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Thread: Tips to loose weight, what are yours?

  1. #16
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    at least one a year I supose, got a concusion on the last one, mmmm vikadin.

    anyways I do have health problems in my family, but I have a major slow metabolism, I'm destined to be a fat italian guy. It's in my genes.
    So I make games now sort of. Check the out the one I have in the IGF this year, its totally free:

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  2. #17
    Ziegfried Guest



  3. #18
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    Best tip for losing weight;

    Masturbate for 24 hours straight.
    Take a shower.
    Eat a pear.
    sleep for 20 minutes.
    Je veux te voir dans un film pornographique

  4. #19
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    After losing weight myself, I have no sympathy for any fat person unless they have a doctor's excuse stating why they are fat. Other than that, I just think the person is lazy and has to have somebody tell them what to eat because they can't make any smart decisions themselves. If your doctor says that you have a slow metabolism, then it's alright. Can't fight genetics unless you want to undergo one of those expensive operations they have these days.
    My PSX isos: Brave Fencer Musashi, Breath of Fire 3, Breath of Fire 4, Castlevania SOTN, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy Origins, Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy Tactics, Gundam Battle Assault (rip), Harvest Moon Back to Nature

  5. #20
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    masturbate for 24 hours straight?
    those pears must have a lot of vitamins
    and what if the clocks go forward, do you count that extra hour?

  6. #21
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    actually sex for 15 mins is = running a mile

    that excersize would be nice
    So I make games now sort of. Check the out the one I have in the IGF this year, its totally free:

    Also add me on things.
    twitter: solidusjoe
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  7. #22
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    Who here can honestly say they've seriously fucked for 15 minutes though?

    I can get about 3 minutes of serious pounding. Then I need about 8 hours of recovery.

  8. #23
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    Default Re: Tips to loose weight, what are yours?

    Originally posted by jace
    People should not go on deists but have a life style of eating. When you go on a diet that you most likely will not like and you may loose it but when you stop you gain the weight back and even more. The thing is that you have to change your life style. Don't kill your taste buds by getting use to junk food, since the healthy food like fruits off.

    If you know of any say some. Some tips that are:
    1 Work out or be active at least 30 min a week.
    2 Do not eat after 8pm since. When you go to bed the protein gets stored as fat.
    3 Reduce junk food to 1 time a week, and quit the daily deserts after food or have a fruit.
    4 Cook and cut the fat out of meats.
    5 Reduce the foods that have calories and carbohydrates, like bread.
    6 Eat mostly at the same time every day.
    7 Increase your metabolism by eating a lot of healthy food. This will tell your body that you are eating a lot and it will burn the food more.
    8 more that I do not have but others can fill in.

    Some other tips are you can drink low fat milk, “some” soy brands are good and some brands are not, you can bake a cake pancakes without the egg yoke and it will taste the same, and I heard it is the same with an omelet but I have not tried that.
    Don't cut carbs. Carbs are good for you. I weigh 93 lbs and I eat a TON of carbs. Screw the Atkins diet.

  9. #24
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    About a year ago I lost 50 pounds. I was tired of being fat and wanted to work myself into decent shape. I'd tried various diets (including Atkins) with no luck. Actually, Atkins did work. For a while. I gained the weight back soon after I went off of it. But it's not healthy for your body over the long term so I don't recommend it.

    Anyway, I'm all about the philosophy of KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid). Seeing these lists of 8-9 things that other people are posting is rather scary. It's great if it works for them, but I find it a bit intimidating. So here's my three things that I did to lose the weight.

    1) Don't expect to lose the weight quickly. This isn't so much something you do as much as something you just need to accept. If you're planning to lose a bunch of weight in like... a month, don't bother. It's not very healthy for one thing and you're about 10 times more likely to gain it back for another.

    2) Learn to cook. Pretty much any food you learn to make yourself is going to be better for you than something that's either pre-packed or bought at a fast-food place. Especially the later. Cutting down fast-food intake to a few times a month is definitely a good idea too.

