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Thread: General Gaming Questions

  1. #1
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    Default General Gaming Questions

    Just because I find this sort of stuff interesting, let me know your answers!

    Your top 3 games/gaming series of all time?
    - Medievil
    - Metal Gear Solid
    - Final Fantasy

    Your top gaming soundtracks of all time?
    All 3 above, plus Broken Sword!

    Worst game you've ever played?
    Boxed? Rise of the Robots on the Genesis for sure.
    But the worst game I have EVER seen is 'Plumbers don't wear ties' on the 3DO, that and 'Big Rigs: Over the road racing' for the PC coming in a close second.

    Your favourite game that got almost all bad reviews?
    The Rampage series of games. Very repetitive but fairly mindless arcade fun, plus good early gaming memories for me.

    First game you ever played?
    Probably something like Rampage on the Commodore 64, either that or something on the Amiga/Commodore.

    Oldest Game you own boxed/original/not copied?
    I guess technically Pong but it's a remake for the PC. Sadly I sold all my older consoles (wish I hadn't now), so it's probably either my Gameboy Colour or PS1 games (whichever was first).

    Oldest Game you have emulated?
    All the Atari 2600 launch titles.

    First game you had for all the consoles/handhelds/systems you have owned?

    Amiga - We got tons of games with it! Though it was my older brothers anyway.
    Commodore 64 - Exactly the same as the Amiga.
    Master System - Sonic the Hedgehog 1.
    Mega Drive - Ballz, Two Crude Dudes, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Streets of Rage 2. Possibly more, but pretty sure that was it).
    PS1 - Hard to remember but it was either Destruction Derby 1, Ridge Racer, Crash Bandicoot 1 and Tekken 1, I think.
    PS2 - Devil May Cry 1 (I actually had this BEFORE the console).
    PS3 - Metal Gear Solid 4. Came with the console as a bundle, plus REALLY wanted it).
    PSP - Medievil Resurrection. The game I got the console for, but I still use my PSP tons for other stuff too).
    PC - Command and Conquer.
    PSN - Final Fantasy 7. Even though I own it boxed I also wanted to be able to play it on my PSP, awesome!).
    Gameboy Colour - Pokemon Blue.
    Gameboy Advance - Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire (I got two limited edition boxed console and game systems).
    Nintendo DS - Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney.
    Nintendo 3DS - The most recent Professor Layton game (my mum got it for herself), but I'm waiting to get the most recent Phoenix Wright game.

    Rarest System you own?
    Limited edition Pokemon Ruby Gameboy Advance with carry case and game + Limited edition Pokemon Sapphire Gameboy Advance with carry case and game. I can't even find much evidence they exist on the internet, they both come in big presentation boxes so they must be rare I guess.
    Either that or my two Pocket Playstations, in both white and clear that I bought on eBay.

    Rarest game you own boxed?
    A tough one for me to think of, I'm not sure how rare some of my obscure games are! It's a really hard one to answer.

    Most obscure/unheard of game you own?
    Denki Groove Jigoku V for the PS1 (later on the PSP in Japan as 'Baito Hell 2000' and in the EU/US as 'WTF! Work Time Fun'), first game in a series that few people have even heard of to begin with. It was only released in Japan.

    Most obscure games you would recommend to others?
    I'm not sure how obscure it is exactly (there are enough youtube videos about it), but it's also the most bizarre Japanese game I've ever played, and that is really saying something for Japan! It's 'LSD' for the PS1, it's a game based on dreams this Japanese guy had and you just walk around experiencing it and seeing what you can find until the dream ends. Sometimes the dream just consists of a short video though.
    I would also recommend the Medievil series (less obscure, but amazing series for the PS1), plus Rogue Trip 2012 for the PS1.

    Got any other good questions? Post yours too and I will edit in if I can answer them in this post too

  2. #2
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    If you want some answers I recommend cutting down on the questions and size of the first post, it's somewhat overwhelming.
    I'll answer what I feel are the ones worth keeping.

