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Thread: Proof that certain forum members are evil

  1. #16
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    **** THE PROOF THAT GareJei IS EVIL ****

    G A R E J E I
    7 1 18 5 10 5 9 - as numbers
    7 1 9 5 1 5 9 - digits added
    \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_________/
    7 1 9 5 6 - digits added

    Thus, "GareJei" is 71956.

    Add 1808, the year Turri constructed the first typewriter, giving birth to bad publicity - the result is 73764.

    Add 1995, the year O J Simpson was acquitted for double murder - the result is 75759.

    Divide by 3, the symbol of fulfillment - the result is 25253.

    Subtract 5681 from the number - this is the year Lincoln was shot, written backwards. It gives 19572.

    Subtract 9691 from the number - this is the year of Woodstock, written backwards. It gives 9881.

    This number, read from right to left, is 1889, or the year Adolf Hitler was born.

    No further questions. QED.

  2. #17
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    **** THE PROOF THAT Borman IS EVIL ****

    B O R M A N
    66 79 82 77 65 78 - as ASCII values
    3 7 1 5 2 6 - digits added
    \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_____/
    3 7 1 5 8 - digits added

    Thus, "Borman" is 37158.

    Add 8771 to it - this is the year Oliver Pollock invented '$', the symbol of exploitation, suffering and injustice, written backwards - you will get 45929.

    Turn the number backwards, subtract 1954 - the year when first FORTRAN computer program was executed. The number is now 91000.

    Subtract 96 from the number - this is the year of the destruction of Jerusalem, written backwards. It gives 90904.

    Turn the number backwards, subtract 1958 - the year Nabokov's "Lolita" got published. The number is now 38951.

    Divide by 11, the symbol of judgment and disorder - the result is 3541.

    This number, read as octal, gives 1889 - the year Adolf Hitler was born.

    This is truly evil. QED.

  3. #18
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    **** THE PROOF THAT Dingy IS EVIL ****

    D I N G Y
    4 9 14 7 25 - as numbers
    4 9 5 7 7 - digits added
    \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/
    4 9 5 7 7 - digits added

    Thus, "Dingy" is 49577.

    Add 5491 to it - this is the year Hiroshima and Nagasaki were nuked to make the world a better place, written backwards - you will get 55068.

    Turn the number backwards, subtract 1958 - the year Nabokov's "Lolita" got published. The number is now 84097.

    Subtract 6891 from the number - this is the year of the Chernobyl "incident", written backwards. It gives 77206.

    Add 006 to it - this is the symbol of war, written backwards - you will get 77212.

    Turn the number backwards, and add 1954 - the year when first FORTRAN computer program was executed. The number is now 23231.

    Write 1889 backwards. Translate it to octal - this will give you 23231. Thus, 23231 stands for 1889, the year Adolf Hitler was born.

    You get the picture. QED.

    I am sorry I just had to...The evilness in me couldn't resist.

    **** THE PROOF THAT the pope IS EVIL ****

    T H E P O P E
    20 8 5 16 15 16 5 - as numbers
    2 8 5 7 6 7 5 - digits added
    \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_________/
    2 8 5 7 9 - digits added

    Thus, "the pope" is 28579.

    Turn the number backwards, subtract 1967 - the year Che Guevara was executed in Bolivia. The number is now 95615.

    Subtract 69, the year of the destruction of Jerusalem. The result will be 95546.

    Subtract 1815, the year first commercial cheese factory was established. The result will be 93731.

    Turn the number backwards, divide by 11 - the symbol of judgment and disorder. The number is now 1249.

    Subtract 17, the symbol of domination. The result will be 1232.

    This number, read as octal, gives 666 - the number of the Beast.

    This is truly evil. QED.

    Apology to all devout Catholics and all sick bastards who want to marry Bendeict XVI, I really do adore the chap, really. This is not to be sent to the C(atholics)IA.

  4. #19
    Join Date
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    Wait... the point of this is that were all evil? Evil=sin, were evil so were sinners... sinners, purtian... EMUPARADISE IS NOW A PURTIAN WEBSITE?!?!?!?!
    Spreading Fear and Uncertainty since 2004!

    *Apparently the above doesn't fit in a custom user title. Bollocks.
    Copyright Paladin_Hammer 2007: "Deus ex Imperator". "Dio Dal Genica".
    NWO 4 Life!

    Funniest Thread EVER

  5. #20
    Join Date
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    **** THE PROOF THAT Solitude IS EVIL ****

    S O L I T U D E
    83 79 76 73 84 85 68 69 - as ASCII values
    2 7 4 1 3 4 5 6 - digits added
    \_____/ \_____/ \_____/ \_____/
    9 5 7 2 - digits added

    Thus, "Solitude" is 9572.

    Subtract 6661 from the number - this is the year of the Great London Fire, written backwards. It gives 2911.

    Subtract 1937, the year Saddam Hussein twins were born. The result will be 974.

    Turn the number backwards, subtract 64 - the year of the Great Fire of Rome. The number is now 415.

