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Thread: help with fallout new vegas

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    Default help with fallout new vegas

    ok, i need non-sarcastic tips, never played a fallout game, only fps i played was halo on the 360, the fallout is on ps3, how did you guys make it through the game and how should i?

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    With patience, loads of it.

    Bugs and glitches of all kinds await you. Have a bunch of saved games if you want to platinum it.

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    Yep, patience is the key.
    And keep saves to a minimum of what you actually need.
    Might also help if you disable autosave (but remember to get into the habit of manually saving).

    From what I've heard the ps3 versions of Bethesda games (Fallout 3, New Vegas, Oblivion, Skyrim) are buggy ports.
    I've had little trouble with any of the 360 versions though.
    Also, with these games you can just get the basic version and then the DRM free dlc's on retail 360's.

    I actually liked Fallout 3 more than New Vegas myself, but both are good games.

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    i manually save as well as an auto save. and i will be patient with it. however, does it matter if you steal and no one is around?

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    Quote Originally Posted by garrendesares View Post
    i manually save as well as an auto save. and i will be patient with it. however, does it matter if you steal and no one is around?
    You'll still get bad karma even if you don't get caught.

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    and i take it there are benefits to being good or bad

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    Quote Originally Posted by garrendesares View Post
    and i take it there are benefits to being good or bad
    Not really. The only thing that can happen is that Cass may not join up with you if you're too evil. Besides you'll end up killing enough ghouls and other enemies along the way that raise your karma back up anyways. Steal away - just as long as you don't get caught which can affect reputation and reputation is what you should be paying a little more attention to which has to do more with the factions like NCR and the Legion etc..

    Other than recruiting Cass karma doesn't really do anything unlike Fallout 3.

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    well now i know what happens when you try killing someone lol, get run out of town and they keep following you

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    One of the easier ways to make money is obviously by looting weapons and armor from human enemies when possible. Having a high repair skill lets you consolidate the equipment you find and save space in your inventory so you can carry more value per weight unit. Just something to keep in mind.

    Also try and stick to one or two weapon types for the most part, as trying to train in all of them means each one will end up subpar, or the rest of your skills will suffer.
    "I think that the problem with this video is it is highly derivative of many popular bands within the genre. Although when viewed on its own merits, it does have a deeper groove. However what it has in groove, it lacks in originality. One can't help but be reminded of such bands as Pearl Jam, White Zombie, Suicidal Tendencies and other bands that bear the mantle of so called "Alternative Rock". One is even reminded of Lorie Anderson when she wore curlers. Hehehmhm! This video speaks less to the heart and more to the sphincter. In closing, I think Korn would do well to learn more from -"

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    I love this game.. i still haven't beaten it but idk how i want to end it.. i decided for NCR.. anyways remember this your choces affect your whole well as partners. i didnt know you can get boon as a partner but i already killed him.. and im wanted by the khans all cause i made stupid choices so yeah every move you make affects something.

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    Love New Vegas on 3rd playthrough now on ceasers legion ending every choice you make affects alot off things so be careful also dont wear faction armour in enemy territory lol

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    these are awsome tips so far. and i was going to focus on guns and melee, so you mean when everyones sleeping, loot as much as possible

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    Only thing I didn't like in New Vegas was the perk every 2 levels thing. At level 14, if your repair skill is 90 (at 14 you can set it at 90 and it counts) you can get the Perk called Jury Rigging. This repairs many items like, I think a 9mm pistol and smg will repair a 10mm pistol and smg, and vice versa. I'm a cheap-o so I pretty much always take repair.

    Melee/Unarmed is pretty good in New Vegas as well. It wasn't bad in Fallout 3, it's just New Vegas has more options even at early levels. If you didn't know, strength affects Melee damage, and endurance affects Unarmed damage. Unarmed includes well, unarmed, and any fist type weapon. The difference between the 2 is that Unarmed attacks have such high crit modifiers. Iirc, Melee weapons are as strong and many are stronger than Unarmed gear, but their crit chance is low or their crit modifier is low. I can't really remember the details as I played this game like 2 or 3 years ago.

    Hope it helps when it comes to picking between the 2. The downside is that Melee stat # is required for Melee/Unarmed perks. 80 Melee and 80 sneak at 20 for Ninja, 45 Melee for Super Slam. The only perk requiring Unarmed is Slayer at 24 with 90 Unarmed and 7 AGI. It's a cool perk that increases attack speed by 30% for both weapon types. My first playthrough I ran guns and melee. Second I ran guns and unarmed and that was ridiculously fun.

    Username: SoySauce (or similar) Name: Kenshii

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    im actually going to restart, cause i realized i tried balancing alot out lol, not good. seems fun and all, i love sneaking around however, how should i train in the beginning?

