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Thread: Feminist nuts? Women should know their role?

  1. #31
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    i would have been for this thread had the title been restricted to the first question.....the second question......well...can be posted only by a shithead

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  2. #32
    Ziegfried Guest


    Society fucking sucks.

    Ziegfried - Who says you need more than one sentence to win an argument?

  3. #33
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    No, I'm pretty sure you're just a lame asshole trying to come off as "cool" and "rebellious".

  4. #34
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    Gospel never stops winning. Skinner never figures that out.
    All I can say is that my life is pretty plain
    I like watchin the puddles gather rain
    And all I can do is just pour some tea for two
    and speak my point of view
    But its not sane..
    I just want some one to say to me
    Ill always be there when you wake
    Ya know Id like to keep my cheeks dry today
    So stay with me and Ill have it made
    And I dont understand why I sleep all day
    And I start to complain that theres no rain
    And all I can do is read a book to stay awake
    And it rips my life away but its a great escape..
    All I can say is that my life is pretty plain...

  5. #35
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    Wink Mr. Anderson

    Here is something short and simple.

    1 My girl gave me this article and she has a maters degree like many others girls that agree with this which I know more women that agree with this.

    2 Just because you found a few that does not mean that it is true for the majority, look at the USA how most people are over weight.

    3 Look at the US how the majority get divorced, and see how the women�s movement pushed for the rule to get divorced without giving reason. You know before you had to give a reason and now you don't. Maybe some know what the rule is called since some act like they know more.

    4 The 2 articles are from well publicized new sources, yeah the news sucks it seems.

    5 If you can�t talk about things out then how can you deal with people with opposing views?

    6 Life isn�t pretty and you have to talk about issues sometimes to deal with them. We can't all be talking about games 24/7 since games end sooner or later.

    Did I answer everything?

  6. #36
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    you and pika should get together and post threads, you can put down women and gays at the same time.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by jace
    Here is something short and simple.

    1 My girl gave me this article and she has a maters degree like many others girls that agree with this which I know more women that agree with this.

    2 Just because you found a few that does not mean that it is true for the majority, look at the USA how most people are over weight.

    3 Look at the US how the majority get divorced, and see how the women�s movement pushed for the rule to get divorced without giving reason. You know before you had to give a reason and now you don't. Maybe some know what the rule is called since some act like they know more.

    4 The 2 articles are from well publicized new sources, yeah the news sucks it seems.

    5 If you can�t talk about things out then how can you deal with people with opposing views?

    6 Life isn�t pretty and you have to talk about issues sometimes to deal with them. We can't all be talking about games 24/7 since games end sooner or later.

    Did I answer everything?
    1: you gotta be jokin right? other then that these chicks have no morals
    2: well when your a single mom that has to work to put food on the table and you come home from a hard day i dont think you will be wantin to slave over a stove trust me i know my mom has to do it most of the time so i cook for her now
    3: well if the people werent gettin married so young and took some time into thinkin bout it and thinki that this is the right one then it would cut that rate down
    6: you are right but can you atleast bring us views from this decade cos that would be nice

    Quote Originally Posted by Fury
    you and pika should get together and post threads, you can put down women and gays at the same time.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fury
    you and pika should get together and post threads, you can put down women and gays at the same time.
    You and Urslef Should shut the hell up and stop making fun of people.

  9. #39
    Mikey_ Guest


    ......nice avatar vivi

  10. #40
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  11. #41
    Mikey_ Guest


    lol jesus u post fast

  12. #42
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    LOL yes yes indeed but that will be quite Anough spam.. thanxs (keep it to PM's please)

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Master Vivi
    LOL yes yes indeed but that will be quite Anough spam.. thanxs (keep it to PM's please)
    Not a mod so you dont have to do what he says..

    And about the devorce thing... the major cause for the increse in the devorce rate is that women can now get job's and suport them selfs...

    up to before WWII only lower class women that had to have a job, got one, and even then there were only a few thing's women could do, then after WWII and working in the factory's more employers became open to the idea of having women workers... but still it was not till the mid 80's that women were accepted fully* in the work place.

    You can attribuit this to feminist nut's if you want... I dont think its because of them, but it's your opinion and you can think what you want.

    * by fully i mean mostly, execpt in casses where the empolyer is a biggot.

  14. #44
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    devorce rate it high cuz thats how women get alamony(sp) especially since they dont need a reason anymore

    where i am over 2/3 of all marrages end in devorce

    i mean honestly come on we know there are tons of women that leech of dieing rich people

    o and before u guys flame me these opinions are for a small group not generalizing women

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by jace
    Here is something short and simple.

    1 My girl gave me this article and she has a maters degree like many others girls that agree with this which I know more women that agree with this.
    Short and simple?! Oh my God, now I can read it! My small mind can take all of this information in now that it's in numerical order! Thank you, jace! You are a God!

    First off, if "your girl" gave you this article and she has a masters degree in bullshit, that still doesn't mean anything. There are so many masters degrees out there, perhaps you should tell us what she has a masters degree in? That usually helps, too. And when she got it, perhaps? The late 50s doesn't count.

