets removed! At least that's what Elmdor said!): Oversized, useless, nobody posts it, and it looks like ass.
    Favourite overall forumer (MOTY): No one seems to stand out in my mind. You all need to work harder to impress me in 2011.
    Favourite LP: I still have 3 or 4 to get around to viewing , and one that I still haven't finished, but as it currently stands: Missing (Gare). When it comes to the LPs I find myself enjoying most, they tend to be 1.) games I haven't played/completed 2.) games that are good 3.) games that have entertaining commentary put over them and 4.) games that are very competently played. This LP delivered on all fronts. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll get depressed, you'll get weirded out, and you'll have a good time. Seriously, go watch. You'll see the whole thing in an hour or two. And it's totally worth it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Synthetik
    Favorite newcomer(s): Quiji
    Quiji, because for only being here for less than a year, he's come into his own as a member and has been quite active in and outside of the hangout. He also spends way too much money on old video game consoles that he never plays, which is somehow a good thing.
    Favorite admin(s): CM, Sprung, Tanthias, & MasJ
    Firstly, I want to give props to all of the Administrators for all of their hard work. Jackhammer, Elmdor, crusher, Panda Man, Ragnar and Zorlon: Thank you. They all put a lot of work into this site uploading games and dealing with the users and a lot of it goes unnoticed or taken for granted, so good job guys. Cookie Monster for being very helpful and nice to everyone and even forgiving me for being an idiot and flaming his (and many other peoples) preferred console for stupid reasons, many moons ago. Sprung for always being a good sport and being hilarious and awesome. Tanthias for his always entertaining wit and endless army of clones. And last but not least MasJ for all his work maintaining and running this site. (MasJ is kind of like god in people's speeches, because without him none of this would be possible. )
    Favorite Super-Moderator(s): Fer and Inferno
    Fer for his wise insight on games and all things Mexico. And Inferno for his once massive gamerscore (R.I.P.) and his wise insight on modding/games. And of course, both these gents for their hard work updating/maintaining lists, banning foos, and other mod related stuff.
    Favorite moderator(s): Ray, Milady, Hypnos & Mimori
    Ray for his hilarious sense of humor and unquestionable mastery of video games and video game culture. Not to mention singlehandedly reviving the DS masterlist. Milady for her entertaining stories, medical knowledge and unbridled rage towards whores. (Even though she didn't list me in any of her votes... ) Hypnos for his intelligence and insight on various aspects of life/society. And Mimori, for his love of Japanese culture, his infectious niceness and his ability to make anything being discussed in the hangout cute with his gratuitous use of . And, once again, all of our mods for updating/maintaining lists and banning FPAs.
    Favorite RetroD00d(s)!: Cosmic, Tassadar, Evans, polo, MoG & Ivolt
    Cosmic for making me laugh the hardest I've ever laughed while staring at a computer screen on multiple occasions, and his extremely sexy taste in music. Seriously dude, I think you could have a very bright future in the music biz if you wanted to. Tassadar for his love of film and memes, his links to hilarious threads on other forums, and his witty responses. Evans for his ability to say what no one else has the balls to say with zero indifference towards the outcome and the lulz that ensue. polo for his love of electro music, chicken wings, and his godly knowledge of computers and technology. (polo for president y'all! polo for president 2012!) MoG for his coolness, heated driveways and love of the smiley. And Ivolt for his BLINDING RAGE, purple walls and various things written in all caps that never cease to amuse me.
    The favorite Regular Forumer(s): Jazzmarazz
    For his infamous uploading sprees and seemingly constant presence in the hangout. He's a fun guy to talk to and is always cracking jokes and being helpful, not to mention writing guides and contributing to the site.
    The least favorite forumer(s): I dunno, don't really have one.
    Funniest forumer(s): Cosmic, Ray & Evans
    Cosmic for so many reasons that I've lost count, but his COMODO rant, personification of inanimate objects and novel-esque stories chock full of metaphors and even a moral at the end come to mind. Ray for his many puns and blunt statements that could make even Ivolt blush. And Evans, for his seemingly random but related pop culture references, his encyclopedic knowledge of Family Guy, and his DON'T GO THERE GIRLFRIEND attitude. *snaps fingers in a z motion* And of course, let's not forget DAT GOATEE.
    Smartest forumer(s): Mistral, Hypnos, Evans & Ray
    All four of these people are ridiculously intelligent and knowledgeable on so many topics that it's ridiculous. If these four people played a game of jeopardy Alex Trebek's head would probably explode, a la Scanners. (Yeah, so only three contestants can play jeopardy at once, wanna fight about it?)
    The dumbest forumer(s): No comment.
    Most helpful member(s): CM, Jackhammer, Elmdor, Ragnar, Tanthias, Fer, Inferno & Ray
    All of them for their work behind the scenes, answering peoples questions in general gaming and everything emulation, activating peoples accounts, and updating/maintaining lists. And did I mention Ray revived the NDS masterlist all by himself? That crazy bastard.
    Most respected member(s): MasJ
    For keeping this ship of awesome afloat for over a decade, and for always looking for new ways to improve the site and listening to user input. Nice work!
    Nicest forumer(s): Mimori, CM & Tanthias
    Mimori is always warm and friendly to me and everyone else I've ever seen him talk to, so he wins my vote. (Although apparently he is very capable of extreme hatred, but I don't believe that. ) Cookie Monster for never losing his cool when dealing with the noobs, beyond the occasional tough love. (Sometimes they need to be put in their place, dammit! ) And Tanthias for being the noob saviour, and never acting like he's too good to talk with some of the non-regulars in and outside of the hangout.
    Hottest member(s): Prude
    She's so hot it's almost scary. Like, it's unwise to even try and touch her because your hand might FUCKING MELT. And she's good at drawing too, which is sexy.
    Most spammy forumer(s): Bayer
    He was damn funny though.
    Most missed forumer(s): God of Steve
    Even though he skipped out on years of child support and opted instead to use the money to buy weed and booze, he finally started to share it with me. Love ya dad. Log on more!
    Least missed forumer(s): As there's no one that I really disliked all that much, there's no one I was especially glad to see leave.
    Best thread starter(s): Andy Jerk
    What? (Alright, maybe he wasn't actually the best thread starter, but his random nonsense, photoshops and poetry were all entertaining and often hilarious to me, so I think he at least deserves a mention.)
    Worst thread starter(s): BlackCitadel(x)
    For obvious reasons.
    The most shocking EP moment(s) of 2010: CMM getting banned, two old school members coming back and actually staying for more than a week, and finding out that Cookie Monster is actually....a muppet.
    The favorite moment(s) of 2010: ¨ˆ¨ˆ¨ˆ¨ˆ¨ˆ¨ˆ¨ˆ¨ˆ¨ˆ¨ˆ¨ˆ¨ˆ¨ ˆ¨ˆ¨ˆ ¨ˆ¨ˆ¨ˆ¨ˆ¨ˆ¨ˆ¨ˆ¨ˆ¨ˆ¨ˆ¨ˆ¨ˆ¨ ˆ¨ˆ¨ˆ *censored by COMODO INTERNET SECURITY*
    In all honesty, I don't think I can choose a single favorite moment, so I'm just gonna say all the laughs, all the interesting conversations, all the things I've learned and all the fun I've had here for the past 2 1/2 years. This site has such a great community of people and everyone contributes something in their own way, no matter how big or small. You've all become like a second family to me, and it's the reason I keep coming back. Thank you everyone, for being so awesome and kind to me. Here's looking forward to another 2 1/2 years.
    The least favorite moment(s) of 2010: Not being able to find the time to log on for what seemed like too long. :/
    Best thread(s) of the year: COMODO
    Because we're probably going to get in a shitload of trouble and get shut down by the internet security companies for uploading malicious files. HOLY SHIT THEY CENSORED MY POST UP THERE DID YOU SEE THAT!?
    Worst thread(s) of the year: Probably the FFVII thread, but it's hard to tell. There were a lot of shitty threads this year.
    The member(s) most deserving of a mention, without getting one: Zaladane & Drageuth
    Both for being cool guys and being online late at night at the same time as me when most everyone else is offline. And for liking Canadian bacon.
    Best Drunko(s) of the year: Theo & Borman
    Always and forever.
    Favorite Avatar(s): Milady & Gare
    Milady for her nicely themed Final Fantasy avatars. (And for repping the white mage, the most under appreciated class.) And Gare for his always awesome looking avatars. (Bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy.)
    Favorite Signature(s): Evans & Rasgrez
    Evans for consistently having the coolest looking signatures on the forums. Always aesthetically pleasing. And I have no idea what Rasgrez's is from, but it looks really cool. (Not like I know what Evans' are from, but still.)
    Favorite Skin(s): Default VB3
    For life.
    The person/people who are never offline: Tanthias
    It was a close decision between a few people, but Tanthias takes the cake in my book.
    Best Smilie(s):
    Forever and always.
    Worst Smilie(s): The BRB Restroom one. I'm not even gonna post it.
    Favorite LP(s): Molesting Tongue
    Because even though I haven't watched very much of it yet (or any of the LPs for that matter. I'll get around to it!), Tan and Ray are entertaining and their commentary works well together, and that game seems like it gets pretty damn difficult. And also because Ray seems to slowly be corrupting Tanthias somehow.
    Favorite overall forumer (MOTY): This is way too hard for me to choose. There are a lot of people that deserve this title and I don't want to exclude anyone that is just as worthy of being mentioned as the next person, and I don't want to nominate 10+ people like I know I will if I try.
    Last edited by Ivolt; 22nd-December-2010 at 23:46.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zaladane
    Well that time again huh. Gonna try and not have 20 names for each one
    I'll also try not to double up on names. Oh and Cookies a girl that's it I'm moving to....Spain is it? ( )

