The first game I bought was Animal Crossing: New Leaf. It's a really great game..
The first game I bought was Animal Crossing: New Leaf. It's a really great game..
First Game Purchase: Diablo 2
First Console Purchase: N64
Fist Console Game Purchase: FF7
First game I ever bought with my own money was Final Fantasy VI
For me it was Innocent Until Caught, a point and click
I bought a Sega 32x for $20 and traded it and $10 for a copy of Chrono Trigger a year after it came out. The flea market vendor wanted $60 for it, but I managed to be the better salesman.
Can't remember! I'm sure there are some NES games I bought myself, either new or from the flea market; I can remember renting NES games from the video store (now I feel old.)
I think mine was Mario Kart Double Dash.
This is hard to answer - it's been a while, i think it was Summer Games for C64
Lucas Arts Adventure Collection with 10 Point'n'Click adventures in it (Indy3&4,Monkey1&2,DotT,Sam&Maxetc.)
Resident Evil Directors Cut for Playstation
I don't remember. I'm sure it was one for N64. Might have been waverunner.
Half Life i think, for CS
that was Tombraider 2013 for the ps3 before i had a NDS with a r4 card
Alex The Kidd came on Sega built in.
I think it was probably Pokemon leaf green for my gba.