    Your top 3 games/gaming series of all time?
    - Metal Gear
    - Tekken
    - Megaman Classic

    Your top gaming soundtrack?
    Megaman 9
    Tekken 3
    No More Heroes

    Worst game you've ever played?
    Death and Return of Superman on the SNES

    Your favourite game that has a bad reception?
    No idea yet

    First game you ever played?
    Link to the Past

    Most obscure/unheard of game you own?
    Virtua Quest

  3. #3
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    Your top 3 games/gaming series of all time? Mega Man, Zelda, Ratchet & Clank

    Your top gaming soundtracks of all time? Mega Man, Zelda, Fallout 3

    Your favourite game that got almost all bad reviews? Ninja Kid (NES). Horrible game. I've never met anyone that actually likes it. I absolutely love it, though, but I think mostly for nostalgia reasons.

    First game you ever played? Super Mario Bros. / Zelda. Not sure which one was first, but those were among the first two games I ever played.

    Oldest Game you own boxed/original/not copied? 10-Yard Fight, Baseball, Donkey Kong Jr. Math, Duck Hunt, Excitebike, Golf, Gyromite, Hogan's Alley, Kung Fu, Mach Rider, Pinball, Super Mario Bros., Wild Gunman. All NES launch titles (September/October 1985). The only one I can comfirm as being produced in 1985 is my copy of Gyromite, which has the 60-to-72 pin converter inside that Nintendo used during the Christmas rush of 1985 to reach demands.

    Rarest game you own boxed? Bubble Bobble Part 2, Zombie Nation, Contra Force, Defenders of Dynatron City, Gumshoe, Qix, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Tecmo Cup: Soccer Game, Ultima: Warriors of Destiny -- all rated R7 according to, although Bubble Bobble Part 2 and Zombie Nation are definitely the rarest of the lot. I also have a couple of manuals that are rated R9, such as Donkey Kong Jr. Math, but I'm missing the box.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by LithiumFlower View Post
    If you want some answers I recommend cutting down on the questions and size of the first post, it's somewhat overwhelming.
    I'll answer what I feel are the ones worth keeping.
    I meant it as somewhat of a survey, but if people only want to answer the easy ones then that's fine too

  5. #5
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    I didn't answer everything.

    Your top 3 games/gaming series of all time?

    I don't think I have any, or at least I'm too dumb to think of any at the moment. I like lots of games from the Tales series, though...

    Your top gaming soundtracks of all time?

    Xenoblade Chronicles, Thief: Deadly Shadows, Ragnarok Online, only the ones I could think off the top of my head, there are probably more.

    Your favourite game that got almost all bad reviews?

    Bionic Commando (2009 remake)

    Oldest Game you own boxed/original/not copied?

    Used to have the original Lemmings, pretty sure I lost it since then, though.

    Most obscure/unheard of game you own?


    Most obscure games you would recommend to others?

    Same as above.

  6. #6
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    Your top 3 games/gaming series of all time?

    -Final Fantasy (haven't played beyond 9)
    -Megaman X (1-6, to hell with 7-8 ;/)
    -Gradius (3 in particular, but they were all pretty awesome imo)

    Your top gaming soundtrack?

    Megaman X1, though they all had pretty jazzin soundtracks.

    Worst game you've ever played?

    This would probably be "Terminator 2" on Snes. It was totally one of those games you'd rent from the local video store for the weekend and end up massively disappointed with.

    First game you ever played?

    Don't recall exactly, I started pretty young. Probably either Ikari Warriors or Super Mario Bros on NES.

    Most obscure games you would recommend to others?

