ok, this has kinda got me worried.
I found an unknown folder... C: \Downloads, it has 4 folders in it, \driver, \game, \mp3, and \software.
Inside the downloads folder and the mp3 folder are 261 .exe files.
All are named stuff like like "quake no cd crack", "battlefield 1942 crack", "adobe photoshop 7 keygen" and stuff like that, all cracks, keygens, and simular junk.
I have never tried to download any of these things, heck some games and apps I havn't even heard of, strange thing is when I try to run one (yeah that's dumb but I was curious and stumped) they say I may not have the appropriate permission.
Strange still is they are all 12KB's and created on the same date.
Anyone know what this is from?

if not and you don't mind a longass post, here's some more background info...

A few weeks back I did a few things and I didn't notice any immediate problems after installing them, but they were done around the same time.

1. Installed flashget
STUPID mistake, was recommended by someone as a good way to download entire pages. UGH! It didn't work anything like I wanted. Found out it had alot of spyware and adware in it too. Got rid of that thing asap.

2. installed the new version of yahoo messenger
Just a new version of yahoo, play games and new ui and stuff, things working fine.. I think...

3. installed shareaza
Nice p2p program I heard. Seems to be working good and even lets you convert from emule. Things working good...

Few days later I start getting alot of lockups with shareaza. It freezes itself on screen, ugh. I'm pissed cause I was hasty and already converted gigs of stuff over from emule to it. Found out it's some unknown problem between zonealarm and the new version of shareaza. Only workaround known is to change firewalls or uninstall shareaza. Since I already converted from emule I figure I have to stay. I heard sygate is a good firewall anyways, so I uninstall zonealarm.

4. installed sygate firewall
Ok, now shareaza is working perfectly. Downloading things faster than I ever did in emule and it's stable now unlike before. I notice shareaza uses up alot more cpu time but oh well, computer is still fast enough not to see any slowdown in most things.

Friends on yahoo are ignoring me for the most part now though.. I figure I just pissed everyone off, but after a few days I realize hey, I'm missing alot of thier messages and they mine. I try out msn after a few days and same thing is going on. I do the uninstall reinstall of them and they still miss messages.
Thing is, I never have any other connection problems. I still dont' have any trouble on websites, online updates, games, or any program that connects online. Yahoo even still connects and stays connected, I just have problems getting all messages and people getting my messages.
Then I notice that odd folder on my C drive.

So I'm thinking either...
A- flashget put it there
B- shareaza put it there or
C- I have an some trojan or something that did it. I know some trojans will search for cracks and serials on your computer, but doubt they'd be that obvious.

as for the missing messages I'm thinking it's either.
A- shareaza is pluggin up some ports or something that yahoo wants.
B- switching firewalls left alot of plugged up things and they're overlapping or something.
C- some virus or trojan got ahold of something.

anyone have any ideas?