    Favourite newcomer: I'll join the group and go with Quiji too. Also sockesocke

    Favourite admin:

    Favourite Super-Moderator: This is tough but I'm gonna go with Inferno.

    Favourite moderator: Another tough one. Synthetik and Milady

    Favourite RetroD00d!: Drageuth

    The favourite Regular Forumer: hmmm don't talk to many non retro/staff. I'll go with Irish Moogle/Jazz/MondayHopscotch will probably update this one as I remember more people

    The least favourite forumer: GarrenDesares (yes I'm the one who changed your title) I also happen to remember being one of the first people to join up with the "I hate Skinner8 guild" wanna guess why? Dave. Just got married. Hope your plane crashes on the way to your honeymoon spot. Too mean? Tough shit.

    Funniest forumer: Raype, Sprung

    Smartest forumer: Hypnos, Colamisu

    The dumbest forumer: This guy has so totally won - BlackCitadel

    Most helpful member: Gonna have to go with this Meganova dude who's been helping all the nubs the last little while.

    Most respected member: Can't really say, I'll come back to it.

    Nicest forumer: Tan

    Hottest member: Come on ladies start sending me some pics and I'll choose one!!! serious.

    Most spammy forumer: Bayer

    Most missed forumer: Pretty sure you all know who I'm gonna say: SHIBBYGUY (oh and Blaargmonster )
    And all the other lost Retros

    Least missed forumer: Doyleyboy, hope you're bleeding in a ditch somewhere. bitch.

    Best thread starter: can't really say as most of them are crap. I'll think of something later.

    Worst thread starter: Spose/GarrenDesares/Crosshatch2

    The most shocking EP moment of 2010: none I can think of

    The favourite moment of 2010:

    The least favourite moment of 2010:

    Best thread of the year:

    Worst thread of the year:

    The member most deserving of a mention, without getting one: I'll say Deadlegion, we go back and forth sometimes really late at night in the hangout.

    Best Drunko of the year: Normally I would say me, but I haven't made a single post for the entire year while loaded I'll make sure to correct this for 2011 So I'm gonna have to go with Drageuth and his Whiskey

    Favourite Avatar: Gare (also me, Emma Watson )

    Favourite Signature: gonna have to search a bit, there's quite a few good ones out there.

    Favourite Skin: default I guess, maybe I should actually look at the others...

    The guy who's never offline: Gonna have to say Tan, I always see him on (funny enough he isn't as I'm posting this)

    Best smilie:

    Worst Smilie (Yes, it gets removed! At least that's what Elmdor said!): I agree with everyone who've said the big ones.

    Favourite overall forumer (MOTY): Zaladane

    I'm sure I'll be editing this a few times and filling in what I've missed.

    I'd also like to say that I still suspect that bayer and blackcitadel are both long time/old members or staff screwing around and having a laugh at us. If that's the case, dump yourself into the smartest member part

    enough for now.
    Quote Originally Posted by Necro
    Here is my list of shit I could barely remember.
    Hopefully I didn't hurt anyone's feelings. I love everyone here and would hate to leave you guys out. I've only spoken to a few of you recently so if I forgot you shoot me a PM and I'll send you nudies!
    Also the spoiler contains harsh language.

    Favourite newcomer:I'm not around enough to know. Kermit?
    Favourite admin:Current admins? Fuck I don't know. Cookie is still an admin right?
    Favourite Super-Moderator:Fer!
    Favourite moderator:I would say Ray but he plays Nvrscr Chaos so... Milady
    Favourite RetroD00d!:Evans
    The favourite Regular Forumer:not around enough so anyone who frequents the hangout.
    The least favourite forumer: Luffy. No sarcasm, I really can't stand him.
    Funniest forumer:Ray or maybe Ivolt.
    Smartest forumer:Evans. Hands down.
    The dumbest forumer:Luffy. Hands down.
    Most helpful member:Inferno. I mean really, look at what he's done for all the noobs.
    Most respected memberon't quite understand this one. Who I most respect or how I believe is the most respected? I respect Sprung most, Gotta respect your elders.
    Nicest forumer:Ed. His posts make me warm and fuzzy.
    Hottest member:Gotta say Evans. I want his beard.
    Most spammy forumer:Anyone who hangouts.
    Most missed forumer:Craig. I love you dad!
    Least missed forumer:CMM.
    Best thread starter:Elmdor
    Worst thread starter:Luffy
    The most shocking EP moment of 2010:Ray and Prude. Who knew she was really a chick?
    The favourite moment of 2010:Returning to EP. I missed you guys.
    The least favourite moment of 2010:I can't remember a terribly bad moment in 2010.
    Best thread of the yearost your homes. I know it was my thread but I still think it was an awesome idea.
    Worst thread of the year:RBT. It wasn't started in 2010 but it was still ongoing. What a poor excuse for a record breaker.
    The member most deserving of a mention, without getting one:Every one at EP. You're the best family I've got.
    Best Drunko of the year:Theo. duh.
    Favourite Avatar:Gare generally has awesome ones.
    Favourite Signature:Evans. Same as Gare, they're both just amazing.
    Favourite Skin:Elmdor's of course. It's sex in my eyes.
    The guy who's never offline:I wouldn't know. Inferno if anyone.
    Best smilie:
    Worst Smilie (Yes, it gets removed! At least that's what Elmdor said!):
    Favourite overall forumer (MOTY):Evans.
    Favourite LP:
    Spoiler warning:
    Bullet I have a potty mouth.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kermit
    I love the love, but.... well... newcomer?