    3) Exercise. Yeah, it sucks at first. It does for everyone else too. It's also one of the best ways to boost your metabolism so that you'll lose weight no matter what you're eating. Just find something you enjoy doing and stick with it; make sure you keep a schedule and work out at least a few times a week. I chose weightlifting (not even an aerobic activity) and it worked great for me.
    -Mason Gray: Less vowels, same great consonant taste.

  10. #25
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    so if 15 mins sex = 1 mile then
    1 hour = 4 miles &
    24 hours = 96 miles

    nek_ you've showed me a way to lose weight and enjoy it although i'm going to suffer from very sore wrists and messy walls

    by the way i don't like pears, do you think apples will be a good alternative?

  11. #26
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    I don't really understand why it's so difficult for people to lost weight. Here's what I do"

    1. Eat less fat and count calories. Stay consistant with your eating habits.
    2. Take vitamins.
    3. Exercise. Every week, I make sure I play DDR at least 3 day, and walk for at least 2 miles 1 day.

  12. #27
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    I lost like 30 pds.

    mine are

    No butter at all. Not even fat free butter, it makes you crave the real stuff.

    No oil, not even the fat free spray oil, thats all chemicals.

    foods that are good :

    Grilled chicken in the oven on the grill racks, directally. It takes like 5 minutes. A fat free sweet and sour sauce.

    Grilled vegtables- with any seasonings on the grill.

    The best most yummy desert is......

    Fat free, sugar free Chocolate Ice Cream, Perry's with fat free cool whip, canned fruit with no added sugar, low suger preserves, strawberrys, bananas, and fat free suger free cookies broken up. That is so so so good. Just the calories is the issue. Try to have that like 2 times a week. Load the cool whip. It will help you get full faster cause of the air.

    no pasta,
    no bread. It is hard but if you are craving carbs. eat brown rice with chicken and sweet and sour sauce and pineapple in it. Real good.

    weight lifting is the best and it does not take much time up in your day. You also are not tired that much like aerobics.

    Last edited by DanielleG; 14th-August-2004 at 02:34.
    Cool Breeze over the mountain !! Keanu Reeves

  13. #28
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    Originally posted by theotheimpaler
    so if 15 mins sex = 1 mile then
    1 hour = 4 miles &
    24 hours = 96 miles

    nek_ you've showed me a way to lose weight and enjoy it although i'm going to suffer from very sore wrists and messy walls
    ... and one sore genitalea. Masturbation doesn't burn as much calories since you aren't moving your whole body. Boning a sexdoll is the best alternative since prostitution is expensive, and being obese wont guarrentee you any sex. (don't waste your time on this).

    I wheigh a bit more than 90kg(almost 200 pounds) and I'm about 1.87m tall. My body complexion is pretty large too. I used to look like a sack o' bones some time ago but I've gained a bit more wheight now. Not as much as when I was about 12 or 13... I was moderately fat back then(ah... the pleasures of cheap fast food).

    Exercise, exercise, exercise... can't stress this enough. It's not quick but it does improve your health. I recently read somewhere that a daily 2 mile walk helps prevent obese men from suffering sexual impotency.
    I'm extremely lazy so I rarely get exercise, I need to sign up in a gym again to stay healthy.

  14. #29
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    The thing for me is: I've never been fat, per say. It's just one day I thought to myself "Hey, let's turn this moderate pudge into muscle."
    If you do one thing only, excercise. I still eat junk food once every 3 weeks, I eat enough carbohydrates to drown your household (it's not my fault, but my culture's food doesn't work without rice or bread. I approached my Dad about not using rice and he said "But then what will we eat?")

    There's only two real ways to me really. One, is cut down on junk food. It's possible to cook with minimum oil, and still have food be delicious. Stay the hell away from fast food, make it a rare treat to award yourself. Eat less carbohydrates, but still eat them. Don't Atkins-fuck your body. And excercise. Always excercise.

  15. #30
    Ziegfried Guest


    What is the Atkins diet?

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