I was thinking about something. Basically, about 99.9% of you play RPGs. Oh, that's right; it was because I no-one who I live amongst plays the said genre.
They hold football competitions (Pro Evo and the like) and due to this, I never join in. And I think to myself: "If only they would put in Tekken 5. I'd never come off."

My favourite genres seem to be RPG and fighting, although I can enjoy any game - from Aircraft Sims (Axelay and Gradius), to Platform and Acton/Adventure (Crash Bandicoot and Devil May Cry, respectively). Except sports games. I think the closest is Wrestling but I'm talking about official recognised sport such as soccer and golf. The closest thing I think I came close to enjoying was Ribbit King (you know that game?). Other than that - considering Burnout types are not sport-related - my favourite sport is Blitzball. Does it count? Okay then, disregard this thread...

I was thinking about good games, too:

- Final Fantasy X
- Grand Theft Auto San Andreas

There was so much to do (and there still is). They are too awesome. I doubt I would be able to name everything right now but here's a single point to both of them:
There's nothing like the thrill of training for utmost an hour and learning a new ability. Don't you agree?!
Or acquiring a 6-star wanted level in the Fighter Jet and playing cat & mouse with another hot on your tail. I usually end up doing loops where I'm following his trail trying to lock on, but he's too fast for the missiles and in the end he's back on my ass and I'm having to press O to deploy those light diversions (I wondered what they were for).

My first game I can remember was Super Mario Bros 3 for THIS. I had a couple of other games such as tennis and racing cars. I then had a Megadrive for a very short period (Sonic The Hedgehog).
I then got THIS. And the first game I can remember for it was Street Fighter II. Being new to that, the best way to win seemed to be setting the buttons to "rapidfire" and using Ryu to do his sweeps using Light Kick. lol
However, due to the button bashing opponent, something...a blue fireball emerged. I was like ---> to say the least. "How did you do that??". I had never seen anything like that before!

I excel at Beat 'em ups.

But are there any type of games you would steer clear of.. Or titles you wouldn't touch with a ten-foot barge pole? E.g Madden, in my case.

Tentatively titled.