The shop's return means it's demo time.

*silent playthrough vid pending. I tried uploading one but youtube at it and shat out a grainy mess with artifacts and garbage everywhere*

In summary, it's a lot like the first game only a little better. If you felt iF1 was amazing, you'll probably like 2. Otherwise you'll probably be far from blown away by this.

Also, not quite as unhappy with the changes made to Cole as originally thought (his wisecracking was kept to an extreme minimum and it was fairly close to the sarcastic quips Cole very rarely made in 1). However, his voice actor still irritates me a bit and feels like a mismatch (although it's less noticeable during mid mission dialog, so there's that).

And not too sure about the plot. It's pretty much the same direction of the first game. There's a city, it's full of gangs with superpowers, you have to fight them. I doubt the whole "survival" subplot will make an appearance. And it's a filler game/training mission after you got your ass kicked. Clearly Cole is still on Namek. Yeah, they might go in an interesting direction, but right now it appears it's just an extension of 1 but in a new city. Yeah, that could be good, but it's not exactly a wonderfully handled sequel (the beast is still some looming terror, you have an immediate villain who's SPOILER ALERT probably going to have ties to that cult (your party members already do), and you're still probably going to spend a lot of the game actively avoiding combat.)

Hey, if they fix the morality system or the new powers are pretty extensive, it could be cool. But the demo doesn't exactly showcase any of that stuff. About the only thing I can take from this is that shit blows up real good and you now have an electrically charged stick to whack people with.

The first was fun and enjoyable, but I don't think I'm overly excited for the sequel right now. So I'll probably be passing on this for the time being.