    Grind Stormer (top-down shooter), Vectorman 2 (sidescrolling platformer), and Landstalker (isometric action RPG). Lots of good obscure/semi-obscure titles on Genesis
    Last edited by MaslowK; 2nd-January-2014 at 17:11.
    "I think that the problem with this video is it is highly derivative of many popular bands within the genre. Although when viewed on its own merits, it does have a deeper groove. However what it has in groove, it lacks in originality. One can't help but be reminded of such bands as Pearl Jam, White Zombie, Suicidal Tendencies and other bands that bear the mantle of so called "Alternative Rock". One is even reminded of Lorie Anderson when she wore curlers. Hehehmhm! This video speaks less to the heart and more to the sphincter. In closing, I think Korn would do well to learn more from -"

  7. #7
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    OOOOOooo questions!!!!

    Your top 3 games/gaming series of all time?

    Harder than I thought. Let's see.
    - Final Fantasy
    - Street Fighter
    - Resident Evil

    Your top gaming soundtracks of all time?

    Not much for game music. I like stuff that have licensed or funny radio stations to listen to like GTA and Fallout 3 etc.

    Worst game you've ever played?

    The Tick SNES/FF13

    Your favourite game that got almost all bad reviews?

    Not sure

    First game you ever played?

    Something on Intellivision. Mousetrap most likely.

    Oldest Game you own boxed/original/not copied?

    None. Don't own a single thing.

    Oldest Game you have emulated?

    Intellivision stuff but just to check out. Oldest game I've emulated and actually beaten would probably be a bunch of nes stuff like the various marios, metroid, castlevania and so on.

    First game you had for all the consoles/handhelds/systems you have owned?

    NES - Supermario/Duckhunt
    Genesis - Sonic 1 and Mickey Mouses Castle of Illusion.
    SNES - Super Mario World/Link to the past.
    PS1 - Street Fighter Alpha 1 and Discworld
    Dreamcast - Sonic Adventure
    PS2 - Think it was GTA3
    XBOX 360 - Left4Dead along with something else, think it was an older Tomb Raider like anniversary.
    PS3 - Burnout Paradise and Fallout:NV
    PSP - Starwars Battlefront (whatever the first one was called) I think,
    PC - Good lord. Had a ton of freeware BASIC games to start but I think the full on first game was probably Kings Quest 2
    PSN - DC Universe Online

    Rarest System you own?


    Rarest game you own boxed?


    Most obscure/unheard of game you own?


    Most obscure games you would recommend to others?

    Not sure here either

  8. #8
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    I guess my favorite Franchises would have to be

    DKC and that would include Returns, Crash Bandicoot even including the new ones, GTA expecial San Andreas


    DKC, Mario Kart Series, Crash Twinsanity


    Nes Back To The Future


    Pokemon Goldd


    Mario Duck Hunt

    Oldest Emulated

    Contra maybe


    GBC Pokemon, Nes Mario Duck Hunt, N64 Mario 64, Ps2 Crash Twinsanity, Ps3 Saints Row 3, Pc ?

    Rarest system


    Rarest Game

    Open boxed copy of X-wing Collectors CD with Stratagy Guide

    Obscure Game

    Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law

  9. #9
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    Sure, I guess I'll join in as well.

    Your top 3 games/gaming series of all time?

    1: Phantasy Star
    2: Dragon Quest
    3: Mega Man

    Your top gaming soundtracks of all time?

    1: Megaman 2
    2: Phantasy Star IV
    3: Chrono Trigger

    Worst game you've ever played?

    Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon for CDi. I actually beat the damned thing when I was young. *shudder*

    Your favorite game that got almost all bad reviews?

    Phantasy Star III. It's almost unanimously hated amongst the PS fan community. It was the first Phantasy Star game I experienced. So it has a nostalgic place in my memories.

    First game you ever played?

    Pickaxe Pete for the Magnavox Odyssey 2.

    Oldest Game you own boxed/original/not copied?

    Speedway!/Spinout!/Crypto-Logic! - Magnavox Odyssey 2 - 1978

    Oldest Game you have emulated?

    I don't know, probably some crappy old-ass arcade game.

    Rarest System you own?

    I would probably have to say my Philips CDi. I'm sure they didn't manufacture near as much as their nearest competitors Nintendo and Sega. Therefore, it's probably technically my rarest.

