Quote Originally Posted by deadlegion View Post

Looks like PS3 and Vita are pretty much confirmed to be on death's door now.
You will only be able to browse/purchase store content via the consoles themselves (I've been told it's hell to use the store on PS3 now, but can't confirm that myself), not via mobile, PC or whatever.
Rumour is a lot of servers will be shutting down soon.
Hah. I just sold sold my last PSN code for Summon Night 5 a couple weeks ago. I assumed people were plugging them into a Vita, but I wonder if it's still possible to browse PSN on a PSP

I should look over my DLC code text file and see about flipping any PS3 codes I have. But it's a problem when I have no idea what say a "Drakengard 3 DLC Pack Wave 1" even does, or if it's still valid, or have any idea what it's worth. And then I have codes where I just know the game they're for, not what they are. Or worse, I have codes that I don't even know what game or system they're for!

Like seriously, what platform put out 8 letter codes like ABCD-EFGH? Or 22 consecutive digits like 1234567890123456789012, could that possibly be a Vita code, my text file seems to hint that?