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Thread: Classic Gaming Obsession, Nostalgia, or niche interest? Has this happened to you?

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    Default Classic Gaming Obsession, Nostalgia, or niche interest? Has this happened to you?

    Okay, I consider myself a hardcore classic gamer. So hardcore in fact that I have not owned a modern system in years, and the few times I played one was because someone else wanted me to. I didn't enjoy it much. I admit to even being a bit elitist about it... I'll thumb my nose at most mdoern games on the basis that 'they aren't the same quality'. I usually find I am right. I have met a few modern games that are great, but they seem to me the exception not the norm. The very latest systems I have played with any consistency are XBOX, PS2, and Dreamcast and I don't play those much at all. My main systems are NES, SNES, N64, PSX, Genesis, Master System, and old arcade games (Pacman baby!). Also old windows dos games. Admittedly, I don't touch Atari or similar systems much so maybe I am not /too/ hardcore.

    Anyway, I seem to be either an extreme minority or just very weird. I have a lot of gamer friends (some who grew up in the era of Zelda I, and Mario Bros. atleast) and they cannot understand why I prefer old games to new ones even if they used to play the games themselves. What's up with that? My friend is all 'You should buy a PS3 and plays Gears of War!' and I'm all 'Nah, I'm playing Turok. Go away.'. (I have played Modern Shooters btw, I OWN Borderlands. It just doesn't do much for me...).

    So, do you have this problem? What do you think of it honestly? I am pretty sre its not just nostalgia for me because if it were it'd have worn off by now.

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    Well the first problem with that post is that Gears of War is for the 360, not PS3...

    And I am a classic gamer. I fully admit to this. I play my NES for at least a couple of hours every week, at least, and have for pretty much the last twenty years. I used to collect NES games, and am slowly getting back into it. But I also appreciate gaming enough to realize that new games have merit, just on different levels. As much fun as I have playing Super Mario Bros. 3, or Legend of Zelda, or Star Fox 64... if every single game was like them until the end of time, I would probably get pretty bored with playing games rather quickly.

    There are certain things that appeal to different people. That's one of the reasons there are so many genres of games to begin with. The problem that comes with shunning "new" games is that, eventually, you're going to run out of games to play. They aren't making any more NES-N64 era games, so unless you're someone who likes to play through a game 1000 times, your passion for it might wane after a while. I know I was getting pretty bored with playing the same games over and over again. Actually, I've gotten to the point of really just playing games to the part that I really really enjoy about them, and then stopping because I find the parts after it boring/frustrating. Like Wily's Castle in pretty much all of the Mega Man games. I love battling the 8 Robot Masters, but I usually stop playing at Wily's Castle when I replay the games.

    But, if you really have a passion for classic games, then just keep playing them. I like to play new games because sometimes you'll get something that's actually different.

    Also, story helps keep me interested for a bit.

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    I play retro/classic games all the time. I love them. I've been collecting for a little while now. I still have a long way to go before my collection is complete. I don't plan on having a full library of every game released for the systems, just the ones I want. I also play new games as well. As Drageuth said, they don't make games for NES, and SNES anymore, so you are gonna run out of games to play. Still I don't get the connection I did when I played retro games. It won't be long before the PS2 is considered a classic system itself.

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    I play more classic games than modern games. I will often replay a classic I haven't played in years, just because of the poor selection of decent games being released on modern consoles. The reason I am a classic gamer is not so much about nostalgia, but more about modern games sucking. That Deus X HR game, so much hype, I pirated the PC version and played it for about an hour, the game wasn't that good at all. I spend more time downloading/installing the game than I actually played it. Complete waste of bandwidth to download. Some games are so bad they aren't even worth downloading for free.

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    I myself still love the classic systems, but I still don't keep myself from trying to enjoy anything modern. I usually still love to play all my n64 games and I still love to play pokemon yellow for GBC. The reason why they still stick in my mind I think is because they were the first games I had played and It can be because of favoritism. I understand what everyone loves better about retro and classic games and I support what you're all saying. Games back then had such great quality (in the classic sense) and today, originality seems to fade away slowly with time (I'm lookng at you FPS). Doesn't mean that all modern games are bad though. one of the first modern (at the time) games I played was halo 2 and I liked it because it was new to me. And in my opinion, halo 2 or the series in general is pretty original, not because of gameplay but because of the storyline. That's a proble for me in most newer games, but I still don't stop looking. I loved playing the legend of zelda games back in the day and all of the different rpg's for the ps1 were good for me, but they'll get old eventually. A great game that was unique for me in the modern sense was the blazblue games. Great fighting system and it had a good storyline that kept me interested. The storyline is what really drew me in and it has memorable moments. if more games had originality and stopped copying off of eachother, I'm sure people won't keep saying that modern systems are crap. The system itself is perfectly fine, it's the games that are making the system look bad. My opinion.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drageuth View Post
    Well the first problem with that post is that Gears of War is for the 360, not PS3...