    Rarest game you own boxed?

    Probably my copy of M.U.S.H.A. for the Sega Genesis. Although I do have a sealed copy of Conquest of the World for the Odyssey 2 as well as a complete pretty mint Infocom Classic Mystery Library for PC(DOS).

    Most obscure/unheard of game you own?

    The entirety of my Odyssey 2 collection. Especially Conquest of the World.

    Most obscure games you would recommend to others?

    Steel Battalion for Xbox

  10. #10
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    Your top 3 games/gaming series of all time?

    1. Metal Gear Solid series
    2. Final Fantasy VI
    3. Zelda: Link to the Past

    Your top gaming soundtracks of all time?
    GTA Vice City
    If you're asking original music made for a game, then the Final Fantasy series, hands down.

    Worst game you've ever played?
    Bible Adventures (NES)

    Your favourite game that got almost all bad reviews?
    Splatterhouse (PS3/360)

    First game you ever played?
    Beauty and the Beast (Intellivision)

    Oldest Game you own boxed/original/not copied?
    I've got some Atari games laying around somewhere... not sure which is the oldest... Combat maybe?

    Oldest Game you have emulated?
    Some of the early Black Box NES games that I didn't have, i.e. Urban Champion, etc.

    First game you had for all the consoles/handhelds/systems you have owned?

    NES - Mario/Duckhunt (pack in game), first game owned outside of that was either Rambo or Top Gun - got them all at the same time.
    SNES - Mario World (pack in) - first game owned F-Zero
    Gameboy Pocket - Wario Land
    Sega Game Gear - Sonic
    Genesis - Mortal Kombat
    Sega CD - Sewer Shark (pack in) - first game owned Lunar
    Turbo Grafix 16/Turbo Duo - Owned Rondo of Blood and Ys Books I and II before I ever had a system (used it on an emulator), when I finally got the system though I got it bundled with lots of stuff.
    Nintendo 64 - Mario 64
    Playstation - Final Fantasy VII
    Dreamcast - Sonic
    PS2 Japanese System - Ridge Racer V, Street Fighter EX3
    PS2 US - SSX, Tekken Tag
    Xbox - Halo
    GameCube - Star Wars Rogue Squadron II
    Xbox 360 - Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter
    PS3 - Resistance
    PS Vita - Hot Shots Golf
    PS4 - Killzone 4

    Rarest System you own?
    Turbo Duo

    Rarest game you own boxed?
    Either Snatcher on Sega CD or Beyond Shadowgate on Duo.

    Most obscure/unheard of game you own?
    Tokyo Jungle (PS3)

    Most obscure games you would recommend to others?
    I'll have to come back to this one later - I can't really think of anything totally obscure that's worth a recommendation at the moment.
    Last edited by FlavaFlave; 13th-January-2014 at 02:39.

  11. #11
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    Top 3 Gaming Series
    Legend of Zelda
    Mega Man
    Super Mario Bros.

    Top Gaming Soundtracks
    Donkey Kong Country series
    Ecco the Dolphin series
    Mega Man series

    Worst Game I've Ever Played
    Dragon Warrior

    Game I Love That Gets Bad Reviews
    Zelda II Adventure of Link

    First Game I Ever Played
    idk-like Pacman or centipede or something?

    Oldest Boxed Game I Own
    Dr. Wily's Revenge

    Oldest Game I've Emulated
    SMB/Duck Hunt?

    First Game For Each Console/Handheld I've Ever Owned
    NES-SMB/Duck Hunt
    PC-Living Jigsaw
    SNES-Super Mario World
    Sega Genesis-Ecco the Dolphin
    GBA-Yoshi's Island
    GBC-Dr. Wily's Revenge
    Wii-New Super Mario Wii
    DS-Kirby Squeak Squad
    Last edited by maverickhuntergirlZ492; 6th-February-2014 at 03:58.