    Favourite newcomer: We got new members?
    Favourite admin: They're all so awesome. This way none of 'em will get pissy.
    Spoiler warning:

    Favourite Super-Moderator: And cause infighting? I refuse to inflate egos.
    Favourite moderator: You ought to see a pattern here. I won't speak bad of those with power.
    Favourite RetroD00d!: Evans for always outwitting me.
    The favourite Regular Forumer: Jazz for being my replacement for when I'm not here. A puppet's puppet, if you will.
    The least favourite forumer:
    Spoiler warning:

    Funniest forumer:
    Smartest forumer: Evans
    The dumbest forumer: Steve
    Most helpful member: Cookie
    Most respected member: Probably Cookie, but well, imma say MasJ.
    Nicest forumer: Milady
    Hottest member:
    Most spammy forumer: Newsbot
    Most missed forumer: People've left?
    Least missed forumer: See above
    Best thread starter: Elmdor
    Worst thread starter: Andy
    The most shocking EP moment of 2010: Andy's apology
    The favourite moment of 2010: The announcing of the winner of the make a cool thread win stuff thread.
    The least favourite moment of 2010: Probably having to cut back on my posting due to a busier life.
    Best thread of the year: This one.
    Worst thread of the year:
    Spoiler warning:
    Pick one

    The member most deserving of a mention, without getting one: If I mention them, then this question is void.
    Best Drunko of the year: Andy
    Favourite Avatar: Chesty had a pretty awesome one.
    Favourite Signature: Evans always surprises me with awesomeness.
    Favourite Skin: Dark Haven
    Spoiler warning:
    Elmdor's skin needs to die

    The guy who's never offline: Panda. It may look like he's offline. But he's just sitting there.... waiting.
    Best smilie:
    Worst Smilie (Yes, it gets removed! At least that's what Elmdor said!):
    Favourite overall forumer (MOTY): I'll give it to Elmdor
    Quote Originally Posted by Elin
    Favourite newcomer: Quiji, DevilandtheSea, Prude
    Quiji is really nice, and I've had fun speaking to him every now and then this year, as well as reading his posts in General Gaming in particular. DevilandtheSea I've spoken to less, but reading her posts she strikes me as a good sort, and I like her Zork LP. And Prude gets a lot of flak, but I've never had a problem with her, and I like seeing her about. It's telling that it took reading other people's posts in this thread to remember she only registered this year, as it feels like she's been a part of this place for much longer.

    Favourite admin: Elmdor, Cookie, Tanthias, crusher
    You're all wonderful, kind, sweet people that I'm so happy to still be in touch with. There were lots of things I wanted to say to you individually, but I'll cut it short and just say:

    Favourite Super-Moderator: Fer
    So much love for so many reasons. I've had a lot of fun talking to you about football, videogames and all the silly inbetweens over the last however many years it's been, and you're so friendly and easy-going, so I always feel at ease chatting with you. Basically you're sort of person I want to be friends with in real life, but who I'm always too scared to say hi to. So it's been nice getting to know you here instead~ XD

    Favourite moderator: Ray, Milady, Synthetik
    Ray makes me laugh, is a lot of fun to be around, has provided us with so much LP goodness, and has done more as a moderator over the last year than I've done in the last...uh...six. :'D Milady is just lovely, and her posts always make me smile. Though our paths don't often cross because of wildly different timezones, I always have fun chatting with her when they do, and make the effort to backread some of her posts. And Synthetik is super-cool, and the sort of person that seems to get along with most everyone. I've really missed seeing you over the last couple of months. It's so nice to see that you're still alive and well!

    Favourite RetroD00d!: Gare, Ivolt, Danny, Tassadar
    Gare is just all kinds of lovely, but I'll get into that below. I've liked Ivolt practically from the moment he registered here, and have had so much fun talking to him over the years. I'll no doubt remember his RAGE, purple walls and infamous lemon party-ing long after we've gone our separate ways. Danny has copious amounts of stret cred in my eyes, and is always worth a mention. And Tassadar is intelligent, friendly, and I suspect a lot wittier than he thinks~! It's always nice to see him around.

    The favourite Regular Forumer: Quiji
    For reasons already stated above.

    The least favourite forumer: I love you all.
    Uh...seriously. Everyone I don't like seems to leave or get banned. XD

    Funniest forumer: Danny, Elmdor, Ray, Cosmic
    Danny for all the ridiculous in-jokes and Photoshops. Elmdor because for whatever reason his unique brand of humour just cracks me up. I think we're cut from the same cloth. Ray for his LPs, all the silly game related gags, and for consistently making me laugh at things I shouldn't be laughing at. And Cosmic? He only avoids mention in other categories because he and I probably don't have a lot in common, and we rarely talk except to exchange stupid jokes back and forth. Still, said jokes are more than enough to earn him mention here. Awesome, nice guy with a great sense of humour.

    Smartest forumer: Danny, Mistral, Hypnos, Ray when he feels like it
    Danny because inbetween bouts of furious Busey-ing and Jesse-ing over MSN it's been a privilege to talk to him and hear his ideas on all sorts of things. My reasons for picking Mistral and Hypnos should be obvious to anyone who has read these awards in the last however many years. And Ray for whenever the gloves comes off and the penis jokes are cast aside in favour of a wall of text that puts any of mine to shame, because they're always interesting, insightful and well-written.

    The dumbest forumer: That COMODO guy
    Hilarious, though, and gave us one of the year's crowning moments via Cosmic and Ivolt.

    Most helpful member: Tanthias, Cookie, Inferno, Jackhammer, Ray
    They all make me ashamed to hold a staff position here. Busy people~

    Most respected member: Most of you, really, with special mention to Danny and Cookie
    I really think this is a lovely community, and even though I'm not even all that into games anymore I'm still so happy to be allowed to be a part of it year after year. You all ought to be proud of yourselves for making it so wonderful! That being said, I wanted to give mention to Danny and Cookie specifically. The former because online or no, he's been a genuinely good friend to me over the last however many years we've known each other, and has listened to me complain about things waaaaaay too many times without ever becoming impatient or snappy with me. :'D And the latter because he's been here forever, clearly gives his all to make it a nice place to be a part of, and still offers a helping hand to new people when most who have been around as long as him don't bother.

    You also both speak fantastic English, which is an inspiration to me as a foreign languages student. But then that's pretty much the norm for the non-native speakers here. ^^

    Nicest forumer: Again, most of you, but with special mention to Tanthias and Fer
    Everyone here is pretty nice, I think. I generally find internet communities sort of hostile, and don't fit in with a lot of them, so it says something about how nice you all are that I've stuck around here so long. :'D Special mention goes to Tanthias and Fer, though. I always seem to get a lot of votes in this category, but I can be quite mean and passive-aggressive when I'm not in a good mood. Tanthias and Fer, on the other hand, are always cheerful, kind-hearted and a joy to be around.

