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Thread: Is the Wii reaching the end of it's lifespan?

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    Default Is the Wii reaching the end of it's lifespan?

    I think we may get a new console from Nintendo in 2012 after they promote the 3DS in 2011. What do you think?
    Last edited by Tanthias; 6th-January-2011 at 15:52.

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    They could certainly do with making a new system with HD graphics.

    Shit, imagine how beautiful Mario games would look in HD?

    EDIT: Mario Galaxy in HD with a normal controller. Holy fuck, would want.
    Last edited by Inferno.; 6th-January-2011 at 09:54.

  4. #4
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    I might jump back on the Nintendo wagon if they did.

  5. #5
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    Good, the wii was disappointing and most of the games are without gameplay. Maybe they will start making better games that avid gamers can get into. When wii fit came out, I lost all hope in Nintendo and thought "so this is the end of good games". In their defense, it's not like we didn't have the horror of the Virtual Boy to prepare us for doomsday. Maybe they should just make games for their other previous gen systems that were successful, and realize that modern video games that look like movies just aren't cutting it.

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    Right now they're making profit on *hardware* which is something no other console manufacturer is doing. Add software sales profit to that and I can't see why they'd be in a rush to replace it.

    I mean, the whole Wii Fit fad, as silly as it seems to gamers, has made them buttloads of money.

    In short, I think Nintendo are gonna milk the cash cow for quite a while longer Right now, it's Win-Win for them

    I could be wrong of course.

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    The Nintendo Wii is one of the oddest consoles I've gamed on. It's quite a shocker that Nintendo hasn't released a console with HD graphics. My philosophy on why that is, is because the target audience of Nintendo is children whom are merely interested in gameplay over graphics.

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    They're also creating an environment which will act to their disadvantage. They've lowered their standards and are willing to have the crappiest games on their console. Their hardware is very hard to code for, limits developers when porting games so much that features tend to get cut. That's the first part. If the wii didn't have all of that shovelware it would have so few games. Really there are only a few games that are worth owning on the wii. The wii is really last generation because games often get ported from ps2 to wii with no noticeable graphical differences usually. that turns away quality titles and at extreme may turn away a quality developer. That will make them undesirable in the future to devs.
    Gamers also have gotten fed up with all of the shovelware. Traditional gamers lament so much shovelware and casual games. To many, Nintendo has abandoned us. To casual gamers starting out, they feel they have been royally screwed over. They fell for the hype machine and bought a wii, only to find most of it's games utterly suck. Some of the games require peripherals that sometimes can't be sold back. I think Nintendo will be hit hard by that backlash. To Nintendo, gamers are too niche. We didn't give them enough mulah so they took the market to the mainstream (more mainstream than it was) and hyped it as a family console with many great games and a fun control system. But they abandoned gamers and will soon realize that without someone to consistently buy games, developers will stop buying from them and Grandma will not be duped into buying the puu after getting gipped for a system she rarely uses if at all.

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    Nintendo has always allowed the crappiest games on their consoles. This is nothing new and simply a byproduct of a low bar of entry.

    Much like indie development, this is how you get unique and interesting series.

    I'm sorry, but the Wii does indeed have most of the interesting series to date.

    360 and PS3 just pump out impressive but safe series 90% o the time. It's quite stale. You'd not see something like No More Heroes debut on one of the HD consoles because of the prohibitive cost of developing for them and the lack of surety of monetary gain.

    As someone said before, the Wii aims for gameplay over presentation, and there are a lot of quality titles that support this mindset and are great games to play. HD graphics have really done nothing for the gaming industry but made developers lazy and give them the ability to hide bland gameplay behind very pretty curtains.

