Well, if he's moving in he has to notify the neighbors about his sex offender status.
DnD doesn't really have healing items.
Hell, it hardly has healers in the JRPG sense of the word.
Is it bad that i was thinking of the same thing?
One time I tried to make a werebear monk(Our DM was pretty lax on allignment restrictions), and i think at level 12 i was doing like 2d6 damage while everyone else could crit into the hundreds.
Hmm.. That's a good idea.
Actually I dunno really, pretty tired of all the effort involved with this. Between my network being saturated from the constant upload, and the sheer amount of time it has taken me so far - as well as how much time is left before the 3DS thingy comes to a close, well.. I'm not sure I'll last. Though yeah, I'd actually be pretty surprised if I didn't have the most entries of anyone even at this point. (Though the "most" doesn't determine who wins, necessarily. So eh..)
I just remembered a centaur/minotaur throwing character i had once...
Could pick up small mountains and throw them at things.
I tried triple triad, and I have to say I found it rather disappointing
Do you still play Triple Triad Lee?