    Hottest member: Elmdor
    No question.

    Most spammy forumer: Bayer
    Troll or no, the guy posted like five images per post.

    Most missed forumer: BORLY, Dan, BORLY, Cyberxion, BORLY, Clive, BORLY, Gnafu, BORLY
    Plus pretty much everyone else from the 2003 crowd I knew.

    Least missed forumer: Akuma
    Fortunately he was kind enough to leave us with sage words that will echo down throughout the ages, and will forever resolve the age old question 'Fucking magnets. How do they work?'.

    Best thread starter: Elmdor, Gare
    Elmdor for one thread in particular he made that made me laugh so much I wanted to double reputation it. It shall remain nameless here. Gare for actually making General Gaming interesting, even if I've often been too busy this year to respond to some of his threads. ;__;

    Worst thread starter: Whoever started that FFVII shitfest
    Seriously, when I get tired of rambling about Final Fantasy VII, there's something seriously wrong.

    The most shocking EP moment of 2010: Drageuth both returning and sticking around!
    Shocking in the best possible way, of course. Welcome back!

    The favourite moment of 2010: Coming home after a bit of a bad day to find that Milady had PM'd me a link to that silly Sushi Cat game.
    Sort of insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but somehow it cheered me up at the time, and thinking back on it makes me smile.

    The least favourite moment of 2010: Secret
    Something terrible that happened to a member here that I'd rather not drag back up in public because it'd be incredibly crass and insensitive. I had no words at the time and I still have no words now. But I wish said mystery member all the best with everything.

    Best thread of the year: The World Cup thread
    Fun! Psychic octopuses, triumphant Spaniards and Germans with bulging eyes. See you all in four years! :3

    Worst thread of the year: The aforementioned FFVII thread

    The member most deserving of a mention, without getting one: Quite a few.
    But Corey comes to mind. Sorry. =( I offer you a BEAMMMMMMMMMMM as a consolation.

    Best Drunko of the year: Me
    I had one drink at a friend's birthday party this year because she insisted it tasted like some old soda we both loved, and I had to try it. That's a lot for me!

    Favourite Avatar: Milady's current one, my current one
    The former because I just saw it glancing through the thread and couldn't think of any this year that I liked more. The latter because it's lovely and I don't feel bad voting for myself when it's not something I actually made. Thanks Danny!

    Favourite Signature: Gare's Xenoblade one
    Pretty! Also XENOBLADE.

    Favourite Skin: Elmdor
    I've been using it for years and I'm never changing.

    The guy who's never offline: I never post, but I'm usually here. Failing that, Ray always seems to be about at the same times as me.

    Best smilie:
    All for obvious reasons, I should think. The first two because . The last one because...well...this, basically.

    Worst Smilie (Yes, it gets removed! At least that's what Elmdor said!): Restroom one, Iron Man
    Can't say I'd be sad to see the first one go. As for the second one, I'd be frankly gutted if it were removed, ugly though it is. There are some very important emotions that can only be expressed with an Iron Man.

    Favourite overall forumer (MOTY): Gare
    Decided to push myself to narrow it down to one member in this category, at least. I've known and liked Gare for years now, but over the last year or two we've spoken a lot more and I think we've gotten to know each other a little better. I've enjoyed both his posts and threads in General Gaming, and I've had tons of fun discussing various geeky RPGs with him. But more than that, he's just really kind, friendly and pleasant to be around. I'm always happy to see him posting in a thread because reading a Gare post can only make my day that little bit better.

    Also Eeyore plushie. <3 Also also Xenoblade. <3 Also also also Leon! <3
    Quote Originally Posted by Inferno
    Favourite newcomer: Quiji, DevilandtheSea also seems like a worthy contender. Although I've never spoken to them I don't think, anyone that isn't all "WERE ROM?" is cool in my books.
    Favourite admin: Cookie/Sprung/Retired Cosmic, always.
    Favourite Super-Moderator: Myself. (No not really, Fer.)
    Favourite moderator: Synthetik and Milady. It's impossible to choose between the two, FACT. (The others who update the lists as well are of course worthy. Ray & Hypnos.)
    Favourite RetroD00d!: Gare.
    The favourite Regular Forumer: Jazz or Shardnax
    The least favourite forumer: BlackCitadelN/R etc.
    Funniest forumer: Cosmic.
    Smartest forumer: Mistral.
    The dumbest forumer: BlackCitadelN/R/GarrenDesares
    Most helpful member: Anyone that posts to help out the n00bs is helpful IMO.
    Most respected member: Cookie Monster
    Nicest forumer: Tanthias
    Hottest member:
    Most spammy forumer: luffy4 or that lizard guy.
    Most missed forumer: I write the same people every year and they never come back, so fuck all of you. () Different one on this year: polo
    Least missed forumer: Bayer
    Best thread starter:
    Worst thread starter: Lizard
    The most shocking EP moment of 2010: Segnin returning.
    The favourite moment of 2010:
    The least favourite moment of 2010:
    Best thread of the year:
    Worst thread of the year:
    The member most deserving of a mention, without getting one: Tan, MasJ, Ragnar, Tass, Drageuth, Panda, Stark, etc.
    Best Drunko of the year: Borman.
    Favourite Avatar:
    Favourite Signature:
    Favourite Skin:
    The guy who's never offline: For once, I'm not going to say me. I haven't got as much free time any more.
    Best smilie: , always.
    Worst Smilie (Yes, it gets removed! At least that's what Elmdor said!): They never actually get removed. This is just lies.
    Favourite overall forumer (MOTY):
    Last edited by Ivolt; 22nd-December-2010 at 23:50.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    New York City
    Thanked 9 Times in 5 Posts
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elmdor
    Thank you, my love.

    Oh, and I totally do a lot of work behind the scenes, hun. Or, err, so I tell myself.

    Favourite newcomer: That guy. With the, hm, there's a face in his avatar. It might be moving. Is he wearing an eye-patch? Do I even like him? You know the one.
    Favourite admin: Urgh. Crusher, Cookies and Tan. (I don't like leaving out Jack, Panda and even Sprung but I don't wanna say more than three). I really like MasJ too though.
    Favourite Super-Moderator: Do we have any SMODS? Fer!
    Favourite moderator: Ed and Strongbad.
    Favourite RetroD00d!: Gare, Screwed and MoG. Norway is where it's at, I've heard. Oh, and Cosmic is a retrod00d now!
    The favourite Regular Forumer: Um, no idea? Kermit? Plastic Jesus, maybe.
    The least favourite forumer: I actually don't know.
    Funniest forumer: Cosmic, without doubt.
    Smartest forumer: Mistral.
    The dumbest forumer: Lizard.
    Most helpful member: Tan, Ragnar and Cookie.
    Most respected member:
    Nicest forumer: Ed and Tan.
    Hottest member: Daniel Negreanu.
    Most spammy forumer:
    Most missed forumer: A bunch. I'll edit in this later.
    Least missed forumer:
    Best thread starter: Gare and Cosmic.
    Worst thread starter: Lizard and Luffy.
    The most shocking EP moment of 2010: Drags returning.
    The favourite moment of 2010: See above. Also, crusher taking his pinecone license and Skinner coming back.
    The least favourite moment of 2010: Some stuff I'd rather not mention.
    Best thread of the year:
    Worst thread of the year:
    The member most deserving of a mention, without getting one:
    Best Drunko of the year:
    Favourite Avatar:
    Favourite Signature:
    Favourite Skin:
    The guy who's never offline:
    Best smilie:
    Worst Smilie (Yes, it gets removed! At least that's what Elmdor said!):
    Favourite overall forumer (MOTY):
    Favourite LP:
    Quote Originally Posted by Milady
    I didn't do this last year, since I hadn't been around for very long, so I suppose I'll give it a try this time around. I may or may not get around to filling in any blanks later.

