Quote Originally Posted by WJM the Dark Master of Death and Destruction View Post
Hear, hear!

Questions. Sorry if some of them are stupid, I just woke up and had a horribly horrible dream.
(1) How often do you fight Sonic in a week?
(2) Is Amy's hammer magical or something?
(3) Are there any Real Time Strategy games you enjoy playing?
(4) Do you know of any South African people who are famous for something?
(5) What is your least favourite means of transportation?

I'd ask more, but then I'd probably get banned from this thread


Uhhh... Sonic's way too fast...
Not even petrification can slow him down...
Besides, killing Sonic isn't Robotnik's plan, just stopping Sonic from ruining Robotnik's plans.
(am I correct, your royal highness sir Robotnik? )

What the heck, I'll ask one last question.
(6) What do you think of my Forum Name now?
1 - Look, I'm the greatest genius in the history of the world, and most other worlds, but getting a fleet a week airbourne is a bit tricky.
2 - Well, she certainly seems to be able to store it in some kind of null-space. I tend to forego speculation in this case though and just run like hell when it appears. That girl is freaky.
3 - A few. StarCraft I and II come to mind rather rapidly.
4 - Personally? No. I know of a few, most famously among them, of course, Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu.
5 - Practically anything that isn't my eggmobile.
6 - I lost interest after the third letter.

Also, you are correct. I do not intend to kill Sonic, merely stop him from stopping me.

Quote Originally Posted by DaRkChIi View Post
I have a new way for you to kill sonic just add him to minecraft world and let a creeper blow him up best thing about it is you dont even need to dig a grave.
See previous reply. I don't intend to kill Sonic. Also, MineCraft's world isn't actually real, as opposed to ours. Important difference. Plus, Sonic doesn't have the patience to play MineCraft.

Quote Originally Posted by Sailor Venus View Post
Why do I want to join the Eggman Empire? hahahaha.
Do you need a champion of justice with experience fighting baddies help? I could use my Sailor scout powers to help you defeat Sonic.
I hate when a song gets stuck in my head. It drives me crazy. Maybe you could do that to Sonic, get a hellish song stuck in his head. It may slow him down long enough for you to defeat him.
- Because soon enough there won't be any other choice, my dear laughing poster.
- Y-your... Sailor... what. I'm having trouble encompassing my disbelief here. Bear with me.


Okay, I feel better now.

- It happens. Sonic used it against me. Regrettably.

Quote Originally Posted by GunSlinger Boy View Post
you must have aliases right?
...How about "Dr. Eggman"?