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Thread: Feminism...

  1. #46
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    Thumbs up Dispute all you like but the facts speak by itself

    You think you have facts but I showed links that show statistics that no one cared to see then say I and wrong without having any proof to back yourself up? Hey I reply with links that show statistic facts and no one does the same. If you want me to show more and quote more to disprove what some said here you go.
    "female GI enjoying the sexual humiliation of naked, hooded Iraqi prisoners... why were female GIs assigned to guard male prisoners anyway?"

    "gender-norming, the deceitful practice of scoring women higher than men for the same performance and then pretending that women are performing equally." This is kind of like affirmative action to qualify people that are not qualified. also the same person that wanted that also said affirmative action for women for ex-integration of prisons.

    "critical diversion of time and energy away from the essential task of teaching men to be soldiers into dealing with the obvious problems caused by the powerful factor of sex when lonely, scared young men and women are crowded together in an environment where moral standards have been abandoned."

    "don't ask don't tell... also is that commanders' eyes are diverted away from all kinds of sexual misconduct"

    Read the article that counters your arguments in every way. It says over 10 times more arguments the shows that it is not ok. Women in the military are a failure. Some reply to what I said read the article. Attacking me to prove your argument wrong is not a way to go about showing the facts. Don�t believe everything positive that everything can work out since many want you to believe that all is fine when it is not.
    Also "pregnancy rate as high as one in three. That's nearly 8,423 women, or enough to crew almost two aircraft carriers." as you see it is not worth and there is more bad than good. We as tax payers are paying for all these healthcare costs associated with these pregnant soldiers.
    You have to weight your options." Maybe I should have an add saying if you want kids for free to join the military Well the military is being abused, and what is happening is making the enemies wishes come true for our military to be this disorganized. A pregnancy in the military is considered an "unplanned loss",
    and replacements are very hard to come by which weakens the military.

    You think they say this in the liberal media? lol Information is hidden so that people push their view more and vote for their view when you are not informed. Many know that colleges are very liberal and are failing in many ways with bad courses like feminism but in general colleges are failing to truly educate.

    Also someone has to take care of the country while the soldiers are away. Maybe if we have all the women fight and the men do the work at home then that would be ok since many feel that both sexes are physically equal. Remember women's role in WW2 which men did there role and women did there's. Also women in the military mean higher taxes, and the articles show 8,423 reasons more why it is not good.

    I hope some get it.
    Last edited by jace; 29th-September-2004 at 18:17.

  2. #47
    Ziegfried Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by jace
    You think you have facts but I showed links that show statistics that no one cared to see then say I and wrong without having any proof to back yourself up? Hey I reply with links that show statistic facts and no one does the same. If you want me to show more and quote more to disprove what some said here you go.
    "female GI enjoying the sexual humiliation of naked, hooded Iraqi prisoners... why were female GIs assigned to guard male prisoners anyway?"

    "gender-norming, the deceitful practice of scoring women higher than men for the same performance and then pretending that women are performing equally." This is kind of like affirmative action to qualify people that are not qualified. also the same person that wanted that also said affirmative action for women for ex-integration of prisons.

    "critical diversion of time and energy away from the essential task of teaching men to be soldiers into dealing with the obvious problems caused by the powerful factor of sex when lonely, scared young men and women are crowded together in an environment where moral standards have been abandoned."

    "don't ask don't tell... also is that commanders' eyes are diverted away from all kinds of sexual misconduct"

    Read the article that counters your arguments in every way. It says over 10 times more arguments the shows that it is not ok. Women in the military are a failure. Some reply to what I said read the article. Attacking me to prove your argument wrong is not a way to go about showing the facts. Don�t believe everything positive that everything can work out since many want you to believe that all is fine when it is not.
    Also "pregnancy rate as high as one in three. That's nearly 8,423 women, or enough to crew almost two aircraft carriers." as you see it is not worth and there is more bad than good. We as tax payers are paying for all these healthcare costs associated with these pregnant soldiers.
    You have to weight your options." Maybe I should have an add saying if you want kids for free to join the military Well the military is being abused, and what is happening is making the enemies wishes come true for our military to be this disorganized. A pregnancy in the military is considered an "unplanned loss",
    and replacements are very hard to come by which weakens the military.

    You think they say this in the liberal media? lol Information is hidden so that people push their view more and vote for their view when you are not informed. Many know that colleges are very liberal and are failing in many ways with bad courses like feminism but in general colleges are failing to truly educate.

    Also someone has to take care of the country while the soldiers are away. Maybe if we have all the women fight and the men do the work at home then that would be ok since many feel that both sexes are physically equal. Remember women's role in WW2 which men did there role and women did there's. Also women in the military mean higher taxes, and the articles show 8,423 reasons more why it is not good.

    I hope some get it.
    Eagle Forum exposes the radical feminists
    We honor the institution of marriage and the role of the fulltime homemaker.

    Eagle Forum successfully led the ten-year battle to defeat the misnamed Equal Rights Amendment with its hidden agenda of tax-funded abortions and same-sex marriages.
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    Damned good job you keep doing finding reliable, objective sources, jace.

    I don't need to counter this shit.

