Yup, its May. And for all of us gaming fans that means E<sup>3</sup> is right around the corner. As you know, the Electronic Entertainment Expo is possibly the biggest gaming event of the year and this year is no exception. It will begin May 22 and span a weekend. Showcased will be all of those Microsoft and Gamecube titles that were promised for early this year but were delayed, and of course the online play announcements. Sony has announced there network launch for August and Microsoft for November, but what are the game line-ups? This is an exciting time for gaming so keep your eyes peeled so you don't miss out. I know we would all love to go but you have to be a developer, publisher, affiliate, or media to get in. There are, however many magazines and website covering it so the information from the show is always at our fingertips. E<sup>3</sup> 2002! Can't wait!