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Thread: How do you counter, "You don't have a job"?

  1. #91
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    oh so sorry, I dont major in english and I dont rely a machine to check my spelling... so my mistakes are cleary visible. Not like I care, and Mistral, healthcare is one of the largest feilds in the private and public sector. So if you have a degree and it doesn't do anything then you chose poorly you put your money into the wrong stocks.
    If someone accepts a job in the fast food business thats there perogative and is usually coupled with "I don't make enough". As I said before do something about, it but as long as you're complaining about no job our your current job its all the same and anyone including myself cannot claim to any better than the next.
    What does seperate us is ability to take control and either, please excuse the obvious pun, take the road given or build one yourself. (Hi Jase ) They may not have settled and still looking for a job but there probably not the ones on this forum.
    You are absolutely correct... you can't eat pride. But with out pride where would we be? I don't settle for last or worst.
    Its clear that no matter who want's to make a comment concerning this issue its going to have 2 sides and one will never see the other. There is no high-horse to be had.
    You can never have it your way, not me... not anyone. I might just take X rays and develope the film but I have the "pride" enough to say I took control of my life.
    I'm sure you know what I mean Mistral and if it doesnt work out then I'll get another degree, and another, I will never work at a fast food joint.
    Go ahead chastize me! Call me a fuckhead! Feel the anger flowing through your veins... this is the power of the darkside.

    "Are all nerds as good as you?"

  2. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mistral View Post
    Degrees aren't worth that much, even here in America. I haven't gotten a job in three years of searching by waving around a degree alone, and I'm in a field that's looking at a massive workforce crunch once the Apollo-inspired generation of the late 60s and early 70s retires. That sense of college entitlement is one that keeps bouncing around every so often, and its one that always deserves to get the base cut right out from under it. 'Sides, just because someone accepts the job at a fast food joint doesn't mean they have to settle for it and stop searching. Take the job and the money, work there for a while, but keep putting out resumes for the job you really want. When it comes down to it, you can't eat pride.

    And it's spelled "inadequacies".
    Pretty much this, the US market is saaaaaaaturated with all sorts of bachelor's degrees. Hell, I go to an Ivy league school, and I'm nervous about being able to find a job once I'm done.

  3. #93
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    Try Staffmark or Adecco. (they are employment agencies that drug test you and then give you a job!)

  4. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by thespacedcadet View Post
    You are absolutely correct... you can't eat pride. But with out pride where would we be? I don't settle for last or worst.
    If you're not first you're last, right? Hell, you can be 2nd, 3rd, shit you can even be 4th.

    The point is that taking a job you may be overqualified for doesn't mean you are settling. It means you are doing what you can with what you have available. You have to use all of your available resources and at the same time find better and more reliable ones.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sprung View Post
    You guy are welcome anytime We have bowling and Steak & Shake. Bring beer. I like beer.

  5. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by thespacedcadet View Post
    oh so sorry, I dont major in english and I dont rely a machine to check my spelling... so my mistakes are cleary visible. Not like I care, and Mistral, healthcare is one of the largest feilds in the private and public sector. So if you have a degree and it doesn't do anything then you chose poorly you put your money into the wrong stocks.
    If someone accepts a job in the fast food business thats there perogative and is usually coupled with "I don't make enough". As I said before do something about, it but as long as you're complaining about no job our your current job its all the same and anyone including myself cannot claim to any better than the next.
    What does seperate us is ability to take control and either, please excuse the obvious pun, take the road given or build one yourself. (Hi Jase ) They may not have settled and still looking for a job but there probably not the ones on this forum.
    You are absolutely correct... you can't eat pride. But with out pride where would we be? I don't settle for last or worst.
    Its clear that no matter who want's to make a comment concerning this issue its going to have 2 sides and one will never see the other. There is no high-horse to be had.
    You can never have it your way, not me... not anyone. I might just take X rays and develope the film but I have the "pride" enough to say I took control of my life.
    I'm sure you know what I mean Mistral and if it doesnt work out then I'll get another degree, and another, I will never work at a fast food joint.
    Go ahead chastize me! Call me a fuckhead! Feel the anger flowing through your veins... this is the power of the darkside.
    You don't need a machine or a major in English to speak the language, particularly if it's your native tongue. Learning how to express yourself accurately, precisely, and succinctly is a worthwhile life skill, applicable in many walks of life. I hear horror stories every once in a while about people who can't even spell correctly on their résumé, which frequently only raises the questions in the eyes of the reviewer. If someone cannot even be bothered to proofread something as trivial as a slip of paper describing themselves for something they themselves desire, how can they be trusted with any serious work which may also require the ability for personal review? If one gets into the habit even in minor places where such attention to detail is not necessary, such as on the Internet, one more easily remains in the habit in more important affairs. As with any skill, regular use is critical to maintaining and expanding one's level of expertise.