  12. #12
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    Your top 3 games/gaming series of all time?
    - Sonic the Hedgehog
    - Metal Gear Solid
    - Streets of Rage 2

    Your top gaming soundtrack?
    - Streets of Rage 2
    - Sonic 3 & Knuckles (If only for the Doomsday boss song)
    - Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (If only for the theme song)

    Worst game you've ever played?
    - Gadget Twins for Sega Genesis

    Your favourite game that has a bad reception?
    - Zillion because nobody has played it.

    First game you ever played?
    Something for the Sega Master System probably.

    Most obscure/unheard of game you own?
    I had Bible Adventures for NES when I was growing up. Got it as a collector's item.

  13. #13
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    Your top 3 games/gaming series of all time?
    1. MARIO
    2. Pokemon
    3. I guess LoZ

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by notkev View Post
    Your top 3 games/gaming series of all time?

    Your favourite game that has a bad reception?
    - Zillion because nobody has played it.
    Scratch that off your list! I have played, own, and like Zillion! (same for the sequel)

    Also answering.

    Your top 3 games/gaming series of all time?
    Mega Man/X/Legends/Zero
    Thunder Force IV
    Sonic, the early ones at least

    Your top gaming soundtracks of all time?
    Thunder Force IV
    Mega Man
    Sonic (reason why, amongst other, these three are above)
    Pretty much anything that sounds mildly good on any cart-based console (examples: Soldier Blade, Rocket Knight Adventures, Turok Rage Wars and Smurfs on Game Boy, OutRun 3D, Terranigma, Mega Turrican, VVVVVV... I could go on for days. I'm a chiptune nut).
    Specially the Genesis' best (check out 25 Kickass Non Sonic Genesis songs in youtube)
    And CD based, OutRun 2, Ollie King, Mega Man X6, Vigilante 8 2nd offense, off the top of my head.

    Worst game you've ever played?
    Hard to say. Usually if it's bad I give it 15 minutes and then play something else.
    Gyrodine on NES, however, I've played for a long time. Man, that's the worst shoot-em-up EVER.

    Your favourite game that got almost all bad reviews?
    I wouldn't know. Underrated, I think, Mega Man 6 and Terranigma, but people don't "hate them" per se.

    First game you ever played?
    Not sure, but it had to be Mario on the FC. Another super early memory I have is me being 4 and playing F1 Sensation. Still love that game to death almost 20 years later.

    Oldest Game you own boxed/original/not copied?
    Some NES game, probably Mario.
    Not the first one I bought though. That must be Terminal Velocity on PC (1995). Got that when it was new, and Mario just last year.

    Oldest Game you have emulated?
    The magical SEGA CD. Not the console. A CD with 700 games. First one must have been Aerobiz or Arrow Flash. Had no idea what an emulator was then. A friend had it and I played it a couple of times. The friend left, so did the CD. Then someone else gave a second copy to me and then I got all the games!

    First game you had for all the consoles/handhelds/systems you have owned?

    All within the span of the last 4 years, less PS1, FC and Genesis:

    FC: Can't remember
    NES: Journey to Silius
    GB: Pokémon Yellow
    SNES: Street Fighter 2 Turbo
    VB: Mario's Tennis and Galactic Pinball
    N64: Pokémon Stadium 2
    GBC: Donkey Kong Country
    GC: Spyro: A Hero's Tail
    GBA: Iridion 3D
    Wii: Super Smash Bros. Brawl

    SMS: The Ninja, Cyborg Hunter, Zillion (bundle)
    Mega Drive: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie
    GG: Got 22 games in a bundle. The one I wanted and tested first was OutRun.
    DC: Sonic Adventure

    PS1: Can't recall. Mega Man X4 and Driver 2
    PS2: Thunder Force VI and Mega Man X7
    PSP: Rock Band Unplugged (came as pack in game)
    PS3: 3D Dot Game Heroes or Sonic Generations

    PCE: Majin Eiyu Wataru and Psycho Chaser

    PC: 90 in 1 and Terminal Velocity

    Rarest System you own?
    Uuuuuh... Mario Wii, I think. Not really into "buying this or that because it's rare!".

