Astaroth's Guide to PPF Patching Your PSX ISO's.

(Whether it be for NTSC/PAL selection, or for the cheats )

1. What you need;

PPF-O-Matic, by Paradox (Nice job PDX) Link:

Disc image of the game you want to patch (Whether you've got an image already on your computer or are prepared to make the disc image yourself, I'm not going to insult your intelligence by explaining that. I'm sure there are a lot of guides out there already for this)

Gamepatch.PPF, this is needed for the game that you're going to patch. Patches (PPF's) can be downloaded from:


2. How to use;

- Unzip
- Locate ppf-o-matic.exe (\ppfgui\WINDOWS\PPF-O-MATIC3)
- Run it.
- Click "Load CD-Image File" it's the floppy disc image located on the "ISO File" line.
- Browse for the corresponding disc image, the one that you want to patch.
- Click "Load PPF-File" it's the floppy disc located on the "Patch" line.
- Once you've located both of these and are happy with them, click "apply".
- Your image is now ready to be burnt.
- Now burn your disc image, and play.


3. /!\ Warnings /!\

- You have to reburn the disc, you can't just edit your already burnt CD-R.
- You can't apply a ppf to a game if it's not the corresponding region to your version
- If you're told that the file size isn't correct, ignore it.

Screen Shotz are coming soon