I'd like to ask some questions about problems I am having:

1) I had XMBC installed and I installed UnleashX from a Hexen disk, now I can't seem to get back to the emulators (coinops etc.) on XBMC. I go to install XBMC and I get this warning (for example if I select the E drive):
************************************************** ************************************************** ********
This installs XBMC to E:\Apps\XBMC\, and installs the XBMC Dash Shortcut.
If you already have XBMC installed there, it will overwrite it, including your library and all of your XBMC settings. Continue?
************************************************** ************************************************** ********
So does that mean it will delete the games library and such or what exactly?

2) I am having trouble with my component cable and read this as a solution that solved it for other people:
Go to E:/ndts/default.xbe, choose nkpatcher, click first option, and reboot.
The problem being that I don't have an 'ndts' folder, is there something I should install from the Hexen disk/elsewhere that will make that option selectable?

Thanks for a reply