Ok then, I've just watched a sissy girls film called Pay It Forward, it was ok but like I said a bit sissy. However it made me come up with a good idea.

Basically there would be a notebook, and I�d write a little introduction in it asking people to leave it in the coffee shop I would put it in and add their own notes.

It would be a kind of forums, but in a notebook. I think that leaving it in a coffee shop there would be more people that are likely to write in it and not just steal it! Also it could be a great way for the people who write in it to meet new people, other people who write in it.

It would all depend on the people who visit the coffee shop as to what gets written in it and I just think that it would be a great idea. People that visit the shop regularly can write in it or people just passing through. It would also be interesting to see what people put and a great way to pass the time.

So then what do you guys think, a sissy idea just like the film or an alright idea?