    So, good on Nintendo, they can continue to milk the Wii all they want. I'll still continue to buy the handful of games I find worthwhile and ignore the rest, same as any other console. If people are too stupid to avoid shovelware... well, shame on them. They are the same kind of people who bought Trinity Universe on PS3 or similar.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Russ View Post
    Good, the wii was disappointing and most of the games are without gameplay. Maybe they will start making better games that avid gamers can get into. When wii fit came out, I lost all hope in Nintendo and thought "so this is the end of good games". In their defense, it's not like we didn't have the horror of the Virtual Boy to prepare us for doomsday. Maybe they should just make games for their other previous gen systems that were successful, and realize that modern video games that look like movies just aren't cutting it.
    How was the Wii disappointing?
    Visually it can't compare to the PS3 or the XBOX 360, but GamePlay wise, the Wii kills both of those systems.
    What PS3 and XBOX 360 titles can come close to

    1. Super Mario Galaxy 1&2
    2. Donkey Kong Country Returns
    3. Kirby: Epic Yarn
    4. The Conduit
    5. Super Smash Bros. Brawl
    6. Mario Kart Wii
    7. Mario Strikers: Charged

    And they have great games coming out this year for the Wii:
    1. Conduit 2
    2. Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
    3. Mario Sports Mix

    The Wii is a sponge for money.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chocobolicious View Post
    Trinity Universe on PS3 or similar.
    The fuck is Trinity Universe?

    I own all 3 consoles, and Wii has been the only console to collect dust on my shelf. I've used it, and will use it when high-profile games get released (I feel like the Wii will never see another Zelda title even though one is in the works.) Then again, they're all pretty much collecting dust at this point. Last console I played was PS3 and that was about 2 weeks ago.

    Each console has their strong points, but the Wii is starting to show all of its weaknesses. Face it. All they have IS shovelware and it's usually aimed at ~12yrs. or less. I never see commercials for Wii games unless its something along the lines of, "Circus Party Blast!" or "Fishing Party!" or "Party Pants" etc. Party games get old. They're rehashed ideas used in 30 other different games. So, believe it or not, when XBOX or PS3 continue a series (which you find to be safe), you're looking at the same crap on the Wii. Rehashed ideas covered in a different theme. But it works for the young folk. For me? Meh. It's fun to pick up for 10 or so minutes, then it sits on my shelf for a few more months. The most use my Wii controller has gotten has been recently when I figured out how to connect it up to my iPad.

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    I have a Wii and just got Kinect which beats the wii hands(free) down. I am trading my wii in for some Microsoft points now as I no longer see the need to own one as it's gimmick is no longer a novelty.

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    Quote Originally Posted by epBamba View Post
    I have a Wii and just got Kinect which beats the wii hands(free) down. I am trading my wii in for some Microsoft points now as I no longer see the need to own one as it's gimmick is no longer a novelty.
    The Kinect is okay. Tried it, cool idea, but not worth it.
    Plus what game that's Kinect compatible can beat Mario Galaxy?

    But it's good that you enjoy it.

    I'm just saying I wouldn't get rid of my Wii because Conduit 2, and Skyward Sword look promising.

    And who knows what else could be coming?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chocobolicious View Post
    So, good on Nintendo, they can continue to milk the Wii all they want. I'll still continue to buy the handful of games I find worthwhile and ignore the rest, same as any other console. If people are too stupid to avoid shovelware... well, shame on them. They are the same kind of people who bought Trinity Universe on PS3 or similar.
    Trinity Universe is AWESOME!

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    I dunno, I regularly play Wii games.

    Muramasa, mario Galaxy 2, New super Mario Bros wii is hilarious party game, Red Steel 2, Trauma center, Battalion Wars, Tatsunoko vs capcom, Fatal Frame 4, Monster hunter tri, mario kart, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Arc Rise Fantasia, the metroid prime trilogy, boom blox, madworld, still trying to finish donkey kong country returns...

    Dunno, gameplay wise, I just cant find anything similar on other consoles. With over 700 games stuffed randomly around my living room (I'm not even exaggerating here.) it still offers something at least.

    Not that the other consoles dont, as well, most of what they do right though, eventually just ends up on steam anyway. (Except things I really want there like Nier or Demon's souls, alas.)

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