    Multiply it by 7, the sacred number of Illuminati - the number is now 2905.

    Subtract 1934, the year first laundromat opened in Texas, giving birth to darkest, twisted urban fears. The result will be 971.

    This number, read from right to left, is 1790, or the year US patent system was established (eevil).

    No further questions. QED.

    For further proof please refer to my avatar.

    Currently listening to:
    Isis ~ Panopticon [9/10]
    The Walkmen ~ Bows & Arrows [8.5/10]
    The Shins ~ Oh, Inverted World
    Explosions In The Sky ~ How Strange, Innocence
    Caribou ~ The Milk of Human Kindness
    J�hann J�hannsson ~ Vir�ulegu Forsetar

  6. #21
    Join Date
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    **** THE PROOF THAT Kazuya IS EVIL ****

    K A Z U Y A
    11 1 26 21 25 1 - as numbers
    2 1 8 3 7 1 - digits added
    \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_____/
    2 1 8 3 8 - digits added

    Thus, "Kazuya" is 21838.

    Subtract 2191 from the number - this is the year Theodore Roosevelt was shot, written backwards. It gives 19647.

    Add 1954, the year when first FORTRAN computer program was executed - the result is 21601.

    Turn the number backwards, divide by 7 - the sacred number of Illuminati. The number is now 1516.

    Add 1964, the year (...fuck the-->) Beatles with "Can't buy me love" topped the charts in a very mysterious way - the result is 3480.

    Subtract 1591 from the number - this is the year the Rosenbergs were sentenced to death for spying by the US, written backwards. It gives 1889.

    The number 1889 is the year Adolf Hitler was born.

    This clearly proves how evil the subject is. QED.

    Last edited by Kazuya; 22nd-April-2005 at 16:28.
    As long as you got the power and the pad, you'll get the womens.

    Listen to the Mission

  7. #22
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    **** THE PROOF THAT The Watcher IS EVIL ****

    T H E W A T C H E R
    20 8 5 23 1 20 3 8 5 18 - as numbers
    2 8 5 5 1 2 3 8 5 9 - digits added
    \_____/ \_____/ \_____/ \_____/ \_____/
    1 1 3 2 5 - digits added

    Thus, "The Watcher" is 11325.

    Divide by 25, the symbol of approval for the sin - the result is 453.

    Turn the number backwards, and add 1834 - the year Vesuvius erupted. The number is now 2188.

    Subtract 1929, the year Bingo was invented, taking many lives in years to come. The result will be 259.

    Turn the number backwards, and add 1776 - the year masonry founded Phi Beta Kappa. The number is now 2728.

    Turn the number backwards, and add 1609 - the year Gallileo, inspired by the Satan himself, came up with his ridiculous theory. The number is now 9881.

    This number, read from right to left, is 1889, or the year Adolf Hitler was born.

    No further questions. QED.

    **** THE PROOF THAT Jase IS EVIL ****

    J A S E
    74 65 83 69 - as ASCII values
    2 2 2 6 - digits added
    \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/
    2 2 2 6 - digits added

    Thus, "Jase" is 2226.

    Multiply it by 11, the symbol of judgment and disorder - the number is now 24486.

    Subtract 97 from the number - this is the year Vesuvius erupted, written backwards. It gives 24389.

    Turn the number backwards, subtract 1951 - the year the Rosenbergs were sentenced to death for spying by the US. The number is now 96391.

    Subtract 4391 from the number - this is the year Shirley Temple starred in her first movie, written backwards. It gives 92000.

    Turn the number backwards, and add 1947 - the year Aleister Crowley paid a longer visit to hell. The number is now 1976.

    The number 1976 is the year George Harrison performed the lumberjack song with Monty Python - if you have seen it, you should understand.

    This clearly proves how evil the subject is. QED.


  8. #23
    Join Date
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    **** THE PROOF THAT HarkenSlash IS EVIL ****

    H A R K E N S L A S H
    72 65 82 75 69 78 83 76 65 83 72 - as ASCII values
    9 2 1 3 6 6 2 4 2 2 9 - digits added
    \_____/ \_____/ \_____/ \_____/ \_________/
    2 4 3 6 4 - digits added

    Thus, "HarkenSlash" is 24364.

    Subtract 5181 from the number - this is the year first commercial cheese factory was established, written backwards. It gives 19183.

    Add 96 to it - this is the symbol of perversion and pleasue in sin, written backwards - you will get 19279.

    Add 5491 to it - this is the year Hiroshima and Nagasaki were nuked to make the world a better place, written backwards - you will get 24770.

    Subtract 1930, the year synthetic rubber was first produced, endangering the concept of intercourse for the purpose of procreation. The result will be 22840.

    Turn the number backwards, and add 1969 - the year of Woodstock. The number is now 6791.

    This number, read from right to left, is 1976, or the year George Harrison performed the lumberjack song with Monty Python - if you have seen it, you should understand.

    No further questions. QED.

