ok well.. heres the deal..

i want to buy an FPS because i've been playing mmorpg's lately and magic, swords, etc are starting to make me feel all weirdo

I feel like blowing shit up..


I downloaded the Battle Field 2 demo last night and i must say it is an amazing game... however! it has many downfalls.

1. Large maps (omfg reminds me of lineage2)
2. Unbalanced Weapons (sniper wont be able to beat a tank...) or (if ur good with jets, u own every 1 in the game..)
3. People who hover above your spawn point and jus drop bombs when u spawn.. (annoying!)
4. knowing EA, it's gonna have heaps of expansions.. which can become annoying.. (pay more money, ppl will move to the expansion or stay on the original which will make it more boring with less people)


as for Half Life 2 i havn't played it yet, but alot of people tell me it's great and will have alot of mods later on.. just like the original half life did...

Ive seen basicly every trailer, and many game play vids... it looks amazing


what do u think?