    Favourite newcomer: Quiji.
    Favourite admin: Cookie Monster, Ragnar, Tanthias.
    Favourite Super-Moderator: Fer, Inferno.
    Favourite moderator: Elin, Ray.
    Favourite RetroD00d!: Evans, Colamisu, Ivolt. (No Ray, I totally didn't forget about Ivolt )
    The favourite Regular Forumer: I can't think of any that I really enjoy talking to on a regular basis, so I'm going to make this my favorite "retired staff" member and say Drageuth.
    The least favourite forumer: I haven't seen Chen around much since about February, so I'll go with Bayer/ManCannon.
    Funniest forumer: Cosmic. That Comodo + Deliverance audio alone should win him this spot.
    Smartest forumer: Mistral, of course, but I also think Ray and Hypnos deserve a little more credit in this area.
    The dumbest forumer: BlackCitadelN/O/P/Q/R
    Most helpful member: Ray. His cyborg-like ability to maintain lists whilst I'm absent is amazing, and I think he's given me the most info in the past when I've been contemplating various purchases. (I think this is supposed to be the most helpful member in general, but I care not.)
    Most respected member: MasJ
    Nicest forumer: Elin. He says he's not that nice in his post here, but he's pretty much the only member who consistently makes me feel like I've just gotten a hug after I've finished talking with him. I never actually spoke with him for a long time after I joined, and actually made it a goal to catch up with him in the hangout some day (he sounded so lovely, with people talking of kitten petting simulators and such), and I couldn't be happier that I finally did. Well, unless of course it happened more often.
    Hottest member: Pfft.
    Most spammy forumer: Chesty.
    Most missed forumer: polobunny
    Least missed forumer: Chen, Bayer/ManCannon
    Best thread starter: _____
    Worst thread starter: BlackCitadelN/O/P/Q/R
    The most shocking EP moment of 2010: Ray's amazing resurrection of the DS list that had long been left for dead.
    The favourite moment of 2010: That time Chen got hit by a car. Okay, so it probably didn't actually happen in 2010 (if it happened at all), and it certainly didn't happen on the forums, but it was still a pretty good way to start off the year.
    The least favourite moment of 2010: Any time I received a PM containing a stupid question from someone I've never heard of, or any time that someone created a ridiculous thread or submitted about four posts in a row when they could have just read a sticky.
    Worst thread of the year: _____
    The member most deserving of a mention, without getting one: Jazzmahwhatever.
    Best Drunko of the year: I generally dislike drunkos.
    Favourite Avatar: Drageuth
    Favourite Signature: I don't really know, I generally keep them disabled. Gare's Xenoblade one was/is lovely, though. I liked Drag's grumpy looking Link one, too.
    Favourite Skin: Blu Hydra
    The guy who's never offline: _____
    Best smilie:
    Worst Smilie (Yes, it gets removed! At least that's what Elmdor said!): The bathroom one, along with the myriad of other large, animated images typically used by the spammy among us.
    Favourite overall forumer (MOTY): I can't choose just one. I need you all.
    Favourite LP: Thief 3, Spyro the Dragon, Zombies Ate My Neighbors
    Quote Originally Posted by Shardnax
    Favourite newcomer: Solbadude - Mostly because he likes awesome games
    Favourite admin: Sprung, Tanthias, Jackhammer
    Favourite Super-Moderator: Inferno, Fer
    Favourite moderator: Rachel, Synthetik
    Favourite RetroD00d!: Cosmic, Ivolt
    The favourite Regular Forumer: Jazz
    The least favourite forumer: Shardnax, he always has half-baked posts!
    Funniest forumer: Jammeke1980, UNECM!?
    Smartest forumer:
    The dumbest forumer:
    Most helpful member: Jazz (thanks for those codes), Staff/Retro that answer my silly questions in the hangout
    Most respected member: Cookie Monster
    Nicest forumer: Tanthias
    Hottest member: Drageuth, Stark
    Most spammy forumer:
    Most missed forumer: Nobody I chat with is gone
    Least missed forumer: Huh?
    Best thread starter:
    Worst thread starter:
    The most shocking EP moment of 2010: When I tricked Jazz into breaking 1k posts in the counting thread
    The favourite moment of 2010: The Hangout
    The least favourite moment of 2010:
    Best thread of the year: This one, I laugh whenever I read it
    Worst thread of the year: There is still time for me to make it
    The member most deserving of a mention, without getting one:
    Best Drunko of the year:
    Favourite Avatar: Gare, Vanguard Princess is super fun
    Favourite Signature: Evans, Prude
    Favourite Skin: The Default
    The guy who's never offline:
    Best smilie:
    Worst Smilie (Yes, it gets removed! At least that's what Elmdor said!): :brb
    Favourite overall forumer (MOTY): How does I choose?!

    I figured I should fill it out since I made some lists .
    Quote Originally Posted by Crusher
    Favourite newcomer: Quiji
    Favourite admin: Elmdor, Cookie, Tan
    Favourite Super-Moderator: Feeeeer
    Favourite moderator: Ed, Milady, Ray
    Favourite RetroD00d!: Gare, Evans, MoG, screwed, Zaladane
    The favourite Regular Forumer: I dunno
    The least favourite forumer: You. Yes YOU! You know who you are.
    Funniest forumer: Ray, Elmdor
    Smartest forumer: Mistral
    The dumbest forumer: If you are reading this, it's you.
    Most helpful member: The people who keeps this place in good shape. Kudos to you guys. And Panda.
    Most respected member: Cookie, Ed
    Nicest forumer: Always Ed.
    Hottest member: First person to PM me gets this spot. Jazzmarazz is so hawt!
    Most spammy forumer:
    Most missed forumer: Roux, Clive
    Least missed forumer:
    Best thread starter: You guys are all aweful.
    Worst thread starter: See above.
    The most shocking EP moment of 2010:
    The favourite moment of 2010:
    The least favourite moment of 2010:
    Best thread of the year:
    Worst thread of the year:
    The member most deserving of a mention, without getting one:
    Best Drunko of the year: Borman?
    Favourite Avatar:
    Favourite Signature:
    Favourite Skin:
    The guy who's never offline:
    Best smilie:
    Worst Smilie (Yes, it gets removed! At least that's what Elmdor said!): Pick any of those wallpaper-sized ones.
    Favourite overall forumer (MOTY): Elmdor
    Favourite LP: I uh... sorry guys I kinda didn't watch any...