  9. #24
    Join Date
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    Olympia, WA
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    **** THE PROOF THAT Brit mckay IS EVIL ****

    B R I T M C K A Y
    66 82 73 84 77 67 75 65 89 - as ASCII values
    3 1 1 3 5 4 3 2 8 - digits added
    \_____/ \_____/ \_____/ \_____/ \_/
    4 4 9 5 8 - digits added

    Thus, "Brit mckay" is 44958.

    Subtract 9691 from the number - this is the year of Woodstock, written backwards. It gives 35267.

    Add 4381 to it - this is the year Vesuvius erupted, written backwards - you will get 39648.

    Turn the number backwards, divide by 3 - the symbol of fulfillment. The number is now 28231.

    Add 9981 to it - this is the year "Scrabble" was invented to promote violence and anger, written backwards - you will get 38212.

    Turn the number backwards, and add 1927 - the year Fidel Castro was born. The number is now 23210.

    This, when read backwards, gives 01232. This is 666 in octal, the number of the Beast...

    Evil, QED.

    I like Fidel Castro...

  10. #25
    Join Date
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    That service is called Evil finder.

    **** THE PROOF THAT evil finder IS EVIL ****

    Download Links:
    Links are hidden from guests. Please register to be able to view these links. Thus, "evil finder" is 25827.

    Add 5491 to it - this is the year a worldwide conspiracy known as the United Nations was founded, written backwards - you will get 31318.

    Divide by 7, the sacred number of Illuminati - the result is 4474.

    Add 64, the year of the Great Fire of Rome - the result is 4538.

    Turn the number backwards, and add 1952 - the year killer fog haunted London. The number is now 10306.

    Subtract 1966, the year "Star Trek" premiered. The result will be 8340.

    This number, when read backwards, gives 0438. This, written in octal, gives 666 - the number of the Beast.

    Enough said - QED.
    Have you seen me before?

  11. #26
    Join Date
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    **** THE PROOF THAT Soldier IS EVIL ****

    S O L D I E R
    83 79 76 68 73 69 82 - as ASCII values
    2 7 4 5 1 6 1 - digits added
    \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_________/
    2 7 4 5 8 - digits added

    Thus, "Soldier" is 27458.

    Subtract 1531, the year Richard Roose was conveniently boiled to death for trying to poison an archbishop. The result will be 25927.

    Subtract 1954, the year Elvis recorded his debut single, putting the end to all morality and good taste. The result will be 23973.

    Subtract 6291 from the number - this is the year "Playboy" publisher, Hugh Hefner, was born, written backwards. It gives 17682.

    Subtract 1951, the year the Rosenbergs were sentenced to death for spying by the US. The result will be 15731.

    Subtract 7391 from the number - this is the year Saddam Hussein twins were born, written backwards. It gives 8340.

    This number, when read backwards, gives 0438. This, written in octal, gives 666 - the number of the Beast.

    Enough said - QED.

  12. #27
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    **** THE PROOF THAT masturbation IS EVIL ****

    M A S T U R B A T I O N
    13 1 19 20 21 18 2 1 20 9 15 14 - as numbers
    4 1 1 2 3 9 2 1 2 9 6 5 - digits added
    \_________/ \_________/ \_________/ \_________/
    6 5 5 2 - digits added

    Thus, "masturbation" is 6552.

    Multiply the number by 002 - this is the symbol of greed, from right to left. It gives 13104.

    Turn the number backwards, divide by 39 - the symbol of disease. The number is now 1029.

    Turn the number backwards, divide by 3 - the symbol of fulfillment. The number is now 3067.

    Subtract 1947, the year Aleister Crowley paid a longer visit to hell. The result will be 1120.

    Turn the number backwards, multiply by 11 - the symbol of judgment and disorder. The number is now 2321.

    This, when read backwards, gives 1232. This is 666 in octal, the number of the Beast...

    Evil, QED.

  13. #28
    Join Date
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    **** THE PROOF THAT GMail IS EVIL ****

    G M A I L
    7 13 1 9 12 - as numbers
    7 4 1 9 3 - digits added
    \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/
    7 4 1 9 3 - digits added

    Thus, "GMail" is 74193.

    Turn the number backwards, divide by 3 - the symbol of fulfillment. The number is now 13049.

    Turn the number backwards, subtract 1686 - the year Newton published wildly misunderstood "Principia". The number is now 92345.

    Divide by 23, the symbol of death - the result is 4015.

    Add 6291 to it - this is the year "Playboy" publisher, Hugh Hefner, was born, written backwards - you will get 10306.

    Subtract 1966, the year "Star Trek" premiered. The result will be 8340.

    This number, when read backwards, gives 0438. This, written in octal, gives 666 - the number of the Beast.

    Enough said - QED.

  14. #29
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    You don't like GMAIL? What's the matter?

  15. #30
    Join Date
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    i have gmail, read my sig XD

    i love it... i use about half of the storage for backing up files
    Last edited by Panda Man; 23rd-April-2005 at 12:00.

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