    I guess it's my disinterest in modern consoles showing here. I don't even know which new consoles have which games. I just nkow I've been told to buy GOW before. I didn't. As for new games not being produced, fortunately I'm one of those weirdos who can go back and play the same games millions of times and not care. I am on my tenth play through of Turok 1 for N64. Not in a row of course, but there's so many classics I can change up when I get bored. And, you know, there's this thing called real life that also provides natural breaks too!

    Quote Originally Posted by LeftyGuitar View Post
    I play retro/classic games all the time. I love them. I've been collecting for a little while now. I still have a long way to go before my collection is complete. I don't plan on having a full library of every game released for the systems, just the ones I want. I also play new games as well. As Drageuth said, they don't make games for NES, and SNES anymore, so you are gonna run out of games to play. Still I don't get the connection I did when I played retro games. It won't be long before the PS2 is considered a classic system itself.
    I love collecting them too. I'm going to try to have a complete collection sometime eventually. God knows how much money that'll take. And the new games not being amde thing doesn't bother me much. I play Super Mario World one day, take a break to go exercise, play some Zelda, study... the next day I'll play Diddy Kong Racing for N64, exercise again, play some kirby.... there's just too many classic games that I don't mind replaying (and too many natural breaks provided in my life) that I never get tired of it.

    Quote Originally Posted by crimsonedge View Post
    I play more classic games than modern games. I will often replay a classic I haven't played in years, just because of the poor selection of decent games being released on modern consoles. The reason I am a classic gamer is not so much about nostalgia, but more about modern games sucking.
    ^ This. I think this is part of my gaming habits too. I feel like the focus in the gaming idustry has shifted to cranknig out dime-a-dozen games and/or cranking out 'high tech, high graphics' games that have poor quality game design in them. It's like modern game companies either: A. Don't care, and think people will buy anyway (they're right), or B. Think high tech somehow compensates for poor game design. I've stopped buying and just enjoy the good stuff that's already made.

    Quote Originally Posted by ZuNinja View Post
    I myself still love the classic systems, but I still don't keep myself from trying to enjoy anything modern. I usually still love to play all my n64 games and I still love to play pokemon yellow for GBC. The reason why they still stick in my mind I think is because they were the first games I had played and It can be because of favoritism. I understand what everyone loves better about retro and classic games and I support what you're all saying. Games back then had such great quality (in the classic sense) and today, originality seems to fade away slowly with time (I'm lookng at you FPS). Doesn't mean that all modern games are bad though. one of the first modern (at the time) games I played was halo 2 and I liked it because it was new to me. And in my opinion, halo 2 or the series in general is pretty original, not because of gameplay but because of the storyline. That's a proble for me in most newer games, but I still don't stop looking. I loved playing the legend of zelda games back in the day and all of the different rpg's for the ps1 were good for me, but they'll get old eventually. A great game that was unique for me in the modern sense was the blazblue games. Great fighting system and it had a good storyline that kept me interested. The storyline is what really drew me in and it has memorable moments. if more games had originality and stopped copying off of eachother, I'm sure people won't keep saying that modern systems are crap. The system itself is perfectly fine, it's the games that are making the system look bad. My opinion.
    I agree pretty much all of the above, and I too definitely tend to favor games I played as a kid (my first games). But as you've said, it's also because they are generally better games than modern ones. Doesn't hurt that they're easier to get your hands on either. Why spend $200 + $40 for a new system and a game when you can take that same amount and buy an older system (or two) and about twenty games?? XD. But yeah, if mdoern games matched older games in quality I might play them more. But I've met enough modern games that made me go 'blah...' in my life to just stay away from it generally.
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    To put it in a cheesy way, I am retro to the bone.
    And I like underappreciated games, too.