  3. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ziegfried
    Damned good job you keep doing finding reliable, objective sources, jace.

    I don't need to counter this shit.
    Quite possibly Skinner's greatest post ever. Of course, that's easy to say when he only has one good post.

    Feminism, even radical feminism isn't really a problem.... for me at least. I can ignore them, I can be abrasive towards them, I can deal with it, whatever I wish to do. They don't have any power over me... I have nothing to fear. Get real. Sometimes, bad groups do come to real power.... but this won't be one of them. Post all the links of biased sources you wish, they do nothing to counter real life experiences.

  4. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ziegfried
    Damned good job you keep doing finding reliable, objective sources, jace.

    I don't need to counter this shit.
    A winner is totally you. Good observation there. Though, this kind of tripe is par for the course as far as Jace is concerned. He just finds these articles on the web, and while he likely doesn't even attempt to understand them as he reads them, he passes them off as if they're the end all of whatever conversation he's participating in nontheless. And if he actually does understand just what it is he's posting, then I fear that he's the most idiotic member to sign up on these boards since King Zora...
    Last edited by Cyberxion; 29th-September-2004 at 19:21.

  5. #50
    Ziegfried Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Cyberxion
    A winner is totally you. Good observation there. Though, this kind of tripe is par for the course as far as Jace is concerned. He just finds these articles on the web, and while he likely doesn't even attempt to understand them as he reads them, he passes them off as if they're the end all of whatever conversation he's participating in nontheless. And if he actually does understand just what it is he's posting, then I fear that he's the most idiotic member to sign up on these boards since King Zora...
    LUNCH BOOKS!!!!!!!!!1111111OEN

  6. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ziegfried
    LUNCH BOOKS!!!!!!!!!1111111OEN
    That was pure comedy gold.
    Ah, I kinda miss those days, in which you and I would routinely put that shithead in his place as he made attempt after lame attempt to insult us....

  7. #52
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    Thumbs up Show me factual stats

    The religious site got its info from �soldiers for the truth�.
    hey I presented stats and facts which you can look it up on other sources. Show me your statistical facts, which I would like to see. No one has given any "solid" evidence to dispute it. Say what you will but more evidence that shows that women in the military are not a good thing �overall�.

    Like Jack Nicholson said �you can�t handle the truth�, which many try to dispute it with opinion and attacks.
    I would like to see some facts disputing the evidence that I provided, hey I like a challenge since that way we both learn something.

    Ps. Someone has to defend the other side. If this was a court I would most likely win since I have more statistical evidence presented.
    Last edited by jace; 29th-September-2004 at 19:57.

  8. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by jace
    The religious site got its info from �soldiers for the truth�.
    hey I presented stats and facts which you can look it up on other sources. Show me your statistical facts, which I would like to see. No one has given any "solid" evidence to dispute it. Say what you will but more evidence that shows that women in the military are not a good thing �overall�.

    Like Jack Nicholson said �you can�t handle the truth�, which many try to dispute it with opinion and attacks.
    I would like to see some facts disputing the evidence that I provided, hey I like a challenge since that way we both learn something.
    You do have a valid point that we do not have statistics that go against your arguments... but here's the thing about 'statistics': torture them long enough, and they will say anything you want. We aren't going to bother to find sites biased the other way... and even if we did, you would just give us the same arguments we give you. I don't much care for statistics whatsoever.... raw data can often be better. Have you ever watched (American) football? Teams can dominate the statistics of a game.... and still lose. Take the St. Louis Rams for example... Marc Bulger, throwing for a mere 305 yards a game..... the team is 1-2 so far. Marshall Faulk averaging 4.2 yards/attempt.... at that rate, the Rams will never not get a first down. Statistics mean very little to me, and hence I give your arguments no base. Even in football, I prefer to watch a team play before I cast judgement on them based on so called 'statistics;' this is no different, I prefer to deal with real life experience.

  9. #54
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    Arrow Look

    Quote Originally Posted by Agent Smith
    You do have a valid point that we do not have statistics that go against your arguments... but here's the thing about 'statistics': torture them long enough, and they will say anything you want. We aren't going to bother to find sites biased the other way... and even if we did, you would just give us the same arguments we give you. I don't much care for statistics whatsoever.... raw data can often be better. Have you ever watched (American) football? Teams can dominate the statistics of a game.... and still lose. Take the St. Louis Rams for example... Marc Bulger, throwing for a mere 305 yards a game..... the team is 1-2 so far. Marshall Faulk averaging 4.2 yards/attempt.... at that rate, the Rams will never not get a first down. Statistics mean very little to me, and hence I give your arguments no base. Even in football, I prefer to watch a team play before I cast judgement on them based on so called 'statistics;' this is no different, I prefer to deal with real life experience.
    Have you ever wondered what if you are wrong? Or is that impossible?

    You ask for real life experiences you have also have not answered if you want to pay for so many pregnancies in the military. If you want real life then look at history in how performance was better 50 years ago on many sectors. Evidence is all around.

    Let�s do thing mathematically and you put down all your experience in what you gathered about women in military and I put mine and we can see which ones outweighs the other more. In a court of law, in science, in math, in theology it would ask for what I am asking and would not validate what many have said against my arguments.

