Originally posted by knowitman
Hey ragnar. It would be great if you could get the Interactive Cd Volume 4. I really want it.
You have no luck. I have 1, 2, 3.5, 5, 6, 7 and 8. From there out I don't know if they had numbers, but I have some other PS1 ones.

Although 5 is REALLY making me wonder. Cause digging over the demos I just got I noticed one of my demos that has no name (there's nothing on the sleeve or disk!?) is volume 5 as well. Also they all have different SLUS numbers, and just for a kicker, one of them has a badass FF7 intro that none of the others have... WTF!

Oh, and on topic. I got myself sealed copies of Tail Concerto and Lunar Legend in the mail today Arr, I wanna open Lunar, but I know I'll never play it...