What with the massive amount of topics (almost, like, two or three!) regarding touchy-feely/serious subjects like what kind of people you like, what kind of things chicks dig (Arsenal reserve players trivia, fyi) and... uh, height. What with them again? Oh, right, I wanted to ask you fabulous people if your bodies have started to deteriorate yet.

Personally I'm starting to feel like Chuck Norris in Walker Texas Corpse. Why, you ask? My hair is totally going grey. Well, actually, it's more white, come to think of it. Luckily it's only happening on one side of my head, so I can totally let the other side grow really long and do a very confusing comb-over thingie.

Honestly, the gray hair itself doesn't bother me much, I feel like the president of them there united states. Or that guy from Rotterdam who made a silly career move. Anyhow, what about you? Starting to look like Sprung/Jack yet?