    Anyways, my point is that just because a few people agree with that doesn't mean that it has to be right. Look at how many Nazis agree with Hitler. Does that mean that they were right and that everyone else who opposed the NSDAP was wrong?

    Quote Originally Posted by jace
    2 Just because you found a few that does not mean that it is true for the majority, look at the USA how most people are over weight.
    That's because of the growing populations of people who are just spending their times sitting at the computers doing nothing. This isn't because women aren't around to cook a good meal anymore; it's because of office jobs that require people just to sit there in front of some sort of terminal and not get a lot of activity into their lives. It's because of the increasing levels of stress in the workforce that causes people not to have any more energy to want to go home and cook a meal. When you get home from, say, a long day at school (university, high school, elementary, whichever you're in) do you first want to:
    (a) Go out and do lots and lots of fun things
    (b) Sit down and relax for a few minutes
    (c) Start caring for your family

    If you answered (a) or (b), then you are normal. If you answered (c), then you are a work-a-holic, but you also care about your family. I refer to Ultimate X, who stated that his mother works full-time and because she's so zonked after work that she can't cook, he took the liberty upon himself to start making dinner. Which is a very noble thing, and something that any woman would appreciate, unless you can't cook. Then it's the thought that counts.

    And then we get into the topic of how many single-mothers there are out there. This is partially because of high divorce rates, but these are also the women who are partaking in the "sins of the flesh" that they so enjoy -- maybe they want to unwind from a hard day at work? I know, it's a sin to have to provide for oneself... -- and they happen to get themselves pregnant. Nothing wrong with that, really. And they are taking care of the child; that's good. They're taking action. I respect women like that. What I'm getting from your posts, however, is that you think only men should work and that women should just be stay at home mothers. Well, in that case, when you have children, preferably a girl, and if she gets pregnant before she gets married, you can help her look after the child and go through all of that trouble with her. Some women don't like being looked after.

    I think I lost track of where I'm going with this. Onto the next one!!

    Quote Originally Posted by jace
    3 Look at the US how the majority get divorced, and see how the women�s movement pushed for the rule to get divorced without giving reason. You know before you had to give a reason and now you don't. Maybe some know what the rule is called since some act like they know more.
    They don't just act like they know more. Some people do know more. I'm not saying that everyone knows more, just that some people do. You are a rather intelligent individual, you just have a twisted view on society, one that reflects far too much on the older days than on modern society. Things have changed since Christ walked the earth. Deal with it.

    The womens movement pushed for the rule to get divorced without giving a reason because some of them were unhappy in their marriage and they wanted out, but simply saying "I'm unhappy" was not a valid reason for divorce. Some women felt that they were pressured into a marriage -- by family and their future spouse -- and once they had the ability to do something about it, they were allowed to leave. If it allows the woman to be happier, then I don't see anything wrong with that.

    I'm sort of reminded how when women first started to vote they were ordered by their husbands to vote the same as they did, meaning that they were really just giving people a double vote. What women realized, however, was that their husband wasn't in the voting booth with them, so they could vote whatever they wanted. I don't know how this is connected, but it's the thought that counts.

    Quote Originally Posted by jace
    4 The 2 articles are from well publicized new sources, yeah the news sucks it seems.
    News can be biased in their views sometimes. Look at the US News. Even the publications of the Olympics, we'll go with. Notice how they don't show anything 'cept for what the United States are involved in? A biased view. Notice how they don't publish anything other than what seems like rather nasty things, stuff that will give people cause to worry -- rising cancer rates, rising obesity rates, murders, rapes, et cetera... -- yeah, that's a biased view too. No one is going to watch the news if all they are going to see is happy go lucky stuff. The koalas had a baby! That's great!!!! Your uncle was murdered by a serial killer who's on the loose but no one knows about it because they aren't publishing murders!! Well fuck!!!

    It's all about publishing what will sell. This will cause controversy, thus it will sell.

    Quote Originally Posted by jace
    5 If you can�t talk about things out then how can you deal with people with opposing views?
    We can talk things out. It just seems that you are unwilling to accept a different point of view on it. We're just objecting with our own beliefs, which you seem unhappy about. Thus, I reverse this post back to you. If you can't talk about things then how can you deal with people with opposing views?

    Quote Originally Posted by jace
    6 Life isn�t pretty and you have to talk about issues sometimes to deal with them. We can't all be talking about games 24/7 since games end sooner or later.
    Of course you have to talk about issues sometimes to deal with them. Thanks for bringing that up, 'cause this issue was dealt with back in the 60s, and pretty much has been solved, case closed, put it in the files. And games don't really end, just the story does. The games keep on living forever. Major philosophical bullshit, insert here.

    But life isn't pretty. But you know what? There's a lot of worse stuff out there than this. And this doesn't even really matter; a couple of women who have masters degrees agree with your views on this, so naturally you think it's right? Please.

    So, to recap; everything can be disputed, but you have to look at both sides of the coin, kiddo. How many surfaces are there to a picture? Two. The front and the back. The back doesn't usually have anything, but without the back you can't have a picture, 'cause there would be no canvas.

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