    Yes, ultimately, I think that determination and the willingness to continue trying is necessary, but this does not mean that what you have posted before is entirely accurate. I do not know why you chastised Jase for daring to take pride in his work, or suggesting that any job is better than no job. Not everyone gets perfect jobs right off the bat; my impression of your posts was and remains that you believe that anyone taking jobs beneath your own dignity was worthless, and that such people were "settling" in accepting, even temporarily, something less. As I, and Strongbad above me have pointed out now very simply and directly, even flipping burgers as a temporary measure is perfectly fine, as long as one continues to try for something higher and more suitable to their wishes out of life, and I'll go further and state that it's perfectly fine if they are fine flipping burgers; not everyone pursues money, and not everyone wants to spend their lives sitting on their tush in some fluorescent cube farm. I don't really see what healthcare or the stock market have to do with anything, either; certainly, I contemplated medicine and biotechnology for a time, but I chose my field precisely because I wished to do it. You don't need to be first, nor does failing to be first automatically make you last.

    Besides, I have no reason to insult you or become angry over your posts. I don't see why you would ask for such a thing, either.

  6. #96
    OldTimerDS Guest


    Well, I suppose we ALL have to work, eh? Sure, it can be soul-crushing and trying at times, but unless you have a GOOD con or sell drugs, you gotta bring bread home...

    I myself am from a very LARGE Irish/Slavic family, and I busted my hump all the way up the ladder. I had my first apartment when I was 15, worked at both McHell and a diner at the time, and moved on up to community college and eventually university. I put myself through Culinary Arts training and earned the title of Chef. I worked in the rest. business for over 20 years.....I have seen it all myfriends, from private catering for snooty folks, to nail-your-stones-to-the-wall 120 degree grill lines, and everything in between.
    About two years ago I was doing some electrical work on a wall fixture about 1.5 stories up, and I ended up going backwards off the ladder and stairs, essentially doing irreversible damage to my spine. (The electricity was SUPPOSED to be shut-off to the upstairs, but it was NOT....The fxture swung DOWNWARD, the bulb POPPED, and I got 220 Vs. in the yapper....)
    I get a monthly check now, for my "troubles", but it sure as hell doesnt replace the feeling of being able to RUN or to NOT have to take muscle relaxers and booze to be able to sleep at night......

    So...yeah....what was the point?? OH, yeah....get a job!


  7. #97
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    Wow this thread is STILL going. Does he have a job yet, IF not WHY NOT?

  8. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by lizard81288 View Post
    I find this incredibly agitating when people say this to me, mainly my dad and my sis. The thing that irks me more, is, its just a casual conversation, that turns snoody. For example, i could say, "I want X gift for Christmas" and they would say, "Well, if you had a JOB, you could buy it yourself.".
    Simple solution. Don't tell them what you want for Christmas knowing that you have no job, and that they'll rightfully give you that response.

  9. #99
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    I say nothing then I wait when they lose their jobs and tell them they should get em. there are no jobs even the burger flipping ones in my area when you've put in over 1000 applications ranging around 3 different counties in a 2 year period its a pretty bad thing.

  10. #100
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    So it begins anew.

  11. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by DARKLINKY View Post
    Wow this thread is STILL going. Does he have a job yet, IF not WHY NOT?
    because there are no jobs. I have a meeting with my job dood next week to talk about this. I'm going to assume he is going to tell me to switch majors and go back to school. glad i invested 4 years and paid alot of money just to switch majors. I still want to go into CIS, but i'm not sure which field though.

  12. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by lizard81288 View Post
    because there are no jobs. I have a meeting with my job dood next week to talk about this. I'm going to assume he is going to tell me to switch majors and go back to school. glad i invested 4 years and paid alot of money just to switch majors. I still want to go into CIS, but i'm not sure which field though.
    Dude i was joking, hope you get sorted soon. I was unemployed for 6 weeks and it killed me but thankfully im back in, and on the best wage i have ever been on . so yeah happy days for me.

    Good luck

  13. #103
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    oh, lol. What do you do then?

  14. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by lizard81288 View Post
    I find this incredibly agitating when people say this to me, mainly my dad and my sis. The thing that irks me more, is, its just a casual conversation, that turns snoody. For example, i could say, "I want X gift for Christmas" and they would say, "Well, if you had a JOB, you could buy it yourself.". Then they harp on me for not having a job. I am looking really hard for a job, but there's nothing here. They think a job will just magically show up out of the blue. I am signed up to six job websites, and the state of Michigan is helping me find a job, and i haven't found anything yet. So i am looking, and it stresses me out just to look, since its the same few jobs that i don't qualify for or they are too far away. hooray for being a web designer...I would be happy with an office job, but we don't even have those in our area, all we have is fast food and work off commission jobs, which neither of them i'm interested in, since job security is almost 0. if they find someone better, they'll replace you.

    lol, a bit of a rant, but whats the best way to counter, "You don't have a job" arguments?
    Have you ever thought of being a nursing assistant? There's tons of jobs and they pay like $11 an hr or more

  15. #105
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    In Michigan, you have to be in the top 10% of your class to be a nurse. Although I'm not sure about an assistant.

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