    Will update this later.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tan
    Favourite newcomer: Quiji and DevilandtheSea.
    Favourite admin: CM, Jack, Sprung, Elm... I can't really choose.
    Favourite Super-Moderator: Fer
    Favourite moderator: Elin, Ray, Hypnos, Milady, Syn... It's hard to choose.
    Favourite RetroD00d!: Evans, Gare, Tass, Zal, Drag, Ivolt... pretty much everybody I talk to (semi) regularly
    The favourite Regular Forumer: I'll say Jazz because he's the only one I can think of at the moment
    The least favourite forumer: Don't really dislike anybody, but if I had to pick, probably Bayer/ManCannon
    Funniest forumer: Unsure.
    Smartest forumer: Mistral.
    The dumbest forumer: Might be wrong/think of somebody else and edit it later, but right now I'd say Bayer/ManCannon
    Most helpful member: CM, Syn, Ray (reviving the DS Master List counts in my opinion)...
    Most respected member: I respect everybody here about equally.
    Nicest forumer: Elin.
    Hottest member:
    Most spammy forumer: Every single bot we've banned this year
    Most missed forumer: This would've gone to Mistral, but since he/she returned, I can think of none Maybe Cyber, but he pops in as well.
    Least missed forumer: Can think of none.
    Best thread starter:
    Worst thread starter:
    The most shocking EP moment of 2010: Not sure. Will try and edit later.
    The favourite moment of 2010: Probably the various games with other members. Especially 100+ death first stage run of RE5
    The least favourite moment of 2010: Mistral leaving.
    Best thread of the year:
    Worst thread of the year: Any bot-made thread.
    The member most deserving of a mention, without getting one: Cos, crusher, and MasJ come to mind.
    Best Drunko of the year: Whoever wants it, I suppose (first come, first serve!)
    Favourite Avatar: From what I can immediately think of: Elin's.
    Favourite Signature: Not really sure...
    Favourite Skin: Elmdor's.
    The guy who's never offline: I see everybody log off
    Best smilie: Those in my favourites list (for various reasons, of course)! ( )
    Worst Smilie (Yes, it gets removed! At least that's what Elmdor said!): They all have some value, don't they? Quite possibly with the exception of the giant BRB one.
    Favourite overall forumer (MOTY): Elin, Milady, CM, Syn... Do I have to choose?
    Favourite LP (8 people is "Everybody and their grandmother"?): All those that were completed!
    Least Favourite LP: Those that were abandoned indefinitely.
    Quote Originally Posted by Evans
    Favourite newcomer: Quiji, but that's most likely because I haven't been keeping track.
    Favourite admin: Cookie, for indexing and helping as usual.
    Favourite Super-Moderator: Fer, for doing his job.
    Favourite moderator: Milady, Raymond, and Synthetik for doing theirs.
    Favourite RetroD00d!: Monty and Gare.
    The favourite Regular Forumer: Rasgrez and Shardnax.
    The least favourite forumer: Bayer. Boring and obviously a troll.
    Funniest forumer: Sprung. Cosmic, maybe?
    Smartest forumer: Mistral. Totally going to add Hypnos and Ray. Should have done so the first time around, but there you go.
    The dumbest forumer: Mistral. Calendar, buy one.
    Most helpful member: Tanthias, Cookie, and whoever else still cares to help out.
    Most respected member: I'd say Ed.
    Nicest forumer: Tanthias. Don't think I've seen him be unpleasant more than once or twice, and that might have only been my misreading it.
    Hottest member: polo/Sparta
    Most spammy forumer:
    Most missed forumer: polo. Fuck you, life.
    Least missed forumer:
    Best thread starter: Gare's been doing well, as I recall.
    Worst thread starter:
    The most shocking EP moment of 2010: Was there any?
    The favourite moment of 2010: CMM actually being dealt with and the whole Comodo conversation that ensued within the thread.
    The least favourite moment of 2010: Noticing it was temporary and the convo, soft deleted.
    Best thread of the year: Voice/Graphology/Inferno Drinking Game. I don't spend much time in General Gaming, you see. I hope someone mentions a tutorial or two. Got a few good additions that I can't care to check at the moment.
    Worst thread of the year:
    The member most deserving of a mention, without getting one: Astaroth? I think he helps out.
    Best Drunko of the year:
    Favourite Avatar: I'll say Gare since I made Ed's and that'd be voting for myself.
    Favourite Signature: Same as above. Too bad I can't remember any of Mistral's, 'cause I always nominated him.
    Favourite Skin: Blu Hydra
    The guy who's never offline:
    Best smilie: and .
    Worst Smilie (Yes, it gets removed! At least that's what Elmdor said!):
    Favourite overall forumer (MOTY): Gare. Been rather active as of late and, from what I can recall, all over the place with both quality thread-making and partaking to random conversations. Certainly >pkt.

    Will fill in the rest later, when I think of something.
    Quote Originally Posted by Drag
    Favourite newcomer: Captshiro, actually. I've only been back for a little while now, but he's one of the more coherent newbs I've seen in a while. Also, DevilandtheSea -- I didn't realize she had only joined this year (I generally just assume that some people, who are so confident on the board sometimes, joined this year. It doesn't help that I've only been around again since August).
    Favourite admin: I can't tell who is an admin and who isn't. I'm gonna say... Cookie or Tan, if Tan is an admin.
    Favourite Super-Moderator: Fer, I suppose.
    Favourite moderator: Milady
    Favourite RetroD00d!: Zaladane
    The favourite Regular Forumer: Quiji.
    The least favourite forumer: Bayer. I don't think I made my dislike unknown, either.
    Funniest forumer: Ray. Ivolt gets a very close second for generally hilarious, if somewhat disturbing, comments in the Hang Out.
    Smartest forumer: Tan and Ray seem to always have the answers I'm looking for.
    The dumbest forumer: I don't suppose we're allowed to vote for ourselves, are we?
    Most helpful member: Cookie, Tan, or Zaladane. I don't wander into those sections too much. If I had to pick among those three, I would say Tan: he helped me set up a few things for my LPs, and is always a nice and respectable person to be around. I can't think of a single bad thing to say about him.
    Most respected member: Cookie Monster, Tanthias, or Milady.
    Nicest forumer: Tanthias, bar none.
    Hottest member: Milady is my sweetheart. But all of you other girls need to post pics so that we can actually tell, otherwise I'm just going to have to go by avatars. Although Devi has a really nice voice.
    Most spammy forumer:
    Most missed forumer: Cyberxion, Jimmy Onestroke (some awesome threads were started by him ). Also, Litbolt. I'm pretty sure it was Litbolt who started the very, very first Hang Out.
    Least missed forumer: Bayer
    Best thread starter: Hmm... Jazz, I suppose. He starts a lot of Hang Outs. Also, Carnie for starting the "Post Your Home" thread. I had a lot of fun with that one.
    Worst thread starter: Everyone who has started a help thread without reading any of the attached stickies. They only get mildly annoying.
    The most shocking EP moment of 2010: MY RETURN!!! Seriously, though, it would have to be that one post that Dave made in Retro. You know, the one with him and the chick, and the fancy clothes.
    The favourite moment of 2010: Conversations in the Hang Out. For personal reasons.
    The least favourite moment of 2010: Every other moment.
    Best thread of the year:
    Worst thread of the year:
    The member most deserving of a mention, without getting one: Seems to me that Zorlon isn't getting a lot of mention.
    Best Drunko of the year: Zaladane. Although I don't think he's been drunk on here too often lately, I just associate him with funny-ass drunk.
    Favourite Avatar: Milady
    Favourite Signature: Gare or Quiji's Zero signature.
    Favourite Skin: Tango. But I like to wear Cookie's when it's cold out.
    The guy who's never offline: Ray. But it could just seem like that, 'cause I associate with "online at 5AM my time" as "never offline."
    Best smilie:
    Worst Smilie (Yes, it gets removed! At least that's what Elmdor said!): The Bathroom BRB one. Really, any of the really large ones. They are the entire reason that I set up custom smilies.
    Favourite overall forumer (MOTY): Milady. Many recommendations and helpful tidbits, and genuinely interesting conversations.
    Favourite LP: Zombies Ate My Neighbours. The pure devotion that went into making that LP, what with three weeks of planning, and getting two of my favorite members from this forum bantering together in the same video, playing the same game -- epic. Nothing less than amazing should be an acceptable description.
    This is everyone as far as I have them that haven't reposted. NOW CONTINUE ON WITH YOUR CONTEST.
    Last edited by Drageuth; 1st-January-2011 at 10:56.

