Originally posted by leatherman
Yes you can. Say you are in 1940's Germany and you are a jew, and you can vote for two people. One is a guy who is a nice guy, the other is Hitler but Hitler's economic plan makes more sense. See if you were jewish than one issue can make the difference. I think Bush has done a good job and i think Kerry would do a bad job because he has contradicted himself more times than O.J. Simpson at his trial and he supports abortion and no tax raises are good for the economy
But tax cuts for the rich are helpful for the economy?

I don't quite follow your example but I'm taking it that you won't vote for hitler because he's a nazi? I think that's a little bit different from supporting abortion and someone wanting to kill you....

Another thing, I don't think that pro-choice is supporting abortion, or even condoning it at all. I believe in it however because it doesn't make sense to bring a life into this world that will get ditched on a curb, or in a dumster, and never have a chance to succeed.