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    Personally I liked playing a 10 stat Luck based character. I've only played the game once fairly, but didn't really end it with one of the endings. That's just me; instead I just replayed the game and used a PC mod to grant a perk every level, so I can't speak on much experience for a legit playthrough, especially if you want to use Speech and Charisma. I heard that it's not wise to max any stat because of "Implants," see here:

    For sneaking, get Agi to at least 6 or 7. Silent Running is at 6 AGI. At 24, Slayer req. 7 AGI. At 26 Nerves of Steel req 7 AGI which is particularly useful for VADS players but so late game.
    Intelligence boosts skill point gain per level by 0.5 per level, then +10. With an Int stat at 5 you'll get 2.5 + 10 = 12.5 = 12 rounded down. But on your next level up you'll get 13 skill points.
    Strength I leave at 5 or 6. The Weapon Handling perk lowers Strength Requirements by 2 so long as you're < 10 strength.
    For Perception, leave it at 5 or 6. Better Criticals perk requires 6 in LUCK and PER. If it weren't for this perk I'd leave it low because with ED-E following you get the Enhanced Sensors Perk, which is supposedly equivalent of 10 PER.

    I don't think I can make up a good stat build for a proper playthrough, you can probably look at Google for some builds. Just know that balancing out makes you able to use some gear, just not the best. I don't know the best weapons but here's a list of what I found useful. For more info on the gun (probably locations) just look it up on the wiki. The # means the stat requirement. I tend to pick guns over Energy Weapons because I like guns =] but also remember to check your ammo types. I.e. AP rounds are particularly useful for high DT targets (Deathclaws). I ran an Energy Weapon build once just because of the Gauss Rifle which goes pretty far.

    Guns: Anti-Material Rifle: #100 STR 8. Lucky: #0, a .357 revolver-> 75 lockpick in Primm (+damage +crit chance). All-American: #100, kinda hard to get but very versatile. Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle: #75 STR 6, Easy to get to req. 100 Lockpick.
    Energy: Gauss Rifle YCS/186: #75. Alien Blaster: #75 and Wild Wasteland Trait. Q-35 Matter Modulator: #25, somewhat easy to obtain. AER14 Prototype: #25, EASY to obtain, better than a plain Laser Rifle (no Mods).
    Melee: Chance's Knife: #50, fast attack speed and high crit chance modifier for a melee weapon, EASY to get (Goodsprings). Chainsaw: #75 STR 7. Thermic Lance: #100 STR 7
    Unarmed: Mantis Gauntlet: #75, high bonus from crits. Ballistic Fist: #100, STR 9. Pushy: #100, Semi-easy to get (deal with Lakelurks), VERY good weapon. Industrial Hand: #75, STR 7. Highest Unarmed DPS weapon, req. Lonesome Road DLC. Zap Glove/Paladin Toaster: #75, useful for Robots/Power Armor.
    I don't know anything about Explosives, I don't use them.

    Note that # denotes the skill requirement to effectively use the weapon. STR denotes the strength requirement; anything at <=5 isn't listed but as far as I know I backtracked while typing this so it should be right. If you don't meet the strength requirement you suffer accuracy penalties and for melee/unarmed you attack slower. Hope that helps you plan on what weapons you want. If you're struggling you may want to increase medicine skill. If I had to pick between Lockpick and Science I tend to use Lockpick; I don't think it's better but I just use it.

    I put off the game for a while and might replay it (Because Fallout 3 is glitchy for my Win 7 iirc). I remember bits and pieces and a few game changers but I hope that list helps.

    So re-looking at what I typed, I guess the perks I'd grab are (2) Rapid Reload/Hunter, Educated, Shotgun Surgeon/Toughness, (8) Maybe Super Slam, Finesse, Piercing Strike/Silent Running (Probably can't get Piercing Strike atm), Jury Rigging... Maaaybe Purifier because of Death Claws (Punching them sounds suicidal), (16) Weapon Handling, Maybe Paralyzing Palm or look back for Light Step, Ninja, (22) Nothing so look back, (24) Slayer. These are Vanilla perks. There's also DLC perks.

    I don't know if these are plausible because of skill points per level. These are the perks I'd look into with my gameplay style (Max Luck, Guns, Unarmed). Maybe Super Slam because any chance of knocking a target unconscious makes it easy to whale on them; I can't say it's very reliable but it's nice when it happens. Maybe Paralyzing Palm too because of the same reasons as Super Slam. Both can be ignored because of certain perks you can gain from quests. One I know is the "Ranger Takedown" (see here: Not sure if the Takedown works on creatures, it didn't say on the Wiki.

    I'd like to point 1 more thing out. With the DLC perks and the playstyle I use (try to punch everything, shotgun melee people), at Lv 2 is Light Touch, 4 is Travel Light, 26 is Tunnel Runner. You run pretty fast with Travel Light and Tunnel Runner. Light Touch isn't like Finesse and I'm too tired to understand it right now so it's best to just look up.

    Finally, Leveling felt incredibly slow at 20. I think it's faster if you do the DLCs. I can't remember the name but one of the DLCs is recommended 25+. I went in with the basic gear for just basic vanilla Fallout, and it was pretty rough because of every enemy's DT. So a Level 20+ perk would take a while to get to, especially without DLCs. It might that is; New Vegas has boatloads of quests so who knows how far that'll take you.

    Edit: Hunter perk only affects animals. Nightstalkers, Cazadores, Deathclaws, Fire geckos are considered Abominations.
    Last edited by soysauce2rice; 14th-May-2013 at 17:12.

    Username: SoySauce (or similar) Name: Kenshii

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