  5. #5
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    I'll go ahead and post mine, since I'm here, anyway, and you'll have to copy/paste one less post now. A SAVIOUR IS I. Plus, I actually changed a few of my votes in light of... uh, recent events. Marked them with a *.

    Oh, and if a kind soul feels like reinstalling the smileys, I found them on my HDD.
    Spoiler warning:
    Yeah, the Wiseau one is just for shits and giggles. That parrots are important, though!

    Favourite newcomer: DevilandtheSea is pretty fun to talk to. Also, anyone who shares my love for retro PC games gets bonus points, so yeah. Quiji, too, and I hope I spelled his name correctly.
    Favourite admin: Elmdor, Cookie, Tan.
    Favourite Super-Moderator: Strangely enough, we barely have any SMods, which makes this very easy for me. So yeah, Fer.
    Favourite moderator: Ed, Ray, Milady.
    Favourite RetroD00d!: Evans, Cosmic (apparently he's Retro now), Ivolt and Tass. I think Drageuth's also Retro/retired staff now, so him too. It was really nice to see him come back.
    The favourite Regular Forumer: See "favourite newcomer".
    The least favourite forumer: None at the moment.
    Funniest forumer: Cosmic's COMODO performance wins this.
    Smartest forumer: I usually say Mistral here, but he insists that he's not that smart, actually. So I'll go with Ray. When he's not making sex jokes, he actually posts some really awesome shit.
    The dumbest forumer: No idea.
    Most helpful member: I don't keep track of these things too often, but Tan is always very helpful/friendly when we talk. So, . And Ed translated stuff for me! <3!
    Most respected member: Ed.
    Nicest forumer: Same as above.
    Hottest member: Elmdor. EGGO.
    Most spammy forumer: Dunno.
    Most missed forumer: Roux, and Skinner needs to post more.
    Least missed forumer: None at the moment. Chen comes close, but I mostly just chuckled at his posts. Same goes for Bayer.
    Best thread starter: Uh, I think Ed made a pretty cool language-related topic a while back.
    Worst thread starter: That thread where you guys were arguing about Gundams or something like that? See, that was terrible.
    The most shocking EP moment of 2010: Skinner and Drageuth returning. Also, me singing/rapping the Fresh Prince intro song in Retro, because the silly shit I manage to do when I'm bored is quite shocking indeed.
    The favourite moment of 2010: Skinner and Drageuth returning.
    *The least favourite moment of 2010: THIS FUCKING ROLLBACK.
    Best thread of the year: "Post your voice" in Retro. Thank you Cosmic, thank you so much.
    *Worst thread of the year: I'm changing my vote for this one, because someone reminded me of the FF7 clusterfuck we've had a while ago. My god, was that painful to read.
    The member most deserving of a mention, without getting one: Dunno. There's probably lots.
    Best Drunko of the year: -
    Favourite Avatar: I'm digging Milady's new one. The white mage.
    Favourite Signature: Corey's Dr. Fetus sig. SMB is so awesome. Also, Drageuth's old one, with that chick. But he changed it.
    Favourite Skin: As usual, I'll go with the boring reply. Default VB3.
    The guy who's never offline: No idea.
    *Best smilie: and the ones that were lost in this catastrophe. My beloved parrots.
    *Worst Smilie (Yes, it gets removed! At least that's what Elmdor said!): The same shit I voted for back in '08, I guess?
    Favourite overall forumer (MOTY): Ed.
    Favourite LP: Gotta go with Zombies Ate My Neighbours. And that LP by Ed that never happened.

  6. #6
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    A kind soul was here

  7. #7
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    Oh yes indeed. Thanks, CM!

  8. #8
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    Favourite newcomer: Quiji, but that's most likely because I haven't been keeping track.
    Favourite admin: Cookie, for indexing and helping as usual.
    Favourite Super-Moderator: Fer, for doing his job.
    Favourite moderator: Milady, Raymond, and Synthetik for doing theirs.
    Favourite RetroD00d!: Monty and Gare.
    The favourite Regular Forumer: Rasgrez and Shardnax.
    The least favourite forumer: Bayer. Boring and obviously a troll.
    Funniest forumer: Sprung. Cosmic, maybe?
    Smartest forumer: Mistral. Totally going to add Hypnos and Ray. Should have done so the first time around, but there you go.
    The dumbest forumer: Mistral. Calendar, buy one.
    Most helpful member: Tanthias, Cookie, and whoever else still cares to help out.
    Most respected member: I'd say Ed.
    Nicest forumer: Tanthias. Don't think I've seen him be unpleasant more than once or twice, and that might have only been my misreading it.
    Hottest member: polo/Sparta
    Most spammy forumer:
    Most missed forumer: polo. Fuck you, life.
    Least missed forumer:
    Best thread starter: Gare's been doing well, as I recall.
    Worst thread starter:
    The most shocking EP moment of 2010: Was there any?
    The favourite moment of 2010: CMM actually being dealt with and the whole Comodo conversation that ensued within the thread.
    The least favourite moment of 2010: Noticing it was temporary and the convo, soft deleted. Losing both Akuma's Ark and the Ratatouille nfo.
    Best thread of the year: Voice/Graphology/Inferno Drinking Game. I don't spend much time in General Gaming, you see. I hope someone mentions a tutorial or two. Got a few good additions that I can't care to check at the moment.
    Worst thread of the year:
    The member most deserving of a mention, without getting one: Astaroth? I think he helps out.
    Best Drunko of the year:
    Favourite Avatar: I'll say Gare since I made Ed's and that'd be voting for myself.
    Favourite Signature: Same as above. Too bad I can't remember any of Mistral's, 'cause I always nominated him.
    Favourite Skin: Blu Hydra
    The guy who's never offline:
    Best smilie:
    Worst Smilie (Yes, it gets removed! At least that's what Elmdor said!):
    Favourite overall forumer (MOTY): Gare. Been rather active as of late and, from what I can recall, all over the place with both quality thread-making and partaking to random conversations. Certainly >pkt.

    Will fill in the rest later, when I think of something.

  9. #9
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    Spoiler warning:
    Favourite newcomer: I can’t think of anyone, Linear? Also, Ouji. He seems to be a sensible person. I now feel like I am not a loser because I can’t play megaman 9. Or mystical ninja. Or ninja gaiden.

    Favourite admin: Cosmic

    Favourite Super-Moderator:

    Favourite moderator: Ray! He does all the work! Apparently. What a liar.

    Favourite RetroD00d!: Ivolt

    The favourite Regular Forumer: Rasgrez

    The least favourite forumer:Angelus. ugh.

