Quote Originally Posted by Inferno. View Post
Re-wrote my job application stuff just before, tired of hearing nothing back. Fingers crossed now.
You and me both.

I did get hired by a temp agency back in November to work at Crocs during the Holidays in their customer service department. You know, the folks who make those shitty plastic shoes that it seemed like everyone was wearing six years ago? Anyway, I was hired on at 30 hours a week, and was cool with that as it would be the barest minimum I could work at the wage they offered and still make ends meet. Then they gave me 20 hours a week. I had to be up at 5am every morning to drive into work and do a short-ass shift, only to have to dip into my savings to pay the bills. Seeing as the training was shit and there were like 30 team leads, all of whom were stressed out and consequently unwilling to help any of us new hires figure out what the hell we were supposed to be doing, I figured that wasn't cutting the mustard and quit.

The fucked up thing is that I was contacted by a representative from another job-placement agency during that first week of training who wanted to offer me a full-time position at the IBM building across the street at $15 bucks an hour plus commissions, but I couldn't accept it because when I took this job it came with a one-year binding contract with the temp-agency who does the recruiting for Crocs, which included a clause that forbade me from taking a job with competing agencies. The first thing I did when I quit was call the guy back and see if he was still looking for people, but alas he was not. I haven't been able to find work since.

Such is my life.