Raspberry Pi model B
RetroPie image 1.9.1

Hey all

I hope I don't break any rules here with my first post - I have read through the rules but am kinda new to the whole forum thing so forgive me and edit my post (mods) as you see fit should I be breaking any rules.

I would like to ask if anyone at this forum is using a Raspberry Pi as I am and in particular has anyone been able to get NEO GEO games running either in piFBA or one of the other emulators such as gngeo0.7 or gngeo-pi0.85 (or MAME variants)?

I understand that a BIOS is required and that there are several out there - I'm not asking for a link to the correct BIOS and/or game files that match up with that particular BIOS version but I was wondering if someone could tell me where the BIOS files need to be placed in the directory structure of RetroPie version 1.9.1 in regard to the emulator which you may currently be using. I would also like to know if you have the BIOS files zipped or unzipped.

Thanks for any assistance you may be able to provide