    Rarest game you own boxed?
    Kirby 64 and Battle Bull
    Non boxed, Mega Man V on Game Boy and Metal Gear Solid on GBC.

    Most obscure/unheard of game you own?
    Battle Bull

    Most obscure games you would recommend to others?
    Mega Twins
    Avenging Spirit
    Earth Defense Force (<3!!)
    Blue's Journey
    Three Wonders

    All arcade. I feel I'm the only person in the world to play those games.
    Last edited by The Almighty MegaMan; 23rd-February-2014 at 15:46.
    I am Mega Man, I'm blue and cyan - the creation of Dr Light (or Right, if you're from Japan)
    Also known as Rockman

    My Mega Buster can cut the mustard, I'm a flustered amputee
    POW POW!
    Eight robot bosses in eight levels dishevel and revel in devilry,
    I'll steal their weaponry!

    I am also known as the "Blue Bomber"
    I could shoot the legs off Jeffrey Dahmer
    Kill a robot fish, kill a robot frog,
    and then I ride off on my robot dog...

    JOIN THE SHMUP MANIACS! Arcade & home console 2D shmups!

    vThanks button, down herev

  15. #15
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    Your top 3 games/gaming series of all time?
    - Monkey Island
    - Resident Evil
    - Metal Gear Solid

    Your top gaming soundtracks of all time?
    The Curse Of Monkey Island
    Quest For Glory V (Awesome music in the day and night times)

    Worst game you've ever played?
    I can't remember any to be honest, nothing that stands out! Probably Fear Effect, but need to replay it to get a different view on it!

    Your favourite game that got almost all bad reviews?
    The Rampage series of games. Very repetitive but fairly mindless arcade fun, plus good early gaming memories for me.

    First game you ever played?
    It was a Mickey Mouse game for DOS, came with a floppy and I'm not sure if I still have it somewhere.

    Oldest Game you own boxed/original/not copied?
    One that I found, would be Super Mario Bros on NES, if the one I've had the longest, it would be the CD of Rayman for DOS.

    Oldest Game you have emulated?
    Intellivision on one of them PS2 collections.

    First game you had for all the consoles/handhelds/systems you have owned?

    Amiga - Cannon Fodder I think.
    Master System - Sonic the Hedgehog 2
    Mega Drive - Either Sonic or the Mega Games collection.
    PS1 - Resident Evil 1 or Dino Crisis NTSC.
    PS2 - Wipeout Fusion
    PS3 - Uncharted 1, but then sold it as I didn't have a PS3 at the time
    PSP - I think either Burnout Legends or Wipeout
    PS Vita - Rayman Origins and Uncharted: The Golden Abyss
    PC - Rayman
    PSN - Flower
    Gameboy Colour - Pokemon Blue
    Gameboy Advance -Warioland 4
    Nintendo DS - WarioWare or Meteos
    Nintendo 3DS - Monster Hunter 3rd as it came with the 3DS XL
    Spectrum - Adventureland Dizzy
    Saturn - A lot of games came with it, so I can say Sega Rally

    Rarest System you own?
    Don't have one as such, probably the Gameboy Micro. Bought it for £7 complete. Love that litte machine

    Rarest game you own boxed?
    The Orion Conspiracy, as that game is not really easy to find and it's an obscure game, but you might get it for cheap anyway. Castlevania Symphony Of The Night PAL with Soundtrack which is £100.

    Most obscure/unheard of game you own?
    The Orion Conspiracy as above, Guilty (same makers), Hard Edge on PS1, Breakdown on XBOX (can it be obscure? not many vids about it!)

    Most obscure games you would recommend to others?
    If you like Resident Evil, go for Hard Edge. Not many people know this one and it can be enjoyable, and love that futuristic 90s atmosphere this game gives.

    Check my YouTube for gameplay and pickup videos!


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