    Again what if you are wrong? How can you change your view if you do not want to listen to the other? I know that no one wants to be wrong and get mad when they can not show proof to validate their arguments, which is why some attack.

    PS. One of my top classes in college was about analytical debating where you had to show evidence from over 12 sources to back my research with 30 pages of explanations. I did well since the trick is to know your opponents arguments better than my opponent.
    Last edited by jace; 29th-September-2004 at 20:20.

  10. #55
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    God, this is torturing me...

  11. #56
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    Well put Smith.

    That Jace would suggest that all counter-points to his arguments are invalid simply because they do not offer up statistics is rather asinine. A well made point stands on it's own merits, and is not dependant on wether or not it has a bunch of arbitrary stats to back it up.

    I'd say that in the several threads this fellow has started, he's been taken to the mat everytime, and stats be damned. And yet he constantly calls for us to give stats that refute his, which tend to be rather biased anyway....

    EDIT: Jace, I would counter your question with the same. Have you ever considered that you might be wrong? I don't think it's crossed your mind, has it? You press your arguments on us all, even after being offered totally legitimate counterpoints to them, and suggest that they aren't valid unless backed up with some statistics. This is even after having your sources pointed out to you as being rather biased, and as such not exactly reliable. One in your position would be wise to admit that maybe, just maybe, his ideals on the matter aren't the popular ones at the very least, and bow out. There's really nowhere else to go with this argument that you haven't already gone, and certainly nowhere that's going to change anyone's mind, or turn this argument suddenly in your favor....
    Last edited by Cyberxion; 29th-September-2004 at 20:27.

  12. #57
    Ziegfried Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by jace
    Ps. Someone has to defend the other side. If this was a court I would most likely win since I have more statistical evidence presented.
    And if this was a forum, we'd all be walking away from you, thinking you're just a hard-headed, ignorant fool who sees what you want to see, and that countering your so-called arguments wouldn't be worth the miniscule trouble. Oh fucking noes.

  13. #58
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    Post good luck

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyberxion
    Well put Smith.

    That Jace would suggest that all counter-points to his arguments are invalid simply because they do not offer up statistics is rather asinine. A well made point stands on it's own merits, and is not dependant on wether or not it has a bunch of arbitrary stats to back it up.

    I'd say that in the several threads this fellow has started, he's been taken to the mat everytime, and stats be damned. And yet he constantly calls for us to give stats that refute his, which tend to be rather biased anyway....
    LOL If you become a lawyers you will be singing a new tune. You can not go to court with opinions or else your opinions will be laughed at. It may work for a forum to pick and choose points and throw opinions as facts, but in the "real world" tactics that are used here by many not stand up. you have to go with the real word way of how things are and not by wishful thinking, opinions, and attacks.

    Many have the right to believe the wrong view and not listen to what is right, and many are paying for it with their pockets and complain that they pay even though they kept asking for it.

    good luck

    ps.Zieg I did read but you are not being open minded.
    Last edited by jace; 29th-September-2004 at 20:47.

  14. #59
    Ziegfried Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by jace
    LOL If you become a lawyers you will be singing a new tune. You can not go to court with opinions or else your opinions will be laughed at. It may work for a forum to pick and choose points and throw opinions as facts, but in the "real world" tactics that are used here by many not stand up. you have to go with the real word way of how things are and not by wishful thinking, opinions, and attacks.

    Many have the right to believe the wrong view and not listen to what is right, and many are paying for it with their pockets and complain that they pay even though they kept asking for it.

    good luck
    Read my last post in this thread...

  15. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by jace
    LOL If you become a lawyers you will be singing a new tune. You can not go to court with opinions or else your opinions will be laughed at. It may work for a forum to pick and choose points and throw opinions as facts, but in the "real world" tactics that are used here by many not stand up. you have to go with the real word way of how things are and not by wishful thinking, opinions, and attacks.

    Many have the right to believe the wrong view and not listen to what is right, and many are paying for it with their pockets and complain that they pay even though they kept asking for it.

    good luck
    This is coming from the guy who picks and chooses stats that only present a one-sided view of the argument at hand. If you were being fair, you would draw from a wide variety of statistics that accurately represent both sides of the issue, rather then drawing them solely from biased sources. Zigfried pointed that out and you're yet to acknowledge it, I might add.

    Look guy, if you come to the table with more then what you've brought thus far, then maybe people will be willing to entertain the notion that you just might be onto something. As it stands, you're not doing much aside from annoying the shit out of everyone with biased sources, the claims that we're attacking you, and the suggestion that we're living outside of the real world just because we don't subscribe to your way of thinking.

    If anyone needs to get a fucking wake-up call and accept that invite to reality, it's you man. Good luck with that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ziegfried
    And if this was a forum, we'd all be walking away from you, thinking you're just a hard-headed, ignorant fool who sees what you want to see, and that countering your so-called arguments wouldn't be worth the miniscule trouble. Oh fucking noes.
    Heh, I'll have to keep this in mind next time the guy decides to respond....
    Last edited by Cyberxion; 29th-September-2004 at 20:45.

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