    I can assure you that, unless you hate emulation, you could play a different game every week from now until the moment you die.
    There's plenty of games of EXCELLENT quality that people hardly ever mention. There are plenty of japanese exclusives. There are games worth getting just for their OST.

    Like someone has said before, it's not that the systems are bad. No, not at all. They're awesome.
    But, there's this little thing called creativity that video game developers seem to have left somewhere back in time.

    I blame realism and shovelware.
    In my humble opinion, games were so much better before because they were adventures, they weren't trying to be REAL.
    The fun part in a videogame, for me, is doing things that you couldn't do in your lifetime, no matter how hard you tried nor how lucky could you be.
    Every developer in the block tries their harder to make videogames look like real life.
    Compare the number of adventure or sci-fi games ten years ago to now.

    Better graphics and bigger storage mediums bring forth a lot of possibilities - possibilities that aren't used in the best way they could be.
    Picture quality and 7.1 audio have to be the cream on top of the cake, not the biscuit itself.

    /philosophy and free verse
    /wall of text
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    Well, I accidentally fell in love with retro games. Why? Because the latest console I own right now is only a PS2, and as for emulation, I don't have a PC strong enough for anything beyond PS1. Therefore, my love for retro games started.

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    I agree that the modern games made by the bigger companies are always largely focussed on graphics and less on storyline, mechanics en leveldesign.

    BUT I don't all modern games have that problem. Indie games are becoming a major genre and they don't have the resources to focus on graphics (yes i know games like the ball do have great graphics but the mechanics and the idea is fun too).

    the consoles aren't that into indie games yet, but with steam adding more and more indie games, the ps3 and X360 will not let all of those games pass.

    I'm a huge retro fan, but not retro for the retro, but because they're just more fun. Doom I and II, Quak1,2,3 and Duke 3D are to my opinion still the best shooters ever because they were nonlinear. halo is just: follow the path to the exit en shoot all that you meet, totally no searching involved.

    Some modern games and consoles do score. the wii doesn't have great graphic capabilities so the games have to be great in other areas. Not that many succeeded in doing that though :s. But hey, all hail the skyward sword because that one will be awesome :p and without the realistic graphics :p

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    For the most part you know what gives me a Nostalgic feeling? Music. Your like OMG i remember that you get so into the game all over again because of this.

    I seem to be obsessed with trying to challenge every game i play meaning find a way to make it hard or do some kind of speedrun or something like that
    Layin down enjoying the fun unleashing the power of the sun and capturing them all until I'm done.

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    Well, the most modern console I have is a PS2, while the most recent handhelds are a PSP 3000 and a DS Lite.

    As a whole, while love older games a lot more than the new(ish) games I have for those systems, I DO find myself enjoying new(ish) games quite a bit. But the fact remains that almost all of my old favorite games from when I was younger have REMAINED my favorites after all these years, having withstood the test of time and do not rely on nostalgia. And I know this because I've replayed all my favorites within the last few years; the fondness I felt back then is still there.

    About the only game I can think of that hasn't lived up would be Final Fantasy VII, but then the game that's exceeded would have to be Final Fantasy Tactics. I can STILL find myself playing a battle for 2 hours and then spend another 2 hours on another battle. And then another 2 hours. And then another 2 hours. And then the entire night is gone and I'm confused as to why the sun has come up.

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    Love the classics, hell I played Mousetrap on Bliss the other day. Love new games too.

    Oh and I find it funny that people call themselves hardcore then make a massive list of games and systems that they "hate" get over it already.

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    I bet if the major Developers looked at how many people love retro games or stay away from new consoles because of the games, or even take a look at a thread like this, maybe they'd be a bit encouraged to put forth more creativity or originality. I'm sure that there are millions like us in this thread.
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    I've played games on nearly every console since the Atari, man. I've enjoyed games on every singe one of those consoles too. And I still appreciate and enjoy games from each one..

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    I've never faced this sort of problem i was born in 93', but i have played and enjoyed retro games, mostly rpgs and i can say that there are still games with that retro sorta feel. You gotta go out and search for em, eventually you'll run out of games to play. Another reason for upgrading is the capabilities of modern games, there are just things that you'll never be able to experience in retros. Just off the top of my head is the Elder Scrolls Series, its very story-oriented or games like Cladun: This is an RPG, a modern game with a retro cover.

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