    Funniest forumer: hmmmmm...Cosmic

    Smartest forumer: Ed. Hands down. You should come to Moscow! Come to mother Russia, da?

    The dumbest former: Crosshatch.

    Most helpful member: You're all pretty helpful!

    Most respected member:
    I'd have to say the people who make this site possible. MasJ, and the staff.

    Nicest forumer: Jazz! He's pretty cool. and Steve.

    Hottest member:
    Ray. With his bear-like, half-asian kappa qualities. I find them quite endearing.

    Most spammy forumer:
    I feel like when I see the FaRt all the time…

    Most missed forumer: I don’t know, I haven’t really been here that long to say!

    Least missed forumer: Kermit

    Best thread starter:

    Worst thread starter: Crosshatch2.

    The most shocking EP moment of 2010:
    I guess when cheesy was banned.

    The favourite moment of 2010: When we made a gay theme for Inferno.

    The least favourite moment of 2010:

    Best thread of the year:

    Worst thread of the year: the count backwards one I guess

    The member most deserving of a mention, without getting one:

    Best Drunko of the year:
    WELL I think steve gets this one. But hopefully he’ll stop drinking because I don’t want his kidneys to get all shriveled.

    Favourite Avatar: Milady
    Well…I sort of always like Milady’s avatars.

    Favourite Signature: Cosmic

    Favourite Skin:
    Default duh. All the rest of em are ugly. Actually only one that is so heinous I almost screamed and tore my eyes out when it popped up randomly.

    The guy who's never offline:

    Best smilie:
    Obviously . Seriously. Sometimes I accidently post it on facebook.

    Worst Smilie (Yes, it gets removed! At least that's what Elmdor said!): who knows

    Favourite overall forumer (MOTY): Ray, Cosmic, Sythentik

    Favourite LP:
    Last edited by Prude; 22nd-December-2010 at 21:09.

  10. #10
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    This re-post brought to you by Google cache.

    Spoiler warning:
    Favourite newcomer: Prude.
    Favourite admin: Cookie, Elmdor.
    Favourite Super-Moderator: Inferno, Fer.
    Favourite moderator: Ed, Milady, Syn.
    Favourite RetroD00d!: Ivolt, Evans, Gare, Tass. All awesome dudes.
    The favourite Regular Forumer: This is regular as in non-retro or staff, right? Prude.
    The least favourite forumer: Me.
    Funniest forumer: Elmdor.
    Smartest forumer: Elmdor. Common sense and intuition go a long way in my book. He's always able to offer fresh perspective on a situation and even if you don't completely agree at first you realise sooner or later he's right, so yeah, he gets my vote for this category.
    The dumbest forumer: Probably me again.
    Most helpful member: Ray. I don't envy his job taking care of those uploads, good lord.
    Most respected member: Cookie.
    Nicest forumer: Ed, Tan.
    Hottest member:Falloutboy93 PRUDE, of course.
    Most spammy forumer: Luffy.
    Most missed forumer: Borly.
    Least missed forumer: -
    Best thread starter: Elmdor.
    Worst thread starter: -
    The most shocking EP moment of 2010: Darkseid stopped spamming, learnt to spell and ended up becoming a pretty awesome member. I didn't see that one coming, but I'm glad it happened.
    The favourite moment of 2010: It was good to see the likes of Drageuth and Zaladane start posting again. It's always nice when long-lost Retros stage a return.
    The least favourite moment of 2010: I can't think of anything off the top of my head, at least nothing EP related. The forums have been pretty awesome this year. HARD DRIVE CRASHES ARE WORSE THAN SATAN AND MARMITE COMBINED.
    Best thread of the year: As much as I hate to vote for my own thread, it was everyone who took part that made it great: (it's the post your voice thread, now gone forever. )
    Worst thread of the year: Nothing stands out.
    The member most deserving of a mention, without getting one: Sprung, Jack.
    Best Drunko of the year: I'm going to copy Prude and choose Steve, because he's an awesome guy and deserves a mention somewhere in this list.
    Favourite Avatar: Ivolt. I haven't the foggiest what it is or where it's from, but it rules. Hard.
    Favourite Signature: Ivolt. See above.
    Favourite Skin: Blue Hydra.
    The guy who's never offline: Inferno!
    Best smilie: :wacko. Every time.
    Worst Smilie (Yes, it gets removed! At least that's what Elmdor said!): -
    Favourite overall forumer (MOTY): Prude.
    Favourite LP: ZAMN, without a doubt.
    Last edited by Cosmic; 22nd-December-2010 at 18:07.

  11. #11
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    Comodo is gone, too!

  12. #12
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    Ivolt is way too awesome, no way am I writing the comments for this year.

    I'm gonna make my own award thread.

    Michael Ballack, he scores free-kicks.
    He's got black hair, and he's german.
    Michael Ballack, trains in paddocks.
    in his spare time, HE FARMS HADDOCKS!
    Watch me play Super C, guys!!

  13. #13
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    Hey Prude, you forgot me this time around!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Evans View Post

    Comodo is gone, too!

    I bet Cosmic still has an audio version somewhere on his computer, just for us, ... right, Cosmic?

  15. #15
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    Found it!:
    Spoiler warning:
    Favorite newcomer: I think his name was Kermit? DevilandtheSea - female members are always welcome.
    Favorite admin: Sprung - He takes so much shit, but we still love him. And everytime we knock him down, he manages to jump back up, given its not so far up.

    Favorite Super-Moderator: Inferno
    Favorite moderator: Milady
    Favorite RetroD00d!: Drag if he is retro?
    The favorite Regular Forumer:
    The least favorite forumer: BlackCitadel
    Funniest forumer: Andy Jerk, Evans
    Smartest forumer: Mistral - she had some amazing input before leaving and returning here.
    The dumbest forumer: BlackCitidel and the other 70 PMs I received from near zero posters...
    Most helpful member: Inferno helped BlackCitadel a lot, so that kind of patience is unbelievable.
    Most respected member: Cookie
    Nicest forumer:
    Hottest member:
    Most spammy forumer: Crosshatch 1 and 2
    Most missed forumer: Verb I guess, idk many people who have left. Who knows, mabye verb is still around...?
    Least missed forumer: CheezyDickBallsMan
    Best thread starter:
    Worst thread starter:
    The most shocking EP moment of 2010: not much scandal here on EP.
    The favourite moment of 2010: Cheezy for ban
    The least favourite moment of 2010: When I had to post the JDownloader broke thread, idk
    Best thread of the year:
    Worst thread of the year: Gen V - I am soo glad it won't be revived a 30th time now...
    The member most deserving of a mention, without getting one: Kouen for his PSP uploads. And Shardnax.
    Best Drunko of the year: Steve
    Favorite Avatar: Gare, Milady(all of hers)
    Favorite Signature: Kwee-Gee repeatedly makes decent sigs. And mine if I can say!
    Favorite Skin: Default style (VB3 look) ftw.
    The guy who's never offline: Drag (feels like me though)
    Best smilie: , ,
    Worst Smilie (Yes, it gets removed! At least that's what Elmdor said!): brb, seriously, get rid of it this time!
    Favourite overall forumer (MOTY): Milady never has irrelevant posts (or at least never has posts that make people want to jab thier eyes in) and never makes me want to leave the hangout from disinterest.

    Favourite LP: Essence Star, love the commentary from everyone.
    Favorite LPer: Hypnos

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