agent smith.

ok, i didn't read everything, but i don't want to turn this into a flaming thread, because all i read is insult. normally i would go beserk, but today is the day that i got my new video card to play cs-sources, so i don't have time. as i said before, if you don't agree with halo2 coming out early, then don't bitch about it, go somewhere else and bitch. i know you have plenty of time to go and find every sentence and bitch about it, but i don't, i have many other things to do. and you said i need a life, seriously, who quote every sentence and bitch about it.

finaly, i was just stating how i feel about the subject, and didn't insult anyone(unless you work for bungie, or is lapdog who is jealous of other for having it), you can disagree, but don't bitch at me like i just kill your family.

thank you, don't mean to spam, but if i don't answer, he would think that i have nothing to say. well good luck with gta5 and halo2, i